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Show PSYCHE, OF GREECE. So llmitiral llmt !ortL Jllitook II. r far Wnu.. Pscho Is an exquisite creation of the later mythology of Oreece. She was tho youngest of the three daughters of a king, and so beautiful that mortals mistook her for Venus herself, and did not daro to love, but only to worship wor-ship her. This excited tho Jealousy of the goddess, who sent Cupid to Inspire lscho with a passion for the most contemptible, of all men, Cupid, however, how-ever, was smitten with her charms, and carried her away to a beautiful palace, whero ho visited her every night, unseen and unknown. Ho bado her never let curiosity ovcrcoma her, and ono night while ho was asleep aim took ft lamp and went to look nt him. She saw with rapturo that ho was tho most handsome, of tho gods, but In her excitement she lot n drop of hot oil fall on tho sleeper's. shoulder. This nwoko Cupid, who upbraided her for her mistrust, and vanished. Psychs then set out to look for her lot or, nnd coming to the palace of Venus sho was seized by tho goddess and kept as a slave. Cupid, honovcr, reconciled her to his mother, and was united to her In Immortal wedlock. In works of nrt Psycho Is represented ns n beautiful maiden with tho wings of a butterfly. butter-fly. Her story has been considered as an allegory of tho progress of tho human hu-man soul through earthly passion and mlifortuno to pure celestial felicity, but It-must not bo forgotten that It Is merely a version of ono of the most widespread folk-talcs In tho world. |