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Show AKLBV, Oltuo,JatlO.IM. Ecroi Tnttt Bomairhii com at lut, Hltdoat now tgtla. Crept irUklcgle,iad tb tardea Tigeublierellibid. Urt. C. Wright It connned tober bl with rheoaitlia. Born, oa JoniJtk, loth wlleefW. P. Rlcbirdi, a Ine boy. Vother aad child delog well. MliiJinle Vernaa of North Ktraat li 1 pending a liw diyt la Oikleju. Mn. K. B. Baipp bit bin very lick (or two weeki, batlttonaUtterattbll wrltltg. Mill Etuaa Batauiiea bti beta very lick with the ueiitee. Bb I ! prorltg tlowly. lfr. Wlllird Jidiio bai aaewglrlit hie hour. Otkltr li UerAilng la population (11U Tee turprlie oa Mr. George Wilde waia lucctit. Everyone bid a good time, aad arlde up tb ctayoa li juit whit tb joneg peopt like. Come people, wik apt Whit ar we going to bite en th f earth efJnlyt We hire set bid a calebrerlen fer three yein.asditlt tiaaw were eoaaeac lag to prepare Naetbiag. Minyeloer latillcklUrtacaaaet go ff to ether towci. OaipeopU baftaeaachuleat at they do la any ( tb eatall towai, aad a ale grot and belt groand, and tharill netblog l keep at treat bielag ac.libritlon. Pled, June6tb,th btlared diaghter of Mr aad Mn. O. O. Olm. After minydiytof isfferlag tba Utile sae pined away, aeter to know aay et tbli werldt troublei. ib wu ebeut three oeatht old. Tb featnl toek plao Iron the echool beet. Elder Jena X, Beiatoat aad ll TeirKa war lb ipetkMi. TbreaialtirrUldtreil la Ik Oakley cemetery. Tbi brMT4 pertatt bat tk- ryMpathr tb comaiaehy. Vile Jokaien'i Mitel Oik ley, eyajpeibUe with bit. Is hit bere-meat, bere-meat, r y trr i tb death i kit wlf. Boueat lb yeuog taia e4 Oakley UkUMllaiuao tfCubv bum mi tH .wbea aad -wber tt)iiu Oeiley baa bat tepreeeitotlr then, Sarrir aUimopata. Tliblogtlaielineiritbtad. Unlut tb witar Tfcedtt rery iu (lib will biT to Jarop at lent twit to get tn th top by tb loth if Jane. J taut Eviai ttwaUII II raaalag dally to rornltb lumber eaoogb far the de-aatnd. de-aatnd. W. B. B terete win esoa mike (tit to Black' 7ork, Wytmlag, U look at the cauatry, lia tb milling latent!. What aboit calling tb cltUant te-gatiar te-gatiar U eee abett ceUbritlog tb orlbiJalyT I. novsrwBT. BocwetT, CUb, Jwt, II, 1MB. Cwto Too 1 1 Mr. cd Mn. William fuVrWe wait t Belt like City tb Ult ( leal week. Tkoi. 7. U CbapHll of Kill Oalrille, amaopca hllWkaaad ltttardy aad Bandiy Tliltlag la Bockport, tb gueitotB. Beameai. Jen Bumoai, who bit beta attead-lag attead-lag lb Unlrerilty, returned kemtoa Btturday lilt. Urt. B. Beaaeat aad oa eUabea, tnidetbuiliMi trip to Bait tike City tba lut of lait week. John Hoyden, Tbeoil Cepley, asd 3. E. Pattlt, all of Cetlrllle, rlitud emi Bandiy icheol, d alt tb wattblp aeetitgon Esndtylut. Edwla 8. Crowtkir aaj wife, tad Walter Crowtber aad wife, were eitUltg reUtltea lo Eoekpert o Buadiy laH. ,, D.B. WABianr. Wiaiav, Ouk, Joll,ltM. ZBtroaTamt UliiMeudWllklnielrret. U bin elallligwllhfrlean. Mr. aad Urt. E. B. Vmh, Vn. Beat. TeoagaadMri. E. B. Toaag waatta Tror aa tb tltb. Un. Sarah Alceta, re. Jb Alcbl al tea ktell, ( BUI tak, bit beta ptDdiog fe diyi wllh at. Mr. aad Mn. V. U. Hlaeaa, I. M, QlteoaaadVn. Arthur Braa,tpeal til week la Ball Lab. Tb (antral terrUei m tba rtailni etUrt. EllHUth A. Jeknaea wen held M tba loth, nealdeat W, V. Cloff d C. A.CtlUtal Coahtlla war tb ipiakarl. Both aaedecenielUgaBdla-tereatlng aaedecenielUgaBdla-tereatlng remtrki. Tbtre) wei aa a-tralargaattiadaae) a-tralargaattiadaae) tb deeetfed bad atayftleali, aad wa vary blklf tHd,aadUl U dM Vyaiay. ItbekUaklidNtd torlog aatva, ud kUacbiritable heart to thoia who wei la sea. 6b leeeet aklad hoiband aad two little onct lo raoura her lou.wbo hire thi tyanpttby of the community. Mr. J. M. Andinao returned from Idaho lut week, where behlt beta for a aeaitb put, looking titer bit tbtfP lotereitila tfattiute. MIimi Urae aad Btauch Young h-tarned h-tarned from rUUUkoua the lOlh.whrf they bare bea attending the L.I). N College. Tnehallday commlltea htmtt,ad iramtklac errtnitmenti (or a grind celebntlon of the Fourth of July, which la the proper thing. Tka Sliver creek wagon road bu be-com be-com mett lapeiuble. Ilbumeir been la inch 1 condition 11 now, Mr. B. Uc Deaoegli, oua ( th eennty eommlnlon-era, eommlnlon-era, waa down tbli week impeding It, nd hi decided to ba (w of ih wont plectidted at one, and wilt until tha board meeUlnJnlyU deckle about do-laianrtkltg do-laianrtkltg more. W py oortixca tobiTi good roidi and ibould bare Ibem V wina&TOBT. WialATCl, TJUh. Jun U, 16wi EarroaTnrait J. n. Iilaoa, tha Coalville miioo, hit ben l.er the put week laylag the foaadallen for the new echool houn. Venn Wm. Cerrulb, lenlor, and Jualor, aad Friak Blppoa, are bsally engaged oa tbelr eeatncl, erectlnglbe new tcboot ten at Ceatle Bock. A carload sflanbtr for the time, arrived (rem (ell Lake oa Monday. A very heavy rein ell io thla vicinity an Ralurday night Jwhlch lo tome placet luted eeveral bourt. Quit aUwtlEvasitOB'iyoacgmio, paid a vlilt t Wabialcb oa eundiy lul.oatbeUwbeeli. Abtllgimiwii tkUt:tlei. Baparte fVoa lb tarrouodlag wool caapiwbar ahaaritgU gelcg on. are that a heavy crap ! wool It la garnered. Mn. J. lCOqillbur it away 00 a Vlp to lewe, wber tb npacli t ipead, Mvtral weeki. 4 Tw of lb Mlieet OreatfrtSaflUt. dgburtetAotll Xlrit.'wflni-aadvw Xlrit.'wflni-aadvw dk)i vlalt t tbeiratiof afd uaile, Mr. aad Kra. 7reaka. Agtat Cleweon of Cull Bock bu had eielher levera altark of ijelniy darlag lb weak, but li now recevirlig. Tba iwoMiire Laka of Header wire haroontho flrat of tha week, vliltUg klrt. Moor asd lemlly. 1 deaee wu held bora oa Friday lut, at which everybody bad a good line aad Ttreaxcepttoaally iletpy fer a day r tw aftarwardt. Boelaeea at Wahuteb It lively. A truitecV netting wu held the be-giaalag be-giaalag f tb wk, at which tba alt f tb new acbool building wu raeuured, aad itaVed oat nedr (or tb work ol rKtlaa, aad J. 6. Batl wu appointed I nptrlataod tb erection of tb build-lag. build-lag. Qllte a blgh wind vlilted tbli locality ft sight lut week. Jenatbio Leo-titter Leo-titter who artt lo thi vicinity ol CUik'llbaatiog canal at tba Hue, ra-petti ra-petti 4bat ttviril tbeep ctmpi wen blew dowa, tnd eome wtieetrrlideut of tight. Bat it it toppoied they were alter Verdi recovered. It la not learned that aeyon wtt hurt. J, B.'Janklnt of Evinilon li km actlagaa sight operator. Beveral-vaol buyeri btv been here lately. J. 7. QolUhwr bit gone to Evtailon. J. 8. B BBBBTBR BxysTii, June 1, 11)5. Zonot Toon Xeseler it Ilk a fair tbli morning tbamettoftba wool it tId, tod the beyt ire loading iloc the can to-diy, Tneprlta rctllied wat Hlcentii It told hit year for 0 coat. Tbb4aeUlbeyaaadtba people wan dleaeppel nled In a gaaa of betekall, tbil wai lo bar been flayed at Ueiefar tut Batarday. Bo I Margin (ailed to aitirl aide, aad th gea Joally belotged to HentJer. Tk gaa pliyid at CoaUUIa lut Vrlday wat a decided victory (or thi Banefer teaa. Tb crept are laoklog will, upeetally the fell grain, aad everything laokf (avoreblafer a good crop. Bea diaig It bolag dene by lb eilnIt, bat tb drain an tihtlog tbta viril f Ibem are thootltg Ibem and Vuyiag itryebnlee, lndepndeatof what lb coanlailonart have deae. Mr. Oaargo Harrit left bera en lb Utb, for a minion In Teenetttt. A parly . gotten up for bin oa tba 10lb, which u a eoccen laaotlally, aad tkowt tba I mavapla'a apprcUtia tor tbelr Ubart. I W. B, I |