Show n A lrtltr I rum Tor M I HtxtrrH Jan 28 16 > 0 ItHmnTmiat I Ma vlilllng In Morgan lait week The county and Union Pacific deserve credit for widening tho load at tha rocky joint ai you tnctgo Into Itound Valley i als for rutting away the bniili no one call leo ahead on thote rather dangerous dugwaj i I will give your many readen a few mUll Ideal on creamery binlneii The one at Morgan la niing 40IX Hiundi of now milk every day Just thin of the beneficial reiulli TOcentt per rwl f28 In dally circulation among the larmcri of that locality MO per month which must lies very good heln tll thaw pcoplo nowadays In the wintertime winter-time timeWhat What li I the condition of the dairy builnen In this lfl1 Will the racy chanti tako In the tanners product No NoI IVltat I b the reason i l Wft 1 rwx j th l + wnwtlwtrwl tf buy butler and I pay SooiitliinirieTf it again for 10 cents 01 la often Ihe raw I will tell on a > tory that li I hardly fit for publication In relation to thus I qucitlon but ai It li I w Inter time maybe II will nut hurl and perhapi will iere to how up what li I the matter tome that i A young lady took butter to n suns lo i tell the clerk In A jocular way enquired If there were any fly whigs In It No the replies How II that iay he Whit leisure ma and mo inn bitch i11 lug them out all forenoon Thl you know we must never tell In warm weather I I One and l only I one gout creamery In the right place could receive milk ai pay for hares and a creamerr would coon pay for ltell Con |