Show nyn MIIIII WAJCMIII UlahJan JO 18VO > IlntuiiTiuiini f I Miss tirade Young fan len l quILt clck Ihl week i fctertoni team rAil aay list week but iiuilaiuii0 wee dnne M K Uv I lullll cnnnncd to the home lie It not able to me hub hunt nod In 1 In A net crl11cal condition y Mr Durant reprvtentlne Clark EM 1 > ixlgo A Co of Salt Lake and M r tarkry reprfientlng the Ilon coffee hour of Toledo 0 5ldntEutidav at the xpmlm houio O ts and 11 Young inadennlto a dli play In enlarged crayon picture In tkolf tore thin meek They Intend making heir cuitomcri a present of envoi thtje for enemy len dollars traded out of the lore The dance glen tail Friday for the teneflt of the poor 1011 not attended ai well ai It should 1080 been Htlll there tni quite nn amount raltecl A numlti pall for tickets who did nut attend and Mjinowho did not attend paid for two t et c The Heytidllo Dramatic Company played here on thr evening of the 21 n to n fair Bred home They deserved 1 u much better patronage All the parts were rendcrrd In good style I the concert > art of the entertainment was also very Interesting t Andrew IclcrionToyv JPan < + I nAt t I Young went to Salt lAke on the nth to attend trial that came up on thin SOtl In the Dlitrlct court The cam It Ii j W Young et al y i Sumnlon A Sons The plalntltTi are ruing fur Judgment on account ac-count ot n railroad contract oulu let rant the defendant 1 for which they bate ncxerpaM The grid quorum of ventld belt l their qimrleilt conference turn on Sunday Sun-day Jim 2Uli The meeting wai fairly well 1 attended by iocntle The even presidents wereall present The following follow-Ing ieentlei nddrene1 > the meeting 01 Lyon Arthur Maxwell of 1eoa J II Wllllamiof Coalville and Jamc Voo1ilrnliltliniiofKamai The church stake aril quorum olllcern wire pre Kilted and iiiitalnrd In their mlou liotltloni coiifprincu ass adjournvi for three uiunthi In the preililent council meeting Itnai decided to hold l nit meiitlngi after thli on the fourth Huntley In each month at 12 oclock noon Y |