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Show BH Nnlltofor I'ulilliallun, H No. 4G72. H Departmmt ot tho Interior, ) IaoA Office at bait I ake City, Utah.V pB ovmber IS, UMM. ) J! Notice li hereby given that the lol- Sbj lowing named lettlcr liai filed notice of JH lila Intention to make final proof In tup. jMj port of (ill claim, and that laid proof ptj will lie made before the County Clerk Hi of Bammlt County, Ulih, atCoalvllla, Bj Utah, on Member th, 1000, via: K llobert H. llalliy, II i: No. 11390, for H , , the 8 ,' of 8f U and B H of SV H Sao. Pr ll.Tp.3N, U 8 li, 8. 1, Meridian, Utah, PJ 'ai amended, fl He namei the following wltneiieeto ma prove hli eontlnuaai rcildcnce upon and R cultivation of laid land, vln William Hj llarrli, Joieph Kindill, Oeorge Randall BR and 'William Etaley, alt of Upton, Sum- BJ1 mlt County, Utah. Hj Fkimk V. Honm, Kegliler. It. i:. Itona, attoi my for clalliiaut. H 1 pBj 'The Light of the World, or Our Saviour in Art. Cmtneirly f 100,000 to prnduc Con tilni nearly 100 full-page engraving! of our Saviour and llli Mother by the world'i grealvit palntin Trut coplei ol the greateit niaiterolerei in the art ! galtrrlei of Kuiopr livery plf lure li ai beautiful ai a iiinrl'o over the hllllopi j Conlalni deicrlpllnn of the palming. I biography of the palnteri.the namei and loratlonv the gallerlei In Europe whtre ' the original! may lie eten. Mrocon tainiaChlld'i Iiojar'inerit, Incluillnn a Cnlld'i Plftty of the Chilit and III! Mother, txautlfullv written, to fit each plrtnrc Tlili wonderful Iwoi, mitch-leii mitch-leii In ill putlty an I Ixauly, apieali to I every inoiher hear' and ill every Chilitlan home where (here are children the book lelli Hull f'lirlitlin men and women are making money rapidly taking tak-ing ordira A Chrlitlau inin or woman can n Ihli community make 11,000 Ilk. ing orderi for Chriilmai preenti Mn. Wulte, our agent In Manichuiotli, hai mid over (3 000 worth of the booki In a very ihort time Mn Mackett,oiiraVent in New Yoik, hai told overt,'iO0 worth of the booki In a ery ihort lime The book li printed onelvetflnlihl piper, beiutifnlly bound In Cardinal Ited and gold, and adorned with (lolden Hoifi l.llllfi. It It, without doubt, tho moit beautiful book ol the cinlury. Write (or tirmi quickly and git the management manage-ment of that territory. You can work on ulary or commlnlon, and when you prove your luccru wo will promote you lolhe poiltiun of Manager and Corral pondeut, at a permanent aalarjr, to devote de-vote your time to attending to agent! and thernrreipondeace. Wanted alio a folate Manager to have charge of olllce in liadlng city of the Htate ami manage all the builmi! of the Mate. Send for teimi. Addran Till! IIRiriKII.AMI'.UaUAN CO. Caretran Bldg, Oppaclu U, TraMary, VVklagU, II O, Till Itl R. Melt 1901 Almimc. Whitevir may be nld ef theiclentlflc cauiei upon which the Iter, trl R, Hlcka bam hli yearly forecailiol itoim and weather, It li a remarkable fact that pacific warning of every gnat itorm, flood, cold wave and draught, have bian plainly printed in hli now fanioui Almanac Al-manac for many yean. The laleit itart-ling itart-ling proot of thli fact wn the dutruc-tlon dutruc-tlon of Oalvealon. Teaaa, on ilia vary Jay amad by 1'rof. Kicks In hli 1P00 Almanac, Al-manac, ii one dinner by itorm along the gulf coaiti. The 1001 Almanac, by (ar the flneit, moat complete and beautiful beauti-ful yet pub'Ubcd, it li now reidy, 1 hli Minir ab etiok of nearly two hundred pigei, , l.ud My tlluilrated with chart! and halt-toneU angravlngi, geei ai a premium to every lubicrlber who ayi one dollar a year forl'rnl Hlcka' Jour nil, Woao iNii Woaai, The Almanac alune li itnt prepaid fer only S6o Order from Woau aid Woagil'ubllihlng Company, Com-pany, S201 Locnil Street, St. liuli, Mo. Cnnn VKVHIYtoChrlitianmanor aJ HI 1 1 1 woman to look alter our vow-f vow-f UUU i, bi-.lnan in thli and ad-Joining ad-Joining couutlei, to act aa Manager and Corraipondant) work cm be done at your home. Kucloie roll addrened, tampid envelope for particular! to II, A, rlherman, General Manager, Corcoran llulldlng, opiioilla United btatea Treaa-ury, Treaa-ury, Waihlngton, I) C. This iifeiiura U on atarr boi ol the ganulaa Lnxathc Uromo-Quinine T.bi.u the ramttlv that rtirea a roltl lu on day IcTOfV THE QUICK TRAINS AIIK MA THK UNION PACIFIC. Onl) Diroct I,lne to DENVER, OMAHA, KRNSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO. And nil rrtuclpal i:iteni l'olnta. Tlirougli Tralni In this I.lno Solidly Vostlbulod and Klogautly Kqulppcd with DOUIlIiK DKA.W1NO UOOM l'ALVOKSLKKl'EItS, iiurrirr smokino AND MIIKAIIY OA11S, FREK RKCUN1NO 0HA1B OA113. DINING aMlS.McalaalaCru-to. ASK ABOUT EXCURSION RATES. Tor full Information call on O, l.WHUADON, ARcnt. Coohlllo, Utah, I miss hellTmoades, MILLINER, Has received a consignment of1 NEW FULL GOODS. Prices Low. Quality good. C OAL Always On Hand at the WASATCH::- MINE Lump, - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 Tennis Loaded Promptly, a Dft. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co COMING-WMl, TUESDAY. DEOEIIH k WqqiJ and Ward's Bf Comedy Company PRESENTING "TWO MRKf TRAMPS" nninrn ) Childron under 12 yoni, 2C cents. Til irMHonc,hos GOcentw. I IIIULU) Roaorvod Seats, 7C contn. Coalville Coop Ladies, you want a new Cape, Cloak or Coat to keep you warm and improve im-prove your looks this winter, Go to Coalville Co-op and see the Latest Styles at lowest prices, 30ALlbLE 60-OP. i laJdiMii. MiliiBery Opening in Dress Hats. I now have on display the largest ime lu Coalville ot lSu'iss' and Gliildrei's Coats, Colleretts, Plush & Golf Capes, Street Skirts &Waists, In the Newest Styled Goods. Orders taken lor Ready Made Suits. Gall and Examine Goods and Prices. M. R. Salmon. Watch this Space. W.J.WRIGHT. KI Boyle Furniture Co., jEii Ogden, Utah. We have the most complete up-to-date stock of Furniture and Stoves in Utah; Catalogue Sent Free to any Address. - -t A Good Prescription TOp ; aU for 5 cents MMiWm |