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Show k J .V- , r r. ' ' RETURN t- - I ..I, -- is t 4f - vw OP MASTER. - I tta 1? ! ' I- . .uj-hi- .& fr llEEO ' OF 'MANILA. i i 1 " ' . pevemeat; -- Not hnrt.str.'T hope aatd one, rr A mu of middle height, with old "Not hurt, thank you," he replied, CAPT. "cRibuWy fashioned goatee beard and a perplex- panting, "but noofewhyt startled, taa-- n THE FIRST .CUN- ed, wandering air. He attracted Jesa Jsa a greater Harry than It if as la attention in the Chantrey room by rea-ay- myjifay. tt.e e--hh the AetWa krl-thelaet that moat of the vlaltocq 7fe yil hare to push: fsald the other ' SHIpe ead Forte Freeh th Cohhleg ware young ce ifplea absorbed in the young Jfellpw,, .aqwedyie.- - Can we ywe of tho Olynsplh Was Bom aad etudy of eachpthar. leokefat IvejQfl further assistance, alrff. spy Jo ladtaah. theft young jpa-f- t a Ilk twlahUeg tjWir entlemenhe ryalfl,courteeuly7T and nodded approvingly. cannot trespass on ypur goodneaa" No change there! he eald with a APT. Charles V. "You look tired said the first youth. itgh of relief. Gridley, comman"I am tired." He went Into the boater room gnd der of Admiral "Com into our Club and rest for a looked with Interest at hla own porflagship, fhs think We bit are Llheraty rta f trait on the walla One of the engaged yre are and there Will be some Others OlympltFould fs aoaplea came up and looked over hU .there." highly pleased did rr- he know how the shoulder. tt was 11:30 now.. .They escorted Who'a he see posed to be, George?" Jhlm to the club. people of Erie, ?- -. the an4ttk him. uproam. home town, are hla aaketTthe lady carelessly. ' broad stairway into (he smoking h celebrating "Chap o' the name of Dtckene," re- The room was lyiOd with, the scent, of to conduct one of brass plied George, with the readiness cigars and tht sound of voices, and ev the great battle of tof whom the world has no secret, eryons seemed to' be talking about InCharles Dleketfa" Capt. Gridley Is an master ,omfortable in an hoohasahe Pennsyla was diana but Tve eard the name," said the young armchair near the Are, listened anxihis.wlfe man, f John P. , woman. What was he celebrlted t6r7f ously. The members were all young- vanian, the pretty daugbter horns his been has Erie and Vincent, Writing chap, said George. men ish, were; probably to evsr 1872. when Miss Harriet Vinsines "Ever read any of hla work? asked theirgen t hadhtpettes at the time thathls-spiri- cent became Mrs. Gridley. It was the the lady persistently. The man with flew away from Gads Hill and that fired the ilrst sjiot of the bafrd. the beard put hla from this earth. His two boats lgft Ofympla In attack the battle ef May L and Capt to hla ear. I Tilm with an exc'bse to loin the heated Gfldley was In the conning tower of , "Know some of the titles m, debate, urrent reputations formed the ship Watching the enemy and answered George evasively. the subject pf hhtStferenee. knd, In posed to their shells. This was not cases was some- order to save At the everybody spoW at the first time the brave Gridley was tlm, more thing flattering. These, spelling once. Many weretfelklng about them- In ibe smoke of war. Hi was In Mod out the manuscript of selves. I ! bile' . bay on the Oneida, and though Dombey and Son, and reading with said the then g youpg man. distinguished himYorgottpn-rne-," Theyve ease the bolder handwriting master, greater self .in the fight His conduct was regretfully. Oliver Twist, a party of Amerl-4n- s this dldjt flrjt.eppear to;be pratied thus by hla commander: "The Indeed, In their 'en- tbs ease.- talked excitedly. conduct1 of Acting Ensign Charles V Weeejltly, howver, thusiasm they desired to "buy the caught his name, and. behalf rose in Gridley Is beyond. all praise. He had books; they summoned a thoughtful the chair. No Infant author waiting charge of the masters division end aspoliceman and asked him bow many for his first notice could have been sisted- in conning the-- , ship from the thousand dollars his people would re- more nervous forecastle. In 1872 Capt than he V&s 'at that moquire far one of them, anyway. The ment . waa assigned .to the steamer f" Gridley thoughtful policeman shook his head loudrrolced'inan nt the fireWell, slowly and said, with respect, that the had said in.gpeaktog of a modern place country would have to be precious "Ive heard him referred to as hard up before it parted with one of writer, k podem 'Dickens. them. This only increased the Ameria moment Jwy.,wae a hush, but' cans admiration. for a moment fbejJtlyere rained: Theyve forgiven me for Martin only, down upon the lqp.4rkleed ''man,:. a said the hi aster himself. Chusslewit, swift deafening .pixie ut .of. genuine reIm glad. ' proof. Eagerly 'the mastef- - listened. He went out of the museum presently How dared any one (the youngjmem-be- r Into Brompton road, and stepped Into said compare IhieT man excitedly) a bus that carried him to Piccadilly DtetooLd no one Circus. He seemed dazed J tbe white Yjtiy broddwnough noda4dyglrfghenQtighwr at him met of glow there; Hgbt that jadttrytfthpiHsod' the high buildings bordering the tri- or strong enough with him. Dlckeaa stood alone!' Dickangular space. "This is not much like London, he ens always would stand alonel Dickens was the master of them, api , sajf Not like mjr London."more as"GentlennJ cried ope of the'youhg "Leicester Square gave him tonishment, and he- - burgled ' into a men earnestly, "I give yfir Charles Dickens! .God bltas&ki taWmoy and court and tried to think. Two matron' chilaludtyf green!-women were of keeplt their ly .bragging The fclOck mickiJSg. Aklfitipy-face- d dren; the eldest boy of one Wqi'dolng man stole qufcftly out of something heroic in the sixth standard at the board school; the other, a pale the room. Illustrate&dU&ndoh News. woman, had a boy who was being look-- 1 ' r. ilA . ! ed after .by .fhe poor ijt guardians, ..a fipctfgan rRipttQSMiP. and, the mother declared wag aeal-th- y to Biy Fnt fitt Undil ISos as D 'tK for health, qnd about to Jbnitr Vtfcek Kneller'HaU. e cloW Mlcket add tPfondy tata'-heewas f son friends for years. Closeness refaced woman. . fers to their tastes and fraternal rej:'. 1 wonder," said the master, "I wonder now whether I helped in that! tlons, not to their loea) hahltsiiona An Idea occurred to- - hifb. Drury Their friendship strength f - ened with years, sajttwSM Tfeiroit Free fypUfr j ) . tie knew the Gay a. quite well. Past Press. They thougJrtirttitotdirlflce pf . the Garrick Club and along the south I manv pjsagweltodndAWfailaits 'thaf ' r -- " Jtey aid not live tq . I After talkie gM nfrtfer ovdir together tlffeconcl uiTe J" buy lots side by jldrw huQd "two houses alike and so llvtf-tha- t they could, enjoy each other by runntogJpacH-snd'tortJutaloChea log from one front porch rieoi.'exchknglng tl(glighl,?.VeAhe .baejr at 'Detroit; ttm In 1874 gas fence. They looked f&jjjard fa an ltWJ hed'to th 'Moncm'abela. He was existence that wolil eravi.'ftrJullty promoted to a commandershlp in 1882, and perpetuity aBfurftgajr' thdlrV ow: three J.'Jtidnthe .and la- July oi lash year,tafier having tual admlratlon. fpeanwhita Von a captaincy, he , was their pretty dreamaS" realiafl,-Tbet- f eemew blckeringSyi . reerijptxatlons, . (flven comtoactd bf the Olympia, with ;stktrc .f quiaron. threat, .a complete ; seWtoncenf .do?, r mUA-relationanj iFla npjtTziein both7 sold out at a, T 'I'.A'michtY' FORCE.' fV; - I 1 u loose t-i- of Wt De-we- ya -- f glaaa-eover- blue-inke- top-galla- nt ' . -- MtM-A'Va- ' -- 1 j., 1 tsajaie gr t: -- u jel t r Xu .. ... With VaUaftfff end SegnUf Oqr Army Thee OreetTBrluU's. and th term Jp-Jpfp- r blU,th gyde hla spare.tlraeno tSlWMuV cSoJWi$Ut.eshi armed aqd ena." "Oh I see. The feud will re-- H-jtr- - i t t'GO FRY.YODH FACS'! finet a lOBg iildeof Covent Gardenrand entually y .ieo,ha sit7AmericaTp5sl-- " Into Drury Lane. powers of the earth Now he said, I shall bq yemind?, Why We Forg. flnbdied with Spaifl will s Is thd ed.of .the ldT persons are Many fin state al,thq close yard In .which Jo' -r ful with regard: for several year and In it seemed that Drury Lane had, a qualntsaeea'tfUTSCiWS Tamlllar object after. Any European power or powers sense, been to a. denjqt to bree ftself ? Bastlan, In discussing such 0Xfvh! wb want to inter Cdd n Uh tha Idea of . ttVprovai put right, and that the dentist had ad- - I yeentijr uuoJed-.'Wltthli pufetWig pressure upon Ahe.UnlVed States vised Drury Lane to hav teip all put te,ianatbfls: ,..7 more coDcrete- - tos tp thj Jj 'difSciil ty jy 1 Ij paln would od one-sid- e kna'tobuy k 4eV eL- - forWeatbe mwa readily 1 the- - word uVe, there were huge gaps where buildings 4 designate;. It fiwgdlttivhett gaps hldden'byrfnejnMy fajtjj.jRW eSfly impreeept Jiad been pulled old graveyard' Joyful hoarding. ..The. gonl Kn( things JtqJfurtieawitht)u, had ''become a clen,-- . neat Aaphg'ted j their nUmes..' More ahshsfcdMer qstabflshmefit J playground for children. fh tlidaei tlons, on th contrary to the HS IT of Its newly u- kp. he , ?nly said., wltp j "Changes! wut the aid of words, .whlqh 1 W t 1 UO, ue, yi cppswvmB ,KUt conjunction are jqoj;e iaUmwtelj'r1 61 after It was some tiipe before lated to' thought 'than- - noun ixjk cif UffU&sZ sufrftdVred. and aIk half eWuJS't It he could .understand them, for they can W remembered hen nouns; 8 la wia4 fhe artny ottd Potomac in th Were Ulklnjr the itow' Cockney langm-- i names,' slip from tbetfiinJ... . nilR2 vrJixpM.cClellan began YpT55g wliat age; and when he ik6d civilly J'ftppalgn. l4 eouaty they Were from they counseled, A boat fl war rpened tha Wjtfl face. hla end The him to go home try customs o i nfftlon The marriage atrori g. ' ' At no lnten-tloned, advice might have. been well t- Here la one which J strength ex-buidifl quainnfqfeftjtiwan hut it wee not. In view of all ' be reuse A Hottentot .wfitfcfwsiicaj.to-),-ha practical,- aqd 4a armlet It OB Tft mil riff ( !. Inin feifwa a. - "Trt Ijilvll Aeclte. itl n accentuated lodglng-- t there was little of change. A bookshop, with a volume entitled "The Mor By One Wbe el Lesson of .Pickwick. drotev him'. om KneW pickyna, wore 'J ' t 'rt , iBaik at Oxford ClrCue the swift rush Bloomsbury "' a he becomes a widow again she haa to sacrifl i 7 ,: -- We v5 wfaa- - has' j U-tf- ,v ar r irmsof VlQ.piae i . ' m ot traffic: the winking, startling that appeared and dlaap- pea red; the horseless cabs all these things confused and wearied him, and he began to wish for midnight Ha WBSWSSMaSHNBBM triad to find Soho, and could only disJtlver Aordee'S Qalek PwMst. Crossing cover Shaftesbury k venue. The river Jordan makea tha greater the road, he would have been hurt by a shortest Gists nee of al dashing, spluttering fire engine bad bo descent In the two young men In evening drees caught most any stree a brigade Calat'mjn.'anA n- - light Artillerymen. And artlllerynfctt. In 6f the 61.000 half over, 'Jlery;ql4re. are Infantry, so of foot soldier we have altogether nearly 160,000, This It almost as many a the total number of soldiers wo fought on both sides of the three-da- y battle of Gettysburg. If we should have to put another army hi the field, 8patn, by studying our history a little, may be sure that we can do It quickly. After! the disasters 'on the Peninsula of J8C2 gver 80,000 troops were enlisted, orgavyrd. armed, equipped aad sent Into f M In lea than 214 -- ARMY AND NAVY WIVE3.- - CLINGS TO OLD HOME - - wMtag tto Bvevely as Theto gwhwto ' Get th Freet. OLD MAN WHOSE FAMILY HAS Ohio, Indiana, Chicago woman who was la him. Iowa and 'VVlsconaln sect- - to tha Washington when Captain 8igsbt tont 0,000 InfaatiyNvAmeiica can formerly ot the warship Maine, left to -these achlevementSKf necesaaiy. to take command of the 8L Paul, hapFrifUMMl ky the -- U Iota th Cellar ef Bla Feneer lMee pened tp be at th railway depot when t , THE WIFE of JUDOE aaf Melahhen Mlwtoter ha Hla- - Weals Jto took the train. The captain we V, accompanied by the members of hie Fethetl SIghL Mrs. Day, who formed a life part' family and when seen by the people torshlp with the new secretary of stats, waa given a hearty Frederick Freunnlng is hearty 70 at" the itftlon stout twenty-thre- e years ago, la th cheer. The captain klaaed tb women e sunlvlng child of tha lata Loula years eld. Hs haa seen hla family and his family affectionately before he Schaefer, long a prominent figure to home slip away from him, until there pf passed through the gate for his train, Ohio. She Is a woman of exceeding is nothlngleft but a few battered rembut tHey made no tearful demonstratloneliness of character. Slnca her nants of furniture with which he has ion,Tiy looked thoughtful, but ap- marriage she has lived no life outside surrounded hlmeelt In. the cellar of hla f the lives of her husband and chil- former home to St, Louia Tha lot and pareatly had themselves nnder perfrom makdren So intenae haa been her devo-tkbuildings which were once his have fect control tnd refralned a to him and them that she haa passed foom him. He dld not sell them ing even the slightest suggestion of and lomt. taken no leading part In the social them aad haa profited nothing by their of Canton, although fitted rapid Increase to valup. . He borrowed female friends who were with her kf every grace of mind and. heart to perhaps h of what tha prop- marveled at the quiet' parting and could not Help commenting on tho adorn It She Is a reader, omnlverous erty was worth and "permitted th The scene.- - Ilqw can they let him go at U1 discerning. Fiction, history, tra deed of trust to be foreclosed. Hi. biography, sociological essays, ale brought not enough to pay ,the that?" they Inquired of each other. has been through, After vta .h ire all devoured with equal avidity and mortgage, and the old homestead with Issimllated with equal certainty. She Hs adjacent coftagea passed into khe saved 'from death only by a miracle b an accomplished musician and Old Freua-ntn- g Jess than two months ago, how can possession of another-man- . knew that he waa In' a bad fix, they see him departing to face more many other accomplishments to hake home the beat place In the world but ha believed that he 'still had soma4 dangerlwllhouT being simply out of tor her home people. 8he la nqt a rights to the property: and refused' to their minds? Njf ha were my husband woman's right woman, and haa never move out ' His former tenant quit he shouldnt got The women who Iwe In tor the new woman fad, hold- paying him their rent Then lpe new mad these comments did not bear tn ing that the place of her sex U under owner gave him orders to MhVe and mind th fact that thla sort of the family roof tree and by tha family rented. the" house to & which appeared so strange atrangb family.' hrarth. Secretary and Mrs. Day have Freunnlng waa frightened aad went to to them, fa- as a rule the fruit of years four children, all boys, and all much women ee hla lawyer. He could submit to ot training on the part given to athletics. - Mrs. Days father the loaa of hla rents, hi' ground and whose male relative are attached to was a lawyer, a wit, a raconteur, a his money, but ha must have a place the land or tha sea force of th govbon vlvsnt and a public spirited eitt-le- n. to ahetter him at la bred In the night. He la a lone- ernment. He enjoyed an enormous law ly old man. Hla first wife la long bone of women. In and navy army practice and died a wealthy man. It dead. Hla second- - wife divorced him. no world la there so the In country taa related of him here that ha did His children think ha la queer' and much "service" Intermarrying as there more to build up Canton than any on leave him alone. He s old. lie has la In the Uhltef 8ttes. There are exwaa man who ever lived .in 1L Ha a kwt his grip and does .bueiupea like a traordinary ramifications of relation-shi- p child. Freunnlng doesnt know' whether by. marriage In the American he waa swindled ot whether he just army and navy. Th result of thla threw hla chance awayk A few weeks 11 that most ot th women whose husbio lay ands,-: fathers and brother sr now -ago the furalture -- vans . began, down atnff at hi doort. - A strange llkely to mix In the thick of the 1m- - :; family came, and old Freunnlng waa pending war are thoroughly imbued He la a peaceful, timid With that aplrjt of abnegation that an- - - -frightened. Old man, 'and he tookj shelteT. In th lmates the men. They are subscrib-cellar. He rigged up an old spve and era , to a code xst nerve ot their own table, piled hla stuff up tm the'earthkn and the veyy first clause of the unfloor and locked the cel la? dborifr 'It written but elLpervasIve code Is that Waa hold and muety,vbuttbe damp It would be and quite es weak-knewind bould not reach him, and there cowardly tor them to wilt In tha face arad a good root above hla head. Tha of trouble ee Jtjwould he tor the'r men new tenant did not off to molest him. to show yellow. There te, of the., She moved into the budding and took no lack of womanly feeling on course, some paint to accommodate the old the part tof (he feminine members of man, but he seemed dry queer and the households .of American army end stayed In bis Cellar, Thn tha land officers, bu,t their whole environnavy lord threatened to sue.hlmfor possesment is 'eticb as to bring out the sion. Meanwhile; however, , the neigh-- , 'dotriniin sense of which feu strongest bore have keen very 'kind to old Freun-fiinman beings at? ctnabl when th dan, Many .of them-JhavW&, to amthe! men becomes more Immito ger enta to bla house . and .they, cannot nent Their spirit la such that they suffer tha old fellow 'to want.' Immewould- - take shiine unto themselves If where be diately adjoining the house Interjected any whimperings Into live. on the sreeLFre two comfortable they little cottage the inmates of. which tbf preparation for the departure of have been paying rent to Mr. Freun-alh- g tflelr men. . for nearly' twenty ydari Tkplr ' tMoirfif Uemeklah. iyfnpkthlee- - afe" V'lllr jrlmt and every morning, neon knfi night a mreseflgCr - At? ohTlltoifl' town the other daj revival preach-pr- ; ie sent to the cellar wUy$w togakaJidt theRev.EkffTRdA.-tb- e hla aU:tbooetln asked congregatior H Papa Freunqtng .want nEcany htd-rea- d a passage In tb rls ftb0 die may he seen . tf the f yyil tnpgh window of the bastjnTt it night set, hook of. Hpzeklah.' About a dotet long-tim- e ofchurct then) arose,' thoee-.whhe accept of soqie member him a man, 'with men here, i'hejwvagellst said: Why a aad old heart . Hd ikthers ful for God bless yoii,, there's no auch book li hla, old cracked cook efov during tha the btblelfr.Th.ere was a roseate Oust da and watu to grfnssilenee tha re- b'etsptoed 'soini,;hejk that had, bees sult of tha suit whtvh'-toay-drive him tolluw for years) from hla former posafekflona. Into the , 4 Itreet- - JII collectleg of.old furniture VAAWV of Honor. very much the'wqyii,far weat; end aay you belong Farmer 8wft-"T- ou Democrat of tho Democrats, and dur- tuto but llftle value." vreunAlDg'a, once to th Welt the unemployed? wnny'og ing the civil war waa so outspoken 'in beautiful bom jtaiift Upon a broad, now. my frleadr-- I guess I kin give yot the statement of hla beliefs and In deep lot near; jSOQJTti square fhd set something. M Job today." Toylt criticism ot the conduct, of the war with frulf, trefq,;jtot'' end shrubbery. Knott What!-Ah- ' hav m be t that he mrT on an average from ten On thq weet' end of ie lot are tFo deserter from de army? Ye dont know to flfy,''r active enemies a day. mall cottagelL whw ten-an- U military ethlce, do y? Puck. 3 still maintain spears to have cared liule homes. .. 1 i went on hla merry The houses and grouRl have been per, ,1 .A Altratir he hal the legions mitted to fall into but still bear Xook t(4re,;tierge,N said Mra. Pep !aby ho-h- r the Bill of this evidences fit hatural beauty de"I'ye-bee- n inimical Iter la a remarkab) before parted affluence, frwr-wll- l .aggravated enough, si per, he token montheof age; heV Mr. FreunnHig's ffTthdk to have thF djpnt. yoq put e.oat,V "Certainly not by Ills measurements' bf trust, set jny'lowB," mu rued George auavely former sale, under alt up for to ies; chest fnensurem aide, It boireveVmt t. .28. Inches; thl ' should be appointed to care for the-bitfellow slid . bfh. pflerty, and hla at-r ' torneys have- - tbeTKitr under advise- ( Rpllane mept now..pudding to gi ritTbey;ale'tJtoughi round, '4 eUs - waitress said hoarsely . . fe they com,' fTeH- tha tyst-ofreSOME RAILWAVTATISTICS. -- . srtk Hi i aald tbeMfrndladyUiat it la Spanlsl Fhr M rMHnW 1L" fhn J HUn to fM CfnC .. 4 t ee .Last year the rallwayv of the United ODD&'ANONUS OF FASHIOM s States carrled,ovA' 13, 000, - f is rtorm4 one mlleATbey alto carried .Tb6 mrt'liifuro6 .parasol bav 5,000,000,000. toq Of relght one mile. hand-paintpiedalllopi of white all) The total amqnnt pal on etinwhftelaas. stock waa 8'I,33,371call 'U 't88,000,-00look ery pretty Witt . Gray gown Of tha I6ta,caixipgs otihe railJust a tout. of.posi.'Jve color at th. ways about 70 per pent Jeamd frotc thjroat and.. wrist,', riven, perhaps, by freight aervIcV and' 30'pef, cent from A folded-- coBaror.cravat, and tbe passenger a&f vies.' Let ueasgume, again by VWalsthatid; of mirror velvei then, that of the 783,0,000 paid id di- to'yjvld' edrerald feun, bright vtole4 vidends 70 per efut, or 161.000,000, waa .or deep orabgaAlL these combinawiiLba yrey much wore profit on frteghteOnice'juid f26.4jO.iOO tions, waa profit on patsengef aervic.1 .Let' frllhgraf,,".. and the nasturtlun .hie Jleatfe, and he went to me rest uni- n drop frae! lens and rah It $62,000,000 Inie-wafljtoer . 000 126014), and ttom from, versally regretted. freight . . are, to,' have alk'iheir pwn way ln th By .dividing. the passenger homing jpl9fs.oLth6re4i, to we shat . k A FecwHar Problra. profit Into the mnnber:eF pnMn'gefs be reveling la lassayl tftewns, reds am find the othfTTWOiiThrrful 'coljrtpga which ar The, Longbow gives some amdslng carried. (13,00h0,000)-.w- eBQp Tiejea of Lewis Carroll's humor ttom railways had to ca-got dnh'tooraleg lo lunette, the forgotten pages of Oxford pamph- miin-lorder ,to earn fl ef profit, to nen -lets. During the election at Oxford ta five mtlek to yarn 'k een't. Their ay.tR-agscent efitbeUuomenma wallflower. 1 1866 he gave vent to fhe following Eu: how. exquisite It profit, therefore; Fas less than ot.t xfit-fo- rt carrying clidegn definition: - "Plain anperfictall-t- two-tensmelled It the'pey.fUbto Is, he,. character ot a speech In passenger taed-fel- a baggage) l,mllfi. It I gloft) frfe4enkfl 5 ing. .which, 4any two points .feeing taken, By dtrbling-- the freight profit toto owl the speaker 1s found to He wholly, with tbe freight mileage f95,00,TK)0000) we the new materials and severe among regard to thtoee two point." A note fin'd, that tbe railways had to carry fresh varieties have been prepared, no 1 also given on tha right appreciation one ton of freight 1,630 nftles In order so th'ck and heavy, of course, as th. of examiners: "A takes in ten hooka to earn fl, or over fifteen miles to Muscovite cashmeres of the winter and gets a third class, B takes Jn the earn I cent The average profit, season, but stlU of sufficient substance . examiners and gets a second. Find the therefore, waa leas than to set out smartly when cut on th value of the examiners In terms of of a cent for carrying a ton of freight cross In thee deep flounces which art " books; also their value in terms when (besides loading and unloading it) one so em1pnUy Ctwwldrtstlc of th. no examination to held. mile- IriTfiftbdjftCw of future. . J skirts, 'tbi cashmere with a carded back seem, 7 . Hard tA'dalva, FsOu. likely to be a very favorite fabric ant A man marries a lovely creature in "I hla book a problem novel?" has been prepared In every conceivable white satin and then lives with a wo- "Yes; and a hard one. It la' the wbrst shade of coTcr sulsble for the eomtnj man who wears Mother Hubbarda and form of Scotch dialect." Puc. springtime revjing sacks. Atchison Globe. fim the sUtex-o- f la, deserted rs-N- at ' w one-alxt- pos-wss- es -- aelf-Tektra- Belf-contr- ol ed g. e 'h idi -- . o u well-to-d- t o' daf, 'Ato aguardlaaritnfBO.f "f Fplr Filg. , -- - rrrd . W w t4 060,030-pea-senger- ed 0. -- ti' paa-enge- vj n e. y. hdinirymen. Western pabvntbd a hand) tst 'fastener consisting of two curved pins set in opposite sides of the crown with rubber cords to keep them pulled Into their heads; the pins being pulled down and allowed to work their way " , Into the heir. 21 reg-Sfii- .ft. .toTOtlt . Jlxty thousand troop ly went into the field In the war ttkln foutNreeka. Withln' twenty th-'-- tsiptsu days-fvfher- , ' , i - th - 'M |