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Show oo LEAK INQUIRY IS POSTPONED House Asked for Authority to Employ Counsel Probe to Be Broadened. WITNESSES ON HAND Lawson and Woman Who Accused Tumulty of Guilt Ready to Testify. W ashington, Jan. 17 The leak Investigation In-vestigation was interrupted today while the house extended tho time of the Investigating committee thirty das and authorized it to employ counsel. coun-sel. This foreshadows extending tho lnquir to its broadest aspects. Tak ing of testimony will be resumed tomorrow, to-morrow, probably with T P Morgan and other financiers In the witness chair Washington. Tanuary 17. Today's session of the leak hearing was suddenly sud-denly postponed as it was abou to open. Witnesses were not subpoenaed to appear until tomorrow morning. The postponement was made so that the committee might ask the house for authority to employ counsel. Meanwhile the committee will make Its plans for extending the inquiry into a general investigation, which was forecast when W yesterday sum moned J. P. Morgan. Frank A. Van-derllp, Van-derllp, Henry p. Davidson and Other well known financiers. Some of them were on hand today waiting to testify testi-fy Thomas W. Lawson also was ready to go on and Mrs. Ruth Thorn-aaon Thorn-aaon Visconti the woman who Law-son Law-son says told him Secretary Tumulty was involved in the leak, had been served with a subpoena. ' The committee has decided to ask permission of the house to employ counsel and accountants and for an extension of thirty days in which to report," Bald Representative Garrett, In explanation of today's action. Another witness to arrive beforo tb oniinlttoe, it was announced, was Pliney Fisk of New York, described by Lawson as the man who told Archibald Arch-ibald S White he "controlled." Secretary Secre-tary McAdoo. John R. Rat horn, editor of the Providence journal-, whose news despatches regarding leaks, Lawson read into tho record, also appeared. ap-peared. When the house met Representative Pou, acting for Chairman Henry, asked ask-ed unanimous consent for consideration considera-tion of the new resolution to authorize the committee to employ counsel and expert accountants familiar with stock exchange transactions and authorize hearings outside of Washington if necessary. |