Show 101 One of the pleaiantett pirlfiof I list > AIOII wai that glen Tue lay night AI j Ibis rmMenc ol I Jlri 1 Una Thai kera > bv I the MlifCi Unora En and Iffiv Mil on Imgrenihi tthlit wan the order of the evening and lulIMent Invited guritt wereptewnt ID III nine tails 1 Can I playing wn kept lip until IJ orlork rv rylw < ty taking thedeepett liiteiett Mill Amy IViydon carried olf time tires 1111 II handiome handinllng and Ml IMIIh 1 Ullon won the conrnlatlon prina lrof Infant leisure For the latter little lime carli were cut Mri Alma iidrfdga Mm frank Croft and MlM IMIth Viron hating ton the tarn niimlvr of game Afrer a iptended lunch of colTV Mind wlchci AIIII great arl tv sif take and other rcfreihinentii Ike git ill wore reateil tn revcrnl ocal 1 irlectloni from ntroui preient Tho irty fA1I deeldid tucceii In cery way and thoguem reluctantly departed de-parted nil I a in greatly pleaittl 1 wit her cienlnci onterUloBient |