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Show I Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will I Increase Strength of Delicate People 200 in Ten Days I In many Instances Peron have suffered suf-fered untold agony for yeara doctoring for nervoua weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease or some other ailment ail-ment when their real trouble was lack of Iron In the blood. How to tell. I NTW YORK. ft. T In rent Alt- I murs Dr. E. Sauer. n SpriallM I who hap studied widely ioth In J this country and Europe, said. "If I you were to make an actual hlood I test on all people who are 111 you would probably be rreatly astonished I nt the exceedingly large number who j lack Iron and who are ill for ri other i reason than the lack of Iron. The ino- j mnt Iron Is supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptom disappear Wlth- I out Iron the blood at onee loses the pow- 1 eir to change food Into living tissue, and therefore nothing mi ca does vou any ' eood, you don't get the strength out of It. Your food merely passes thnrjjrh ' your system like corn through n mill I with the rollers so wide apart that the f mill can't grind. As a result of this i continuous blood and nerve starvation. I peopi'? become generally weakened, nerv- j uus and all run down, and frequently de velop all sorts of conditions. One Is two ( thin, anotner la burdened with uu- ( healthy fat, "rno are so wr.ik they can hardly walk: some think they have dys-f dys-f pepsin, kidney or ller trouble, soma j can't sleep at night; others are sleepy ! a d tired all da , some fussy and Irrl- i lzH skinny and blood If, but f a. i lack r'hyslcal power and endurance. In su"h cases It fs worse than foolishness foolish-ness to take stimulating medicines or narcotic druss. which only whip up your 'ngglng vital powers lor the moment, maybe at the expense of your life later on. No matter what any one tells you. If you are not strong and well you owe It to yourself to make the following test Pee how long you can work or now far you can walk without becoming J A GRADUATE T NURSE Why She Recommends Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Chicago, 111. "I was in poor health for two years, caused by a displacement, IIMUMMiH I ard during six JUJmJJI months of Lbis time ! iipiB8rWK' wa3 unrlor a doc- sfiTaalaan tor's care without J JKmV I "V egetablc C o m - 1 rcLaaVi pound and it made 'BBaam. me eo' e a new ' ,.' v woman. I am en- iHH ne displacement j 1 J and periodic pains, i and am now the mother of a beautiful 1 healthy baby. I am a graduate nurse I and will be glad to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to J other women. " Mrs. R. W. Sloan, I 6026 So. Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. There nre many women who suffer T as Mrs. Sloan did and who are being I benefited by this great roedicino every P " day. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, displace-ments, inflammation, ulceration, lrrcg- ul&rities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and 1 nervous prostration. ,' If you need special advice write , i Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, (confi- Jential), Lynn, Mass. T (Advertisement) I Crown Painless j DENTIST ! WE ARE UTAH DENTISTS. I o GOLD OROWNS FOR r I 0 BRIDGEWORK FOR D W Plates 10 up I FUllnas 91 up JaSBBBllllllBBBBBBBBBBBl tlr"4 Kxt tnk ttr fl ve-trr.tln tab- ' ltn nf or'llrnrv nuTtii Iron three time per duy after rneaN fer two week Then tent youj atrenirth nrnln end h for yourself how much oi hnv jrntned I hv seen dozens of nervous, njn-down pertpl" who were alllnir all tho time ooubl". and even triple their trenijth and endurance and entirely jrt rid of their svmptomi of dy8rrl-T. liver and other troubles In from ten to fourteen I days' time simply by t , 1 ,- Iron In the propir form, und this, after they had In ' some raes ton dortorlna for months I without obtaining: anv benefit. You ran talk tis you please about all the won-rW-r wrought v new rmdles. but whn you come down to hard facts thre is nothing- like pood old Iron to put rolor in your cheeks and (rood, sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It Is also a (Treat nerve and stomach strf-ngrthener and th best blood builder In the world. The only trouble was that the old forms of Inonranlc Iron like tincture of Iron. Iron acetate, etc., often ruined people's teeth, upset their stomachs ana were I not assimilated, and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than Kood. But with the discovery of the newer forms of oranlo Iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example, ex-ample, Is pleasant to take, does not Injure In-jure the teeth and Is almost Immediately beneficial NOTE The manufacturers of N'uxatM Iron have such unbounded confidence In Its potency that they authorlzo the an-j nouncement that they will forfeit $100.0) to any Charitable Institution If thev ran-not ran-not take any man or woman under sixty I who lacks Iron and Increase their j strength 2C) per cent or over In four trk' time, provided they have no sorl-' ous organic trouble Also they will re-1 fund your money In any case In which I Nuxated Iron does not at least double your strength In ten days' time It Is dispensed In this city by A. Tt. Mclntyra Drug Co. and all other druggists. Ad ver-tlsetnent. Grippe! It is a winter plague which claims thousands every season. Scon's Emulsion will strengthen and fortify you against Grippe, and if you have had it, Scott's will re- TvSll storeyourstrength fasterthan THl any other known medicine, -ik No Alcohol-Just Blood-Food Beoti ft Bownr. nioomfirld N.J. 16-26 H N Mini Much for TMr, Atu-mlc Atu-mlc Pseplo. 1" sjsgB j i'ii O 7 Years under one . 1 I I continuous management I SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE choose a successful bank with which to f carry their accounts and this is one of the ft chief reasons why the Ogden State Bank is favored with the business of many of I Ogden's most representative firms and in- f dividuals. I I This institution is distinguished for a f period of twenty-seven years' uninterrupt- 1 ed advancement and success. Every depositor receives personal at- I tention to his individual needs. k OGDEN SIAIE BANK I CAPITALS SURPLUS $ 296,OOO.OOr f Afy Interest compounded fl To Quarterly on Savings', OUCH! LUMBAGO ?1 Try Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole in briskly, and usually the pain is gone a delicious, soothing comfort comes to take its place. Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. Will not blister. Many doctors and nurses use Musterole Muster-ole arid recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from bore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). Always dependable. i ZZT Honest Treatment for Honest I People I MEN AND WOMEN A great amount of adverse crit iclsm of specialists by unethical ! doctore has led many to believe there U hardly an honest 6peclaJlsL H All I require Is that my patrons be as honest with me as I am with them. 1 I have tho highest endorsements of tho most reputable men of ay specialist In the West I could not afford to disappoint them nor my patrons. I have a reputation for honesty to uphold, which can only be done by the most honest work. I have a thorough equipment, years of experience r.nd the latest and boot remedies, and make a specialty of a few diseases difficult to cure, vis.: Rheumatism. Skin Diseases. Catarrh, Piles, Urinary Troubles, all forms of Nervousness, Weakness. Melancholy, Debility, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and many other chronic forms of diseases. Iff statements are true, made In public or private. I conceal nothing, make no false Impressions; publish my own name and photograph, pho-tograph, and give my personal attention to overy patient. Coll at my office for a careful diagnosis of your case, DR. W. M. GRIFFITH 1S9V2 MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City. J Hours, 10 eu m. to 5 p. m., Sundays 10 to 12. itfHBVHiVliVBHHHiHBBHHHiHHBIHHIiVliVISHBHflMHHiliHMSi-' I I HI I WM |