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Show Ki.p lh llmi.U I Iran. To keep tho hands nlco, cloanllness Is tho first essential, and, therefore, when rough work has to be dono It Is well, If possible, to put on gloves. Prevention Pre-vention Is better than cure, and as nothing spoils tho hands llko getting them grimed It should bo avoided as far as possible When this occurs, lion ever, don't go to work upon them with soap and a brush, Instead, tako some vaseline or oil and rub It Into tho hands and then wash them thoroughly thor-oughly with a good toilet soap nnd n piece of flannel In warm water. Tho flannel will soon clean them and without with-out Injuring the skin In any wny. It Is far better than n nail brush for ordinary ordi-nary irso and If used regularly a nail brush will he found almost, I: not entirely, en-tirely, superfluous. |