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Show uu- Positively last time today, the eminent Mme. Petrova in fc" her own production, "The I Black Butterfly." A picture Lf you all will like. Calendars with her picture free. Utah, Phone 1800. oo The Coliseum of Seattle paid $2500 for one week's service ser-vice of "The Pride of the Clan," coming to the AHiam bra next Tuesday 3 days, oo Read the Classified Ada Read the Classified Ada, J H N - j J I Surprising to Many? ZThin, Weak Persona. Last time today, Mme. Pe-, trova, greatest picture, "The I Black Butterfly." See the original orig-inal interesting Apache Dance performed by notorious Parisian Paris-ian Cabaret Dancers. Utah, Phono 1800, Popular Plays and Players. oo The first of the big Art Craft, Mary Pickford pictures, 'The Pride of the Clan," comes to the Alhambra Theatre Thea-tre next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Las! time today, Mme. Petrova, Pe-trova, greatest picture, 'The Black Butterfly." See the original orig-inal interesting Apache Dance performed by notorious Parisian Paris-ian Cabaret Dancers. Utah, Phone 1800, Popular Play a and Players. oo Read tbe Classified Ada I HEAD STUFFED FROM jj CATARRH OR A COLD j t Says Cream Applied In Nostrils J Opens Air Passages Right Up. - - - ...... '..i........s.v.j..,4-H Instant relief no waiting Your clogged nostrils open right up; the I air passages of your head clear and j you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, head-ache, dryness No struggling for breata at night, your cold or catarrh disappears. Qel a small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm trom your druggist now Apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils It penetrates pen-etrates through every air passage of tho bead, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comc instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Advertisement. Ad-vertisement. I IHHHHI BHIBBBHiHBBBBBHBHHBBlSi , I OO H Read the Classified Ad- ll ) To Avoid Dandruff You do not want a slow treatment for itching scalp when hair is falling and the dandrufT germ is killing the hair roots. Delay meatib no hair. Get, at any drug store, a bottle of semo for 25c or $1.00 for extra large ; size. Use as directed, for it docs the J work quickly. It kills the dandruff germ, nourishes the hair roots and im mediately stops itching scalp. It is j a pure, reliable, antiseptic liquid, is not greasy, is easy to use and will not stain. Soaps and shampoos are harmful, as they contain alkali. The best thing to use for scalp irritations is zemo, for it is safe and also inexpensive. I s v Th E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. 1 (jUJUK'SMJ-'Apv) i I . THE POOR MEN'S FRIEND UPHOLSTERY SHOP Is tbe best and cheapest placo to got your furniture repaired and 1 BiaUrsaaes renewed A good second-hand furniture for sale cheap at 137 Twenty-sixth Street. Phono 746-J. GIVE ME A CALL. . |