Show TIII niNciM KIIV wro ii > mi tin Mr I II dilllouette Drnwlt llearen vi lie Ill nay To Hi Klnui N II n hsiuiuvemy 1 tune my III Will taken with hail iriiiiie 111 tried all the phy ilclmn lor mlle nbgiil I but of nonuill and woo given npand told I could not Ivv Iliulng Dr Klngi New Dlieoverx III my store I tent for a battle and IxRan Ito nw nnd from the limit love begun 1 to gut letter and after u > lnj three Iwltlrn watiipand annind again itt In worth tie weight In gold I Yeont keep I more or homo without < irt ft rco trill nt John Itoyden A KOIII IInl l > < < Store |