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Show Society 1 DANCING PARTY PLANNED. I The Ninth ward Sunday school will be host at a dancing party to be given giv-en in the Weber academy hall, Friday night. Good music is promised and refreshments will be served. The young people of tho city are invited to attend. TO ENTERTAIN Friday evening, in the Fourth ward amusement hall, tho ward Mutual dub will entertain at a dancing party. The dnnrlng will begin at 8 o clock and continue until eloen. CELEBRATES 80TH BIRTHDAY. On Thursday, January 11th, about twenty-five friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Jane Beltzer to cele brate the SOth mlleslone In her lite Mrs Beltzer has been a reeldont of Ofden for about t went v seven years, coming here from Nebraska. She was the recipient of several beautiful gifts which were presented In a pleasing manner by Rev. W. D. Dean. At C o'( (.( k a delirious ebb ken dinner was served. Tho evening was spent In enjoyable pasllmog and ai a late hour the guests departed bespeaking inr 'heir hostess good wishes and the hope of many birthdays yet to come. |