Show I 110111 v lxrrlt in I m oca wicui onririjDnnr StlLX 11111 hy JAil 10 ISM < Wt < dare returned toakeil anddlttp l luteil from VemvliH Our doilies and our lempii JIaro been ruined Cook the eieurtlon Uen I Iiaa fallen In our 4IIIIIIII and Vesuvius li I limply beneath our notion We went to lh erater In a rnln that was futllelent to hive put out the volan We hate Jd J h1 l mile In it tprlngieti wagon we have ridden tnrlnul idankci wvlme wade In ashes ft our unklet and nil this in the Interest of pletwir 11e left Naples aliotlt l > oclock In the morning tinier the itipm Itlon of Cook and In one of Cookt wagons The morn in UM not nltotether protnlrlng but hope tpring etiinitl and we thoatht thediy nould proliablybeclear Nnplei wn Jim glnnlng l to really wake up for the hay 1 for tlio ilolff far xUnls nf the people lotllII by lying In list In this morning At last we reached tin open ivtnury and while the clouds gitliereil overhead our iplrlli wero kept up by aLan a-Lan i itrolllng muilclani who wulkid along by the carrhigo nail sang Rants 1 I Lucks and other delightful iongi varying vary-ing mvntlonnllyKllli Dairy Hell luliouorol > nir rmtlwrnMtv nnI tcniln illtippolnted when we failed to look up prerlnlltv Vvntoppnliita little mountain moun-tain Inn wherv our heneit drher who ptolmbly ahared profits nltli thus proprietor pro-prietor told in we could got the tact wine I In nil Italy At the next atopwe left ho nirrlage and mounted donkryi to crow the lava llilIi At thin moment I Nature feeling overcame her and al It liiantkipatlou of the fate that nttalted in begun I to weep 1 Keryone eom menisci ulevfnlly iin the fact anti ne ifiiin ml the ibullml lirntn ai Premier IIIIIr old when the Krviirh started lo Iterlln with light heir I I When wi rto1th1 l that spot j on our n > turn we had > enVv > ilvliM but n hangs llcmv hail fallen on nil the party and duos chic 1 1811111 l olciuitill Iiltsd II it In declaring that jheiueforth their mlcloii would Iw I lo dlund l le other from then the-n rnt of lhonleiinii An Incompttl Illln hail > tur > g up laturn nil the inemlierKof the romping and cjentliat lookftl lo u tl the lieglnntng the trip were now tin lulnlylmxpienthehvlilml liahihtHiuil turtle and under dripping hI lrolalll I ttl Ionkll were nu cores 111111I other nkeys but the need they loot 11 irate 1555 butt a rOllllh IUlh and II CIIIIO I lie 1111I1 guy svihrrslKrtlna dnkry I caul MI hove taken ndvauthwge 01 e ninny n its ht thou moat IIr this pnr pus I 01 situ hiing II thus huurrltt 11031111111111111 Is 1 111 Thu sullies wrre nut IUltn1 ervnrrly 1 and rho guide uue of I who t niculliIenirl IIIrh IooIrr I anI I houtu dreadful Ihlttllt In the donkey tt re ctptrtrl 10 l hold limo saddle on horn thelonky fell dew 1 II the saddl 1 ihplwrl Ianl and lur1 Ihll nillmnl IIlhll htad WIoIII he wont up a hill It t111r1 Iui msIlnIy ow lute III + 114 Ilnally eheu the gutdr l hail grown limn ssf Isoldhg It en 1I1111hllltrl tUIllher The 111n n tail bcgatt 10 Iollr AIII the I IS lot rllhld 10111Itl 101111 thus moon laill It w + Lnoeeihlu to hold 1111I 1 brllIA anti 1111 cet and 1IlIl11rlun1 II the party I ch1 the atntlon ist I the 101l1lIll1lro u1 Ihlll bail up I 10 the I step t ytel mg ah wine 10 ti llhln II 1 Iw hlllllr yerdi 01 lIeu lrRIIr of the I voleauo I Tito only re In the ralllllrollli unr 111 the klaholl utsl I time htIRII cho i leeks thll nlgttage Mad pwhl veil I alllllll X05 1 llOnlll i1itstd I us 10 arid uunissw I Invllilion Ste 1t1Uy ow cepted 1 n the cork has I aasunul a hrhghler b IIiOtICh Ille usedLum of an uuletle I I ttsk we tated III the 1I1IlIlaD alp tue teat Is allllllli I uudh7 r Chili 0555 fela IIIUIIi MOIO no a lie II tat wa burnt made In on I eiwntor t II but a tall 1111 It Is I I celled n fu 111111 but is i rally a cable I J with double traeki and the ear ar balanced bal-anced M they pies uo h other mldwtyj of the illit Mr > On either tide lilt the great tfeldi ol lUll ml no rMlh former olcoorre now c oled and In the most l fantitle > hpe In which ee In elomfo Ii one sees m > t cejrlv cuss his fancy mtfl Perhaps wm the Inrjnene irf HIP lonxer rule 1 ami tin weather but Itfetmnl to me tMrea llta > lrll n of I Iriiile 1 Infer mi mUht here bwn I bnrlllunf tlsem I form + uten 1 i I 1t the top of the fiialculaln tit were met by n new relay I t1 irnldei who look Irlr I heir hill corals and wrap > etl them 1 Unit tne Irvnrlirtl woitwn In the iartr 1 Chain arlwl l by four men were In In I howl f nr iliow unale to walk to the i crater A snide welt 1 ahuad n each one I lot 14 and ihiotlliK a ftrap over his rhouilir old na to hold 1 on tlht rtul I Ivan tk l tile itmiMihy 1M Hi I tfillle peveliti lilt Ifinlllil Uiek my for al Ant Imt later mprilhy Is l lust In f tlltr and one mel lit > lilnxelf to brlnj pallet I bullly up the hilt tlinmjli the deepahe The crullr woe iolntiil out tii ur and I we cars warned I Hut to go too close hut we sow nothing Inn a plan 1 a lltlle mre fggy tlmn the deuce hoist ro erlng the inoiinUIn ae row the running run-ning lAVa which UAel Unipiliuly curia and the tiilphur which cA1a bright yellow and unelliil like a milili artery Ktcendlng the hill analn to the funlculalre the Imllet 1 hung limply on the anus of thigiildc and rrgdrdlaM of heat huts and silk nnlenklrn euf feiei thenitelveilobe 1 dragit l throuxh lie title xreyiiiliet tooMeiry nml wet to pr ilent I tlhelcwer 1 tallonn stop III neral I hour MII nude In antlclp itlon ol n clearing up 1 01 the rather lion > that proved to Iw uln however Curing tub lime thi rciillr album u Urge I I blank book In which tourist may llnd a plucelo relieto their feeling urnlthud I nidlverilon We were callvil 1 upon lo to l < proud of our erudite counlr men nod women whmi Me found these Iniirll I I lion t alter Ihe big I black I U S Alt rash ureeen tnbeappreclateil flrand 1 I I Wroiid all iicrptlon I lnugine l Its furnica fjnnivl by a hot and raging I Kul ICM lo avenge her wrnth Another hadwrltlen Wp nhotild have halt It fur f 111ulvni nod 1 Bllll nnolber vl n lei I I rrinlul inluro intnmeil up tliA del crlpilonoflt In throe words Uraml iliMiny and peculiar a limn who had n lay like curt for tlimitcnt hud written fII > ItUrk nJe > H ant dn ary The win 1 < iit mini are nrr weary It if tm win If chill n1 imp Far outlit bin IK suite CUM mi I itmuw |