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Show LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS.' l Aronnd the County in Seven Days. The Happenings ot ite rest Week Told In Detail by Efficient Corresptndents. IIAKI.KV. Oakixy, Utah, .Nov. 2S, 1000. Kdiior Tim is: Fair weather at present and plenty ol laud, John 11. Maxwell ii learning the miller's mil-ler's trade and Is vrry tueceitlul. A (treat many ol tin nld resldenti lia e moved to otlirr polnti lor Ike winter and new onei now occupy the vacated houses. Mite Lucy Snapp ol Oakley and Ben- ' lamln Mitchell ol Marlon will be united In the holy bondt ol matrimony to-day thu Klh lit the tiride'a home, at4oelock p. in. J. 1'hllllpi officiating. S The line men aro doing good work on the telephone line and they will reach Oakley InaUnttwodata They find a great many polee down and a number that are in bad condition 10 they have to rent nearly all. T. T. Sannttieen wai to (urniih the Silver King with 200 lbs of torkeya (or a Thanksgiving dinner, but by tome means there was a misunderstanding and Mr. llasmusten had to ge to Turk City yeeterday to male teme other arrangements. |