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Show PROHIBITION PARTY PLANS FOR FUTURE Chicago, Jan. 17 A reeommenda-j reeommenda-j tion that the Prohibition party enter j into no relations at present whereby it would In any way surrender its In-j In-j dependent Identity was made to tho , national committee of the party, in session here today by Virgil Hinshaw of Chicago, chairman. The recom-I recom-I mendatlon followed proposals to organize or-ganize a "nation-dry federation," composed com-posed of all of thi temperance organizations organ-izations in the United States, for a united campaign aaginst liquor in 1920. Mr. Hinshaw explained that the confederation con-federation could be worked out so that the identity of the Prohibition party, the Anti-Saloon league and other organizations or-ganizations working toward tho common com-mon end will be safeguarded. He submitted a report that more than $300,000 has been spent during the last tour years by the committee. Seventy thousand of this amount will be spent in the presidential campaign, cam-paign, $28,287 on tho transcontinental tour of tho party nominee |