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Show v l THE DOGS-OR WiR. Wow European Military Men Propose to. Use Them in Field Operations. Doys for Ambulance Service. At the time Shakespeare penned that Immortal tine. "Let slip the dog of war." lie could have had no Idea that hla words would one doy he turd literally. lit-erally. Yet such will be the case, for there la llttlo doubt that In the next ereat Uuropean war the words written to many years ago by tho great poet and dramatist will bo tho very ones used ly the officer In charge of tho war dogs to set hla pack ot ferocious canines on the enemy. in the armies ot almost crrry lltiro-pean lltiro-pean country, except (Ireat Ilrltaln, tars a writer In the Itambler, dbg are trained either a spies, messengers, or to render help and assistance to the wounded, (Irrinany. Trance, Ilusslo. Austria and Italy, all have their bands of trained dogs, although It is In tb a bio to make tho dogs march without frisking about and to avoid harking. If stranger are near tho dogs give notice no-tice of their approach by n low growl, or by pointing. Tho aversion which tho dogs feci tor certain uniforms la Inculcated Into them by somo Herman soldier putting on French or Itusslan uniforms. They then teaso or maltreat tho dog, while the other men care and pet hlni. In this manner the dog very loon learns to distinguish between friend and foe. So Intense Is this hatred In some ot tho dogs tor men habited in any, uniform uni-form other than that of the regiment to which they belong, that they will attack a postman. In order, however, that they shall not do any Injury when 8I3NDINO A TUA1NKD 1)00 TO TUB FIIONT WITH AMMUNITION. first named country that they are made tho most ism of. Since 1M8 l'russla has employed various va-rious kind of dog tor this purpose. Including shorHnilrtd Herman pointer, point-er, sianlls, and sheep dog. Tb do arc appointed to each company, each being under the command ot a-sergeant, a-sergeant, while a lieutenant has the command of tb wholo of the ' handlers." han-dlers." Almost the whole of tbo time ot these meu Is given up to the training of tli ii dog under their care Tlisy teach them to carry dispatches and do-liver do-liver carlrl-Ige to the fighting line, to scorch tor wounded or fallen soldiers, and, when they have found them, to bark until assistance arrive. If they cannot attract any attention by barking they carry back the wounded wound-ed man' cap or tear oft a piece o JiU clothing and carry It to tho hospital, when the attendant return with thVtn to the wounded soldier and convey him to the hospital, (III the Alarm. Another clever trick of their Is to glvo an alarm at the approach of an enemy, A Ocrntan being dressed up In tbo clothe of a foreign soldier for tho purpose. In tbo early- part of their oducatlon they are taken out with an old dog who thoroughly understand tho work. Tho young dog I first of all taught to find loat articles, this constituting con-stituting the beginning of the delivery of dispatches. One of tho hnndlen, as the soldier who train and look after tho dogi ar called, take the young dug away, put a dummy dispatch Jnto the small leather leath-er pocket In the dog' collar, and start him off to find his mailer. Mint of tbo dog aro exceedingly fond of Oil kind of work, which can bo readily understood un-derstood by all who possess dog and have noted tho casernes thcy'dltplay to carry homo n walking stick or a basket, or tako It to any particular1 person per-son ordered by It master. Another Important part uf tha work ot a war dog I bringing up ammunition ammuni-tion during a fight. When tho luttlo has commenced, tho handler lakes up a stand near tho ammunition wagon with tho dog As soon as be see ammunition am-munition la wanted, he loads the animal ani-mal with 160 cartridge, carried In a double saddle bag. half of the cartridge cart-ridge on cither sldo Thus loaded, the Intelligent beast doe his best to reach tho lint of sharpshooters, sharp-shooters, and, If successful, return Immediately, and 30 continue tho work until tbo battle I over, or, a would ho rortaln to happen sor.ictlmcs, bo blmsolf I killed It has been proved that It a dog la wounded while carrying carry-ing out his duties, he can seldom bo Induced to again emnro near th pIsco wbero ho has been shot. However, tho faithfulness of the dog A a rulo I wonderful, and, when load-tied load-tied with ammunition thay will never allow tho cartridges to 'be taken from them by soldiers ot another battalion,' and sometimes only; by thoso'of (holr own company, so veil are the dug taught to know- tho 'dUlalon to" which they belong. . The German find that tho. beat trainer for tho dogs aro the men .or the Jager regiments ' TJieso men are on the march, tbo dog aro held by tho soldiers In a leash Vlnrk llrtt at MatiU Tho dog hato been fuuod by experience experi-ence to do their work In a, tnuoli mur atli'artory mariner at ngbt than In tho daytltne, when (hay will sometimes some-times play with other dogs, or chase wild game lf possible It Is n groat temptation In the best behaved dog to sen a rabbit or wild fowl dash nut from somewhere and be unable to glvo chafe to It, The dog Tun little risk of being raptured, ss. In addition to being very wlft, they sr exceedingly ferocious. As regards their feeding, tho dog that does his work well gela a good dinner and kind treatment, hut the unfortunate unfortu-nate brute that doea otherwlao get very little dinner, but a plentiful dose ot stick or strap. In tho French army the chief dog used aro barbcts and I'yreneatt sheep dogs. Tbo former aro tired becauso ot their great- Intelligencer T'httlr train. Ing as n war dog commences when they rro eight month old, and It Is nearly a year heforo they nro proficient. The sheep dogs aro chosen chiefly becauso of Ihclt strength, one ot tbem ASII1UI.ANCK D00 IlIhTOVKIUNa ilADI.Y WOUNDED BOMimrt. - A. being ablo to carry (00 ride cartridges. However, they aro ery difficult to brrak to Jlro The barbel aro used chiefly to carry message, and during tho French mamutcr last year oxperlmenls were made to ascertain the relative speed with which cavalry, cyclists, pigeons and dag could deliver message. The whole flto wero ghen a meswage and started off, at the same tlmo, but, alas, the dog came In last, the pigeon coming com-ing In first with the greatest ease It may Interest cyclists to know that tho horesmen and cyclists rnn a dead heat. Tho Itusslan dog aro chiefly trained Jo, osst the medical corp In their work, and to help In the hiimano task of bringing aid as rapidly as possible to the wounded soldier. Illg. strong dogs aro selected for till purpose, Ht llcrnards by preference, as being the most Intelligent when left to their own devices-, and also the most faithful Attached to Ihu lullur uruund Ihslr nocks Is a imall flask containing brandy, or sometime n, strong, no ir-Ishlng ir-Ishlng broth. A little roll of bandagis, of which the wounded may avail themselves, them-selves, Is alas tied around their necks, MASTIFF THAWED TO DH AW 1.10 HT AMDULANCI! I T$y,g are especially trained to seek oy'0i""le. nun lying In out of the r oIscm where It is possible thy .! J orf rl""K,'' ' tti regular stall a'uebed to the me branch of the . '"Ian armv lfthey dl.,oier wounded men lying , I" ltrhe r behind Imshe, they al-low al-low them to help themselves to the bitoey and hark Ineeasantly to attract a'tMtlon and bring help They aro 'kS'1"" """' ,0 l"111 ,mi111 rnrt " wMo amuiiic nf wounded men can be ton-led off the Held of battle. Tkeee war dogs hevc been tried In aetMl warfare and the French. In llitlr wars In Tunis snd Algler. used Jhtttoailaniae the soldiers of tho prnt While finr al .1 ued thm dur-Itif dur-Itif the war between iurkey and Una-It Una-It In sawite warfare 1 10 they hive km found ettrmieli uaeiul in prevent-li'l prevent-li'l the siealthy savage stealing up arjl stabbing or shooting the sentry. Without ihe dog timely warning, the entmy would haie crept up closo eneuih to have silently murdered tho nun. Tin Dntrli used dog for this purpose In Arheen Italy use dogs to aerompanv sentinels on the lonely AlflM ststlona Al regard Ihe kind of dog rhosen to undergo this warlike training, no PcUl hreej Is selected Scotch collie col-lie are perhaps more widely used l,han y other 1, anse of their wonderful latelllgence. and In most ease cross breeds are preferred All the dogs go threuih such an elaborate course that, wbto their training Is completed, they cirry out their duties almost automatically auto-matically It Is admitted now that the best sort of employment for the dogs Is outpost out-post duty, conveying ammunition to tin fighting line, delherlng messages nM learrhlng for wounded soldier In battle. This haa been reeognlied after Trial years of practice with them, nod although they hate efficiently carried car-ried out every other duty they havo ben put to slow work, such ns drawing "rn. etc , I not, as lias been proved, qtMH suitable 7b wagona In which wounded sol-dlfl sol-dlfl are conveyed off tbo field, and wbjsji ar drawn h tb dog, require atjtc4nts. and It I claimed with reason rea-son tlist the attendant might Just at) wd) carry off the wounded men them-Mhrs. them-Mhrs. fa discovering the wounded on a flsU of battle the dog nre at thslr lies). The qualities required for Ibis wars are Inherent In tht St. llwnard, thj breed mostly employed for this sptpisl duty. Vhat better dog than n trained liUydaound or bulldog, too, could a Midler Mi-dler have to accompany him when on duj) at a lonely outpost, and to give him llmoly warning of tho approach ot aaVtnemyT I loth breeds, properly truned. as la well known, make tbo but watch dog In tho world. fc |