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Show CELEBRATE COALVILLE WILL BE IN LINT. ON THE FOURTH A atoutiuK Celebration ol Ind. rpendence Di IsAwttred An Elaborate I'roRiam Wilt Be Camed Out All Invited "We wilt celebrate lb birthday I Of our nation, tried and true, Itdtpendcnco for our watchword And our, (leg Red V, title and lllue." CmIvIIIj will celebrate Indepemlence Day, aa we knew ahe would, ttidltlt enr drain, now, that It be mado 1 celebration cele-bration tint we will ill be pro d ol. 71th work, thli tan be done, and vary rltlitn ihould Join with the committed, ad by tbelr help and encouiageusent make II the grendeat affair tha ell ' hi tir aten A general Invitation le ex leaded to all cltlu, townt and itttle nmti in loin with ue on the 1-ourtU of Jtly.and the two Coalville wirdt will Bike Itpleuinllor all. At a citliena' meeting held lo tbr City Hall Tueidiy night. 1 celebntlon wu decided upon, 1 Councilman J. T. llodaon, idled the oblret ol the meeting, alter which Samuel Clark wu cho'tu aa chilrmtn ol the meeting, I . l. Flunuo, aeuotary, tnd the fo)lolng couiinlttrti wero ejected 1 EiecutlvtJ.l'. Allgvod, Mirk Hop klti, Alma Lldrtdge, J. L. Boydeo, tfai. Chappell. Mualo leorge Ueird, Mn Jobn Ollli, Mn. Lena Thackeray, Jobn Btonea. W.J. Wright, Br. Bpertl-J A. Biullb, J. M. Faddlci, tjeorge Ltnduy, Jr., U,T. Hodion,U. A. Wright. ' The ibo commitleet are cow hard it work, and u the membon tra a. lira aw, apdritttu arecerUttC.. ' . Coadtllle liu mora naoltat iii vtnUgei for de'monilratloo of ililV kind than any town io tbe-county. A large, eomoiodioue pirk, pavilion, ball groandind grand ttand,crUkelgroandt, good roadi, plenty of tceniry, tie. Let ut all act together, lend eery" taalitince pnealbte, and roualng good time will follow. , |