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Show - tm rvBuaaino Death a COALVILLE. UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS. A post offlr hit been established et Kimberley, Pint county. Tb registration-- Veraity U bow jr- - total f lut Laat week feet of th at 647, MTCD State more Uni. tba tb ear. atorm depoalUd three aoow oo the d in' da between Kama aod Park City. Thera ara fifteen eases of email po a Voder quarantine in Payaon and the public schools have been eloaed. Tba machinery for a saw roller flouring mil), to be putln at the old Reyn old eite at Vernal, baa bean ordered. Mr. Fannie Naylor, of Salt Lake, la out of the houea BANKRUPTCY CASfeS. SENATOR DAVIS DEAD. times. .COAliYILLE on the Potaoalac Canted b Might Abratlea ( Foot. Senator Cothman Kellogg Daria, Chairman of the committee on foreign relation of tba ernate, died at bia home la SL Patti Tuesday at 6 40 o'clock. He had (offered greatly during two monthi of aickoean, aod gradually aank away, being unconscious for nereral hour before death, and, o far a could be known, suffered no Ilia death waa the remit of pain. blood Ipoiaonlng, eauned by infection through a alight abrasion of hia foot from the dye of a black silk Blocking Senator Daria1 entry into politic w In 1873, when he waa elected governor of Massachusetts, declining a rrnorni-natio- a two year later. In 1'7 lie was cboaen United State Senator to u( eeed Senator MeMillin. anil haa been a prominent member of the senate mice that time. He waa chairman of t lie committee on foreign affair, and a one of the peace coinmiasion who negotiated the freaty with Spain ceding (LeeaU of Kioed -- i 1114. at Kewbe Or Nevada IS Small eel d.4. WIU ( um, E. I'. Brandenburg, in charge of bankruptcy matters, baa made a report on the operato the attorney-genera- l tion of the bankruptcy act of July 1, lays. The report says, with reference to voluntary canes, that advantage is being taken of the law by men of all classes and in all walk of life and ie Th every section of the country states showing the greatest number of filed during the year are petition Illinois, with 3004, New York, 3007, Iowa, 907, Ohio, 857, MinnesoU, 845; Penny lvauia. SOU The smallest number of voluntary petitions were filed in tha following states Nevada, 9. Delaware and Wyoming. I each, Idaho, 30; Sooth Carolina. 77, Oklahoma, 39; Florida, 67; Rhode Island, 9. Krjsn, Tuwae end Dubois Cssfer y Wilham i Hryan arrived In Chicago Saturday morning from Lincoln. drove to the Auditorium annex, where he dnl not register, but was at oace shown to the room occupied by Chairman Towue of MinpCaota. lie remained in consultation with Hr. Tow oe and former Senator Dubois of Idaho all day, when he returned to Lincoln. Mr. Bryan refused to say what waa discussed during the meeting, but did not deny that the future policy of the Democratic party waa on of tha topic discussed. I expect to remainin'- politic as 1 long aa I live, said Mr. Bryan. shall continue to advocate and work with both tongneand pen for principles which X have rough I SO long. I shall continue to renide In Lincoln, Neb." paaalog alipped the Philippine. step and fell, breaking bar ankle in two place. Hay Trust Have Come to si 7 Aftalt Laker we laat weak eenteneed Charles H. Flint, the rubber trust to 100 daya in the city jail for stealing in the ciiursi of en address magnate, an empty dinner pail from a atreet car before the Outlook club at Monti lair, oadoctor. N. J., referred to truat a follows Colonel Ilarrey Allred, a realdent of "Thia new eoutulidation has come to Labi for fortyfour yearn, died laat itay. Let no young man think otherweek at the age of 71 yearn. 11 came wise. Thia fact was settled in the reto Cub la 1848. cent presidential election. The trusts An epidemic of meanlea baa been ere here for good, and under the new a v stem that it brings in business, inweeping orar CloUh county this fal and baa caused aereral deaths It la creased intelligence and mental acumen are demanded of the business avert la majority of cases. pian. It may, therefore, be that a col Four atudanU of tba Latter day legiate education with the mental j Saint College at Salt Lake bar takes training it Involves will in the future smallpox, but aa they war not attend- be of greeter importance than it was ing school when tha diaeaaa deralopad in the past to the business man. In a Colorado ftprlitffs ftoffora It la not thought tba other scholars ara measure this has perhaps been already Btorm A severe windstorm visited Colorado la danger. shown." Spring last Thursday. The damage ffetBilil-iMlnlaterlalariKJatlon " rrbAUn.Et dlsli 8wlit.lt. ttaltma- -. to property wm approximate $3W.(Mt baa adopted resolutions placing its The Federal grand jury at Indian- Electric light and telephone wire aUmp of dlaapproral on the burning of th negro, Praaton Porter, by the aa apolis ha returned four indictments wereatrawn everywhere, and tba city a baa tha appearance of having been via Vagcd citlaena of Lincoln county, Colo- against Jesse Week of and ted by n eyclone. About 600 bonnet Republican prominent politician rado. one of th authors of Herndon A Weeks nnd business blocks are damaged and Hub county la being sued for 10,000 Life of Lincoln. In - i the first three 150 tree nrn uprooted.' by Tbomaa Hoard mao, who allege coante Week i charged with defraud-n- g No lives were were there bat lost, damage In that amount for approprla becount railroad each companies, narrow and several many escape cerjtioa by tba county of tha water of for a separate offense. The fourth people were injured. tain springe near the county Infirmary, ing count the moat serious, and charge The gala came direct from pikes To which Iloardman claimed prior, him with forging tba same of Poat- l Teak, which la west of tha city, and it right. Smith to tha blew from 1 p. m. to ! a. n At 1.30 in tinl. a. n poatoffioaio.pwtor, which hn p. m., when the wind gang t th th check cotold jj ctihtd In Sill Iq dtfnodi&r hn mtlntd com Colorado college waa destroyed, it bad from parties working In th canyona pfeoiea registered a velocity of eighty-twaat of Salt Lake and Ogden, This la miles per Uout. ,, . dis a DwsL osH regarded as pretty good evtdene that The tloAa waa occaatboeOTi'kg tx? General Rodrlgoet, mayor of, Havathe Burlington road i to be extended essiv drop in temperature aod conna, haa challenged Sendtrr Santtrlgnen, I Utah. of atmosphere. densation John Kelly, a prominent ettiaen of editor of La Lncba, to fight a duel, la Roossvslt Favors Natlaaal American Fork, attempted suicide oa consequence of an alleged llbeloue Irrigation. thaltDt by taking strychnine, but tlaa'115' Peking the Integrity of the sleet Roosevelt, In office. General haa Rodrigue bis wife an mayor's .plan were frustrated-bletter read before tha National Irrigaifrtenda. Ill health had caused him to named Senior Alonan aa hi second, Ln Lncba published a statement that tion congress, placed himself oo record become despondent and ba desired to It bad no intention of attacking tha aa heartily in sympathy with (h alms ' od hi sufferings. of tba organization. Ilia letter con character of the mayor. Georg Howe, a laborer employed la tained th practical promise of assistBoth matter tha that deny tb Portland Cement Work at Salt will be partle In th effort which will be mad ance carried the 'Lake, met death In a horrible manner friend of both any further, but Is from now on for govern meat and for denial say that the laat Thursday, bia arm beiog eangbt a ruse to put the police off the irrigation, and his appeal to all only by a rapidly revolving abaft and torn scent. ttizenrTd Interest themselves (from his body, tba shock causing alin a movement which will benefit thn most instant death. entire nation. tsrk.j Ifoore Treaty Rights. New baa been received of the death A letter from Lieutenant General Th Port has definitely rejected the t John 1L Roger, formerly manager request for nn exequatur for a United Mllea waa enthusiastic toward th f the Grand theatre, Salt Lake, later States eonaul at HarpooL Thia refusal asm end. n member of the Utah batteries, and at Is regarded by th United States lega- CONGER MAY BE RECALLED tba time of his death la China from tion aa a direct violation of the treaty I tdyslntery, clerk for General Schofield. rights, and consequently, despite the Harmoay with tb id-ministration' China 'Mr. Rogers waa hurled la China, refusal, Dr Thomas II. Norton, who Minister Conger probably will roWith n view of checking the spread was appointed by President McKinley turn to tha United States Ilia rel. soma tlma to. a establish consulate ago and (scarlet fever smallpox among with the administration have not tba children of the public schools of at ilarpoot, haa been directed to pro- tlons been barmoniou since the relief of ceed to hia The visit of post expected Salt Lake It is proposed by the health ommlaslooer to make provision for the th battleship Kentucky" to Smyrna Pekin. Mr. Conger adrocatea measure nodical Inspection of nil school chib la believed to relate qnlta a much to which the president regard a too thia to matters th quesnn Aren by indemnity expert in tbea diseases radical, nnd has not taken kindly to tion. Charles J. Schmidt, a German, was the fact that bis views have not been struck by an eoglna and killed at indorsed at Washington. BURNING OF PORTER. was Fro vo on the 20th. Schmidt,-whGreat Britain Face Aw Outbreak ha slightly deaf, was walking down the Colorado Governor Wrttaa Latter la 8a. East African Provinces, Crtxno. la gard track and did not hear the approaching The Somalis have risen in Jubaiand, Secretary Samuel E. Huffman of the n aglne, aod neither the engineer nor province of British Fast A fries ' Ketlonel and Lynching Law fireman tew the unfortunate man. About 4,000 well armed mcn are on association at Springfield, Ohio, has News comes from abroad of additional n letter from Gov, Thomas of warpath. Janner received bon or conferred upon C. E. Dallin, ;tti who haa been on a tour inland, Colorado in regard to th recent burnwith a Utah sculptor, he having sold his statne small force, waa killed during of the negro Porter. The governor ht ing t In Paris to th which Falrmonnt Park attack made on his camp -. 0.,,to reason in everything association of Boston, und the authori- syhedid edly natives. friendly Porter and the conoty authorities of tb city of Vienna, Austria, have protect Reinforcements from Mombas ties disregarded all order. have order an with him. been sent to placed - fr k -- 1 uaster-Oeoer- pty-ehe- ereden-Darlingto- n ck o .7 t . ; Vice-Preside- nt - -- - o Anti-Mo- b ' TbreeCearload of Utah floor were recently shipped to Chicago for tba purpose of seeing whether Utnh flour an successfully compete ith that mad from wheat grown in tb east without Irrigation, and tha molt la looked forward to with great interest. l A. H. Patterson died at Sugar Douse ward laat week after an lllneasof tight son the. Ha crossed the plains eleven time la bis life andbrought many migrants to Ctab. He leave fourteen children, elxty-nln- e grand children and , twenty-eigh- -- t a. Robert Lay, of Wllmot, Piute county, while alone herding theep, accidentally shot himself in the leg, lie crnwled two and a half mile to the nearest - house, w he rehear rived almost dead from the toes of blood, and bis recovery , la a matter of doubt week last aoffered th worst Logan fuel famine in her history. Thera wns neither wood nor coal obtainable, and In consequence there was mnch inconvenience. Tb college waa compelled to doss it doors Friday morning bV cant of its lack of f t- - -- t Feachen are W hit Mea. A ranchman named Barra, who has lived for many year in Rio lilanco county, Colorado, about fifteen miles from the Utah line, wan in Meeker Tneaday and said there had been no Indians in his portion of th country for th past two week. II declared that the poaching complained of waa not done by Indians but by white men from Utah. .State Game Warden Johnson and posse, about thirty in number, all well armed, hav gon west on White river. Idaho Chinan Will Not Haag. SECRETS OF BOER Kruger Threaten Mk. AHSEIES P.QAD ,.oWlc g( t. UI4 V is said Mr. Kruger, on his arrival at Tb. Hague, w, II for ediatfcm. and , if unsuccessful, w, make WJo all documents of state in hispoessiol showing th secret of the war Kruger believe know the troth an outburst of - that H will 2 when Dro,)., ,u t-S1- ? Pharsh. Failing this, ,t Kruger will return to the -- Mt Europe iraJ VTYOMINQ RANCHMAN k Uf killed. Nei-no- ighL soon often, a railroad. Th third corporation ! a development eompaoy. The organization haa left to a ccmmitte consisting of David Keith, W. S. McCornick, R. C. bn Kerens, Tbomaa Kearns and T. E. Gibbon. This incorporation will be for $8,000,000, $1,000,000 of which U for immediate use. Thia company will be given the duty of developiog the great mining region, 001 And iroo lands and other resource along the route. Th horticultural, g agricultural and section will b investigated and conditions Improved. The company will own and control all townsitea and work for the development of all Industries and resource along the line and at tha stock-raiaiu- tha Connecticut, building at- Bath, Me., baa been renamed the Nevada by Secretary Long. Thn nut authorities of Connecticut decided that their commonwealth waa entitled to the dignity of a battleahlp la naval nomenclature, and consequently declined thn compliment bestowed by th secretary of tho navy la naming one of the fopr large monitors now under" construction In honor of tho atat. Colorado lyichm to Bo Froeto4. District Attorned McAllister of Colorado Spring has ordered Sheriff Freeman of Lincoln county to proceed against th member of the mob which burned Preston Porter, Jr.t at the take laat week. Tb order waa issued after- - correapondenco between Governor Thomas end Mr. McAllister. Just how thn grand jury will be chosen haa not yet been decided. Mr. McAllister says it will b composed of men who will do their duty at all haxard. Th governor insist on prosecution. ,9$ t CM haws aa lacr mt 19. NORTHWEST NOTES. l,44a. Albert Miller of Seattle waa held p aod robbed by footpada within alx feat of hia own door ons night last week. balThe dead body of a man with let in hie bend found in Redding, Cal. , Is believed to be tbat of Frank Michael of Portland. Un ia thought to bavn suicided. Nineteen men from the Boer army arrived in Butte on the 23rd and nr i charge mt the local Boer society. They of Boera are eoming say thousand west to locate. F. H. Kinney, of Portland, Ore., fell dead In the jury hpx of the state circuit court at that place. He had just been sworn in as a juror, when he waa attacked by heart failure. W. F. Mellick, formerly known as the cattl king of the hoake river, ia now a raving lunatic, the result, it is by footbelieved, of being pada in Chicago two week ago. Ernest Scott, a negro youth charged with attempting to assault two whit girls, created a dramatic scene in tb court room in Phoenix, Ariz., by swallowing a handful of broken glass. He will probably die. Amos Zanar, a watchman employed n the car barns of the SL John motor line in Portland, met a horrible death on the night of th 22nd, hia clothing catching fire from a torch, h being literally roaated to death. Near Spokane the aide stake of a flat car loaded with telegraph pole gave away, letting the pole to the ground, killing two tramp who were riding on the car, their bodies being found underneath tl,S psl. Fearing an attempt may be made W hold up the Overland flyer, the Union Pacific has placed armed guards on tb trains between Cheyenne and Ogden. Large sums of money are being transferred to the Pacific coast, and a successful robbery would rrtalt ia a heavy loss to the express company. At South Bend, Wash., th trial jury brought In a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree at to J. U. Gates and acquittal in the case of Louritz Olsen. Gates and Olsen were accused of murdering Captain William Beeson of the schooner Lanere, on th Willapa river, on August 20. A counterfeiters den was recently discovered by detective in an old building in Spokane, Wash., and part of the outfit captured. M. Jr William and Joe Harrison were arrested on th charge of passing counterfeit silver dollars. It is believed the leader of w the gang has eacaped. State Denver that from la It reported Game Commissioner Johnson has gone with a large posse of deputies to Ri Blanco and Routt counties, the scenes of the alleged slaughter of game by Indians from the Utah reservation. It is said Johnson ia determined to drive the Indians out of the state at any cost, and a clash is feared. Governor Murphy of Arizona has commuted to four year the sentence of John C. Echols, who has served three year of a ten years sentence. Hia imprisonment was the resultof a conviction for stage robbery, and the commutation is prompted by the confession of King Ussery, who says he was the guilty party and arranged his plans so suspicion fell on Echols. Joseph Lesher, of Victor, Cola, who recently issued some silver souvenirs which he called referendum dollars," says he baa assurances from the United States district attorney tbat his coinage scheme is not illegal, and be ha Decision Agslnst Irrigation. ordered a new die from which 10,000 The Nebraska Supreme court, in an souvenirs will be struck off soon. Th opinion by Chief Justice Norwal, has new coins will bear the name of n Vicrendered a decision which may stop all tor groceryman, who agrees to redeem irrigation projects in western Nebras- them in merchandise or money. ka. The opinion holds in effect that George Sanders and Patrick McCne the owner of property adjacent to a were killed nnd a number of other men stream haa the right to its water seriously injured by an explosion of This ia the old English dynamite at Elmores grading camp on common law, and it was against such the Sherman hill cut-of- f of the Union e ruling that the irrigation companies of Pacific on the 20th. Sanders and the west were fighting. The suit in were thawing sticks of dynamit question was one brought by the Crawaround a campfire when the stuff exford Irrigation company to establish ploded. Sanders was blown to piece its right to divert water from White and bits ot his flesh was scattered in all river. The right waa opposed by the directions. McCues face was torn away owners of the mills on the stream, and and be received internal injuries. The the contention of the is explosion tore a big hole ia the ground sustained. and flying rocks Injured the other men. By the upsetting of a coast line stage Gammy Wants Island of Caracas. in Los Pablos creek between Santa Officials familiar with South AmeriBarbara and Lompoc, CaL, 8. W. Parker can affairs, etate that attention ia of Venture waa drowned and four other again being given in Venezuela to the persons narrowly escaped a similar project of tbq transfer of the Island of fate. One of the horses lost it footing Curacao, belonging toDutch Guiana, and the stage waa overturned and carand lying off the coast of Venezuela, ried down the stream. QThe driver and The island came to hia five to Germany. were thrown Into passengers notice daring the Spanlsh-America- n the creek, which was a raging torrenL war, aa it was the poiu I chosen bv All succeeded in reaching the shorn " Admiral Cerverafor making a atop with the exception of Mr. Parker, who when his squadron waa en route to w&8 TH her-- a truck struggling by Santiago. horses or heavy drift wood. SEARCH FOR AN DFEE. Lost in the mountain, 'with a blind' snowstorm around him, George ing Aa Expedition to Explore the Iceland Melvin dispaired of relief and shot. Coast. Professor Na thorn t has offered a re- himself Thursday night, near Repubward of 800 crowns for each of the ten lic, Wash. Witt J. G. Ransom be had remaining buoya taken by the Andree gone deer hunting. They lost their Arctic expcdition. He la also taking bearing and Melvin became exhaustod step to fit out an expedition to search ed. Ransom left him to bring aid his of news partner's danger ,the Iceland coast lor wreckage of tb brought to Republic. A relief party went out balloon and aio to aeerch'th south and fonnd Melvin's dead body, lie had west coast of Greet, trod for th same placed a revolver In his mouth and The body-wa- a purpose, na ha considers it thn only pulled the trigger. manner in which the fate of Andre warm when discovered. Melvin was a pioneer oi tha reservation, can be learned. 1 - It WOOL CUP FOR 1850. Fa aaa Ovsr The total estimated clip for iVOu It pnt at 288.633,424 pounds washed and Company limned and Article of or 118,323,170 unwashed, pound oration Signed. aeonred. Th larger total shows an increase of 16,445,1:91 pounds over the 1899 clip. Tb number of sheep In th 4 DevetepmyAt 'CMWOvetl is pnt at 40,207,818, against CMplM country Aid la Bulldtag Bead aa 26,464.405 in 1896, an increase ot po.eioptar T am tor M rase he lo 13,803,413, all but 500,000 of which, acCwt d Cdr 111. cording to Mr. Norths tables, ara to b credited to the present year. Article of Incorporation of tho Salt This increase of 10 Der cent to the Lake and Lo Angeles railroad were number of sheep since the restoration signed ip Spit Lake Thursday. In ad- of the wool duty haa takeu place in dition to tha railroad company, two the thirteen territorial states auxiliary companies looking to tb which include Utah, Muntaus aod othteentuetion of th road and develop-en- t ers along the Rockies, the net increase of territory contiguous to it, being 33 per cent. The available supXf re formed. plies of wool of all grades for 1900 ate The officer of th railroad are W. are aa follows; Wool clip, 288,033,021 A Clark, president, k, C. Kerens, first pounds; domestic wool on hand Januvice president; J. Ross Clark, second ary 1st, 123,348,500; foreign wool on vice president; T. E. Gibbon, third vice haod January 1st, 25,20.r,Ooo; in boud president nnd general counsel; T. F. January 1st, 44,958,000; foreign wool Miller, secretary and F. K. Rule, trees- - Imported January 1st to July 1st, urer. 95,875,523; grand total, 578,084,304 The names of th incorporators and pounds. Available supplies of manutheir several places of residence are as facturers on hand, outside of the follows: above, are ample for requirements of William A. Clark, Butte. mills prior to moving the clip of 1901. R. C. Kerens, St. Louis. NEW BASIN FOR J. Rosa Clarke, Lo Angeles NEGOTIATIONS WITH CHINA W. 8. McCornick, Salt Lake. David Eeith, Salt Lake. Prospset of Entangkemenn Indue- - ths Tbomaa Kearns, Salt Lake. lilM 8tsl to Mk 8-- w Suggest!. Charles O. W'littemore, Salt Lake. The secretary of state haa addressed Reed Smoot, Provgc nn identical note to the powers interE. W. Clark, ested in the Chinese situation, setting Ophir. Charle Clark, Central Townahlp, Mo. out tersely and afresh the object of the 8. A. Bemla, SL Louis United States government aa to China Perry 81 Heath, Muncie, Ind. and pointing out how such objects as Richard Kerens, Jr.TSL Louis are common to the powers can beat be Charle W. Clark, Butt. secured. Georg B. Leighton, SL Louis The note mark the initiation of T. E. Gibbon, Los fresh negotiations on our part of a new Angeles f William B. Clark, Kanaaa City. basis to tide over the impossible situaA. ll. Hanlln, 8t Louis tion created at the laat meeting of th The article of incorporation include ministers in Peking. bfaneh ta tEi Deep' rreckcouhlrv Born response already at hand,-an- d and one to Cedar City. stated Several it that generally our adbranches are also provided for in nnd vance have been well received, and around Lon Angnle nnd Sun Pedro, th State department expresses satisthe object being to bnild n network of faction with tba so far progres rails a feeders to the western termi- achieved. nal. As to the general route of the It is believed that the note is an apmain line, that la still a matter of peal from the extreme course suggested donbt, but the article call for tha most by some of the powers as to the treatdirect and practicable line. The actual ment of China, especially in the matter rout will not be selected probably for of punishments and indemnities to two months, aa many surveys have to which the ministers at Peking seem h ad at this end. Them isbnetlin Inclined. Tb intent 1 to push the running via Ophir which has been negotiations on a more rational and strongly urged, another via Fremont business-lik- e basis. Paaa, on via th valley and another KITCHENER DENOUNCED. Lebi function and Tlntlc, all hop of which come together in Lincoln Referred to by Kngltsh War Crltlre county, Nevads It will bn neen that Seeoad Weyler. thn article do not state the route, exThe forthcoming promotion of Major cept by naming counties so arranged General Lord Kitchener to a lieutenant that either of the routes named could genership elicit from Charles Wilbe selected. Thie, however, will be a liams, on of the leader of the war matter of doubt for soma tlma to critics, the bitterest indictment of tbat coma. general ever published In England. The Lo Angeles Terminal, having He declares General Kitchener medimile in operation, already fifty-fir- e tate a restless and ruthless extermiwill be immediately extended In va- nation of the Boers, hoping to execute rious directions. This road becomes his atrocities amid silence like that of the property of the Lo Angeles A Salt the tomb of the Mabdi. He bei level Lake, and will bn thn basis of opera- the British officers and men will not tions. endure this, and that Kitchener will Thn Empire Construction company stand revealed to the country as a la to be incorporated for $1.000, scourge inexorable. of which has already been subMr. Williams apologizes to satan for scribed. J. Rocs Clark is president, mentioning him in the same breath George B. Leighton and with Kitchener, and maintains that EL E. McKee secretary, who, with the resignations of several general David Keith, C. K. McCAnick, Reed officers and the removal of General Bmoot, R. Kerens, W. A. Clark. T. Kelly-Ke- n ney from Blomfontein conE. Gibbon and T, F. Miller form the firm the suspicion that they would board of directors. Thia company is have nothing to do with Kitchener's formed to constrnct and equip tb dirty work. Moaltor Nevada. Monitor No. 8, formerly known aa WAR e next year. LAKE-L- OS Kismayn. The Idaho mtate board of pardons William Kclaon Run 1h,wq br th o var lend riw, Monday commoted the sentence of Yea Wee, the ChlnnmantQ have been The Overland Flyer ran down banged oa December 1st, to life im- hilled WUliam NeUon, WeaUh ranchman of Pin, lU prisonment tluriy Action waa taken cun numbered eaat of Cheyenne, Saturday minor caw. two prisoners being parNeaon was to' his r,neh doned and two paroled. On of tb from a visit to returning Cheyenne and for son, nardona is for l.evl Dixon, sent from Nes 1erce for a year aod a half for unknown reason was driving on the assault Th ease of Henry Meeks, track. rf!oth horseswere kih i the Montpelier bank robber, serving a right and thn bnggy demolished n wna brongbt to Sentence of thirty-fivyears, wentover CheyaQ. but died until the first meeting SWT T" sand-bagge- d in Mo-Cu- mill-owne- rs |