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Show -- J - y X L p kj- OALVHL23 V toilla SHebafUp tf to bo Uttai lit hUcelTiky ta fiowiyia.tfbriBg. Ifroilfi rtfripkia withlbiatdaalVflhd 4liataj aim Mtoto. turro. wt kif aa ifl - - i . aad Otbor ty teith a all ibmmor. ooir;gtbl to cafo loo bay J og g Dr. W, VUU& haa fatoraag fximai woraont JWf mada tho adetod Uttl4 boiiaeet trip to talk Laht City. Cawaa ia oarioua w. tdpodaoo Pty. aa rttiilblo, Thai? ia a harry to robin comtoi bach a&4 lean law a girl VOWeit Style! In fine ihOM cab bd kiuduoM and Attention hro acted a a kaadred poaadt ml apachkd tfekt Editor and Maanjw. t th People Mereeotile Company. tf wonderful toa K to tba fufforor. C. B. Haaouak aataraa froni the tie oold camp at tbo bmf of Coea'a Oatyoa A aam bar o I tbo wool grower am w4 vtl great Kay-i- ? damontro-Lo- o tboir dip boro Tnoeday. Tboyrocolrod A rory nice lad charitable md aohami Tbaredayi oar rttlaanr tba Taoedayi performed by Charlie oxpoata to bavo tbo contract ever iaitiailln. It ended by crow a--ia 14 eoato tor it. flrat of tho we ah. lira. Wycherley bejflaiaba ia about tea day. beey boeiw at May. Tbo army aad aary forever; hip ing out of coal, Harry Thomao haatered Tommy Morty moat te Evaaoteatbo hurrah tor tho Fourth ol July. Tbo W. H. Branch to haul a load of eoal flrtt of tbo weak oa bia wheat. Bo made kinxnMO that Ui fMrtk ad I If r which ho wool, f donate. Mr. Breach above la aot pootry, but tbomo qaito a atop at; tha facile HetoL la lofem tot BBC b yeor, bb4 wel took him op at aaoa, aad fhu remit fact that amaacd to oatimoata. hatha aalyattmotiva 1000 of IFycborloy to the coming Fourth only ones ia For fine abooa in black and color, go wu that Mre. la to Enutou ToUuay. point tl coal in a abort ittma. ' . J. H-- Iamb, ubt haa bang rtteadiag mtwjr Let elebrnte t! ttuonagty. ta eepteh Mercantile Company. Tba oarioua Fourth of Jrtycomroittem John Horton ot Rock port, X.ifaxrall tba Agricultural CoBago at lagan, baa H. wQl .rwtara . te . David eommittoo ea flaiaco will tmu aro bard at work, much to tbeb.-- credit, of Peoa, C. H.B. Steyoao amfWilliaffl vataraod. ranch Beaoa at CaftiaJtock, wbarn ba A. E J. Brian aad lasd aad that they will uuceeed goer vithoat Bicbini of Henefm', at appeal ta tho pobic for erorka baa tba part low yaara. . . tba of ytll of member Wiokal leho, Ting- hi the t tponm ba a prompt aa4 W. ' W. Ctaf& iJn rapremating o in Domooatio met Committee, Connty Oaaaapoaa lima there wm a time gaaareao aaa. Hurrah lor tba Fourth ia roopoaoo te the Balt Lake Hardware GmTOoytmade bia whaa oewi item wort a little (career Coalville Toaeday, regular amatirty . vioit .boro Toeeday, call of Chairman J. L Boydao. Only hero thUwr eh. Thltwai ere thaa they I Moored ill io fart becoming oaoof tlo ImM ed Row ,trn-tectubiee t tba time whea Xoeh had charge of the liuie. preliminary moa the grfo oa tbo load.' popular i of at thla aeeetiag. big bat Bb4 lhr art fanning ihort f teas aary. Prof. Peter ma oad femlly hove Heary for appointment, tbo ttratigy board will Xobinaon Bemart Jlirrii for Provo of to in. the gone aetey aaoapkef Frery pertoa doeiriug to joia te'rrtrnt, aad wo may took for faatry aad- oaoairy, for tho Fourth of who went to the Alter i count ryb Cana- moatbr. wboa.thoy will rotara to Coal tome week ago, return pa Monday villa - Prof. Potoraoa win bo priori pal fighting andwar aowf oooa. lly prowiioa will ayply to Srigadior da Un. They report that th. fn i a tut of tbo Academy boro tbo coming school Lieutenant Oeseral W. M. Bcyfaa aad np there, with pita fj of land t year. Colouel L. bold X. country bar Coalrillo Xldrodgo. 7a patriot na on. Wild gra pi growl ia aettled be W. Mrt. EdgLagtea and GOoft Coalville OW1. WlihP. C. Iraa., a JLllpain upeaki tt: Bo wboiual profusion, and there are atoekgroeera children returned Waaoodey from their box. who rtartod for flaeFrnncLeco poo ay parto rtortsttaah.bat ho who robe who range aa many aa 8000 . head of cattle visit ta relativa ia Lmd City,. Booth oaada of honor taketh that which an the year around without f tmday la Join tbo cavalry, abo neiiag. They Dakota. . They report having bed a ricbetb Dotbim,and come to aiao it up ay many are going ia all tbo to boat, four bum. good aadfrao, may are ploaaaat tima, and wara much laprmmd more carefully, auketb not me ao aad Coal out. armtor ia plenti- whh tba grandeur of thot ooetka. . coming Wbata from.' of whom wU bo. board poor. Drmoer Poet. ful. We did not aacur tail whether or returned o George Edgiagtaa, Jr gnat haadshakiag will tako placa from bia atadim at tbo Ball A now line of ladieu Oxford tier bu not they intended iwtu ruing. Batnrday aair beya when Mr. art been roeaiywd at tba Pocplaa Jnrtitute. George Tbu manner of aele ding the yousf Lake Collegiate tf . Company. them oo tbo FblUpplaoa. honore witit at that high gredaated the to Jwddaua ( of liberty roproeent lady aad reeeira eeveral mark of Bora, Wednesday, to tho wife of on the Fonrth of July wrill bo aa follow : . from tha faoalty. ' . merit Ten, ia Mww CwmB Ballot will be prori amul Clark, a daughter. Tho babo and 'a polling from aama not Evaaa P.C. Ogden aa eitabliahad Hall. ia .a i Mrt. not Clark nba Cftr quite ia additioa ta it daily aoway, evaaiag rtag aiooly. place to bid bia parent a, rale tivef ga no Voting for tha repeatiwo easdidataa Toaeday aditioa, appaara to bo giving tbo otbor wallet could bo wiahed, though friend gea prior to bio departure Ia eager ia apprehended. 8am feeli jut will commence Teeedej' g, Jnpo for Baa Freedbye Daavar popart 'wbat they aood. tba Pblllppiaaa tee 7 aa tickled flrat. it if vu hia to 21th, at ocloek, oontinno antll aoliata fat tbo Port aad tbo warm woathar oclock. Tho polio will ho opoao0worjr Wednesday. 7. C. baa on Oomar lira. wo Xbe home Wadnetday oatof tar 7 tbo la beoa eavalsy, accepted toba. knocking aaami evening from 7 tog, until Jana JKI. L. rwooirad a phot ograph of tbo Coalrillo will both ba rtoo, that totter a aadarttea, pomlbto.l thorn. Tba rort.il E. Eld red re aad W. 1L Boydm bv boya, and tbo balaooo who tent with pedal correspondent tor tbo Balt Lake f papor thaa Txa Control Tntaai bat them. Tho 'ooyi look alright, and they charge tba voting.' Tbo prioa of (tha Tribune. Sueoeoofq with him. vt ballota will be S centa each. . tboa U bar a Uttlo largor told. Tbiaia aro alrtgbb', Late to ba and early to rim, propane a rtatMDoot that nothing bat our repo- - -- Tbo Art Tbo childroa ot tho L.D. B. ffuaday iag mama opened ymterday, acbooir with their 'tooehoro and for hi boom ia tba thloe. Early man a parent, tatloaaaoaowopaporthatalwBjnopoaki ay who have booa patiently a Little Early Riser, the oiQ aad bed to a delightful duw1a tho CIty Thrk the troth toald pooolbip'iadaeo ao to waKmy. forth time wont down to tho brttor .life longer thalAnakae Tba owttra daywau rpeat wiser. Jeho Bovnon A Booo. v rivory ju a different path thaw tha ona roatorday. n picnic winl amntoonwata. A they; bavo bma aaiog tho peat few game of ball woo playa. tbo children tha. Taaodltor ol Taa Taraola wanted bow ia tte ha a dance la tbo afternoon, tha brai Tha knew lag tetter Commit Hot' bp 'tbo 1 Jk tbo game of beaebell yoatorday, bo-- if mad turnwi oat lor tbo Uttkoao(,oa Coalville, badly at Washington, ; eaaaty, board. Wo if aof te ipr betere Jilyt, ooo tbo flonday aohool moa aad tba they tbo CUb, Tho time. bat o rtrategoy bp trip rooting poll, qhadeadJefter affleial bar wlrod K that wo eoald aotooma, JaaMlla bambali elub, tba latter wort Sargent kkowaiabaadoataOwiag f eriil be oeat'to ALMA KLDRBDGS, f 20. Tbo the wai condition of tho ourrohading 43 of to more a riotorimu Wahla(teaD.O.t by tor two reason. Flret;" wo doat Dho Lawtem V y Jebaooa tbo Joka J mo to play 0. rtwb moat to Boaafos op thorn, bat will bo taken onti llo boa! Inad oeboort wbteb wao pun& togam game with that loam, next month, io tha ehlldrom'wll! mrt Mra RottBaaddaa WJPaatetoa wUhoatdar approval, aad ooooad. ora bo diamppoiated. MlmmteBall WrtHilleeera ef 1 lotoaroitiaopa raepood te tho call for T A Foam, afiard to throw op tbo oology One Minute Oeagh Cara b tfio bort oaao ta properly ealabrate above tho for lottera, pteaoa la calling ore woaroat proooat aot gottlap. Pay aa did tbo , wide owako preparation 1 barn over aew or aaid avortirod.. thot tote they f 7 bo worn dioappioatlo Umbp brf to poa, oHlaoaa of Evaaatos. Tbo flaanMOom-Itte- o aad I can't gay too much ia Hr praim-J. J.Jona,P.M. L. M. Kamaoa, morchoat, 'Odell, 800tor X oaomVao rrtaa oar tbli of that aocoao place od although map BoWon A Boot. ; wxjxetfelly call the xttemtioa of Iht la4!cfl in epxectioH 4J . John Dexter 4 Seoii bave oohoUhtly to Bully taa day. rtaglo pnrpom of of tha handaome line f Simmer lack ao pattViim, principal win sulliatry department to LIME I qnaa m(th oa baod goa, dret-elaare oa to tboir fob. Xvaaatoa. They Dee lxtest the Pxrixol and summer cape. noveltie. wo Pattern, art allow' ta aria tjba oaorifleo. titlm to tett . parrbaom.1 Flret-ela- rcdy-md- c Frank Mr. Mrt. and Darning fnUfltoekefA and Wrapper, Chil-dr-an Shirt WxUtg, ooote per toabet af fartrtur XT mart bo woato&t with Tba atteutioa of our County bulldiag lime, down from Dptoo waaaaday. J dfeaoea and eambrie of dalivored to tba nnderweir. aa txuhrt condition caote drawn k kilo or IS per ett advice Ky mail. Bp. end Mra. Jrtaa dark af Vptea car ot Coalville depot. Sfrtice required Ntfl from Waaabip te tba aammlt, wara U Coalvllla viiitoraTuaaday, wbea Urge qaaatitim arededrod. ,, Fortiaa trarallsg tbia roa my it af the rtmort impembla, while oa tba other vlell wife Bail of trw Mi.trtaa Haram,pfeprlat Almf, ,ffn. Oaa Vlaata Io art teog, yet roUafa aaa ddo of tbo mated t tbo rooda are in ax ing rtoa, W, friend aad r rtetivm la CoflvCl. Xvtoa abtelaa la half that Uma by tba amaf altba KWt wldaiy haowa aaa ia too aalloat condition. e E. Flab or baa returned from Oaa Miaate Cough Cura. U pro veal It' Jomph or ol rboomatim aft Itato, wai where hoe ba bma ptteadisg eoonmptteuoa quickly fureo odd. Ibovo, Tba CityCoancUmeota Monday alght tbrooyaorgaf aaShriaf. Ho my at p, broeehiti. puoumaaia, la grlppa Vv, a beard of equalization. Tbo tax echool. ta eoaaauad all throat and loaf trouble. oflanguara aaSldaat not hav a W.F. 8mith,aud littl ixryaro Boydea A Bona. payer! wlU boar la mta that tbo city . loooatoy aap idoa af what 1 aufferwd; omaaamoat ia nidi from tbo eoaaty roll, from Balt Laka a couple of fay ftte my phyaieiaaa told am that aotbtag U9U KtTtCIL r s rtl whd with to make eompkintof week on a vialt. my Woadi uonld bo doaa fee ma oo do from retamed Oliva oommmoatcaa Mim bat their Ebmad ha etthat city wan fully 'eoarlaoad that nothing the her ttadiee at th Univenity' of Ctab ' death weald ralloya am of my Buffering. time. . in,, m ..lm itl rmtatTflert I OLtrJ . Balt Laka City. Ia Jane, 1234. Mr. Kma, than mlaw Aa tia often laid ia Udioa oorrpoa-daacoo with her drom, tbo moat im - ' Mill Jane Ann Bobinaoa km returned aaa tor the Whoaliag Drag Co , rwooi CeeWUie.1. OjOTEJ he hat ' boon meadad Chambarlalaa Fala Balm. At portent article comm ot tbo bottom. from - Provo ' wrh ore 7t.ribTeaX.6. Vtak. wol- -' ' worn Umb eofflfbr are table tbo iboea fart S Hat ecbooL M , my tehMiiu. attending Btylith, tbit their normal of tarty drmaiag. People flection For unan P. Xollihar wot F kata men thaa double or mmci tt end it foamed to me my kg would coatik Company boa o com pie to line of ymterday. I at and all hia man will cia t tf neon tba Fo rth. but aoaa aftae I baflaa artag tha laoabomioirkdim. FrtlXalm tba twalliag begag to da-- Wo ooofkomo Mlaa Flor a doff haa returned from Bsaieftineedmnn weBi else met per ebem-- e eonapodal to tba Bait Lake ow aad I leave, tke mmi .urnma, tha palato ee tbe Mta emek herviai to yrovo. Mia lfy Boabard M. from Harold that foeatollo, Ida., earad. Voraak ee JnJrk. tern aidm that I am aatiraly ithbar. arms the eMsmer, e hie eOevtn Cee) Allloon made a trip to that placa aad came back i Cns. Vrlklt Boydaa A Beoa, Thome Tbomaa baa ra tomad from hnelttenv, brought back with him a runaway boy i write! I p fUllAma whoaaeapod from tbu Reform School tho Agrif mltaral Collage at Legaa, to f. X. Tuhae, hbaroa,Wia.. fmarttfomtauJ baaa trted DaWltth Witch Heart Balva kat weak. If they get away horn Soot. ipoad bl a vacation at home, f -ABiaoa (of aay length of timi they Mrt-.l yrn and Mr. Martia oT Almy . liberty. h: tve booa viiitiog ia Coalville lor who cure on tba Balva Heart granted Witch Cmlvtn. rteh. rone itUee. tha market. Joha Boydaa A ffoaa. , The cotton crap from tha cottonwood aomor lay, have returned boma. TO CXXOTTOMf-MT- AT Of Dav && Frii'by baa been (pending bia wytnicx from la Coalville tbia year ia abundant. XUtek Cleytt, 4eeeee4 Credtee wt& HOTICS. Ike le veeebeie etth elele e4e their Ton bleated abundant, ia (act. All tha time late up South Fork, making a tinll ittll In Xortport. fnad rt m Qteh.ee ev Mm the j ibeopherdert ia tba eoaatry oouldnt trip ju Coalville .about one week. Ta whom it may eoacma: (MV, A. P.UH. lUITtlillftVI, hmtM, that by of flock ia hero drive at 0 (beep hereby through yotico rttheliteie et eotii Clemo. h'JinyorT. L. Alien, and wihhat went tha County Commiwt ' pram at. They would think they wort teKupbiand Provo a V vhaVh day of uio vift. They PMeMSVthUcoam Ray M.1. would likely r turned jr, T ' , a ' Zii Commieaioaora nnketod, jraaaprad it a ibearing corral, oU that itrom ia bnmmit buck. 4 txn op Mim Bigler, nnee of MVI. L. Allen, n. utah.i 't From tbo way our committmea aro who bs been bare for a wwrt atoatbl t iyae m hemre me Utatmaeate of tho Fourth celebraChalhCmoMm Jhob2awSra worhiBgoa July te etets, eet peat, haa returned t her ho, to ia Kopbi. with all tte tribotartea, fora tion, tt ia evident that au mistake warq Mim Elia from ba retuvaed trace thla data. jTwrt throoyaara made ia adectiag tba mea. Lot vcr Provtf. vhereFitter ibk went to aoloetimg . no anii reeervedea. vjtto them ia dtirna help ovary way. Lot ua rtndsiofaald atmm la Im tba puraom at th f B. T. oompyjncemeatexerdme offlib. -have tho firework, ball' propagating race, parade, IkmdiBC porwmaTahlug ia mid gamoo, cricket match, etc, etc. It ftC, Acniy. Amyporaoa Croo. 8. Feakint, truant or taking nay Bih from artd repeemating ' wlU let the popper pop oa that day. ' itfMin bf aay ataaaa whatever. Topeka Paper Company, Topeka. . bawaiihed by the kwfrtteU State la Tho baMball boye offacted to organ-imtlo- a was in Coalvil) lest week tad did qB ' wchamaaaaadA.wovidod. lart Friday night. George Lind, a thriving bnsiaam. Data -Jana .Bth, D-- , 188B. w 'T. C. uboma manager Lavaam, Jr., my, Hoa. George Beard and eil wturaad giyMtiaetemreneA Gama Warden fm treawror, end Carl lllieon, ritb Balt from Lake mptaiaaad at Wednetdey,ait in tiiH Summit County Ptab. amatory. Tha boye Intend te prnetioo lor George te get hi a lcucaVtop.tAP fithieg' tackle oft will ia a abort tima regularly, go after tba trout. pat ??Sf2rttlMhiiA Httre ef h(,lwtieee TTaatlaad. ap a otroug game. Tha club ehouid Far frta Barry Haanap, tha Bern Comfort bwm every M Mle Mi encouragement ear renge man, wm in OorttJJte" with bin Salt Laka City. ' dtiaeae. ' writm : wtfeTueedev. They ewe re their wy leeet. B, C. P. Jeaei, Miteeburg, Pa., Rio-Huadred of thoumnd have booa to Park City fropi Eeenmetw.Wyo. -Littte Early DaWitt N Ihivoua to try Chamberlalne Cough ReHe or nnea A. J. Hueaaer .aeor daee they wore introduced vrife tad ii Clora wlKi,AoM end mart myt hero never and may by reading what it haa dene for otb-er- e, Hoomer of lee4,Vle ia Wl,!lw 'vhM,eBonnlm, rr.. nrriva J. aad- n ef testa It meriu for Coal villq th Wot ef la t ek. The two wen. Kanll -; themaelveihaving . Co gwro-s- y. fWW are ita warmest today friend tv!1 farmer ar are laxatiro Bwl a of Vr,. as tba lather et and un bar yv. hew mry rroalre Far tola by Juba Boydea A Boat. marwrf a. -1 2 J. E. Hqimer tha Boydea A nd thiy p!v,( n.im. coixnix,cti, BBa Poorth bl July. , rt t4 ha Mercantile Co. ha f u tu Shoes! t-.- y d aa dod-gut- od W, It will oost you nothing to look at the splendid assortment. All styles and colors, qualities "; and prices, from - bo-tw- Imibiai Mr-eauti- la lrnir In ia aa A rnh aa aa .a . ta a aa aa poet-ofica- .al Peoples Mercantile Co ha oat Ug 'Sf'i to-da- r lade-poadaa- Qa-Job- a m rumiui. ft ;i Com-mladaa- aa TaM Pm, Maggie .Salmon, cv4 aa aa aa Bo You Believe In tUGIt? -- raoatn Mflrt Wr e, . o, cued aa foun-daU- oa amoinn untna sqaEffisssasR-ia- krti tsaafaTsii I. ffissssesss de-thr- tr ndim gin, Sua uha ssfflSSrt? !, aa to-d- NVaSuhecar Sfw.rrs a o,ta W. J, WRIGHT, Agent er ERAL MER6HANDISE. QN t. eftSH BftRGftIN ST0R6 COALVILLE, aa . aaIntua - EiHroaUai ni ; UTAH GEO. W. fi ROBERT YOUNG, tor. 4 aa o. aa rw-ert- WANSH1P, tf ia-ia- ea aa rij, V! ri nn JU CawSeP i i - v |