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Show Interest Centers in Events ; s For Coming Brides ; Several weddings of Importance ! mark the social calendar of the canning can-ning weeks. On Tuesday the twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth, Miss Lillian Wright will become the bride of Roland Scow Eccles at the spacious Wright home on Twenty-third Twenty-third street. On October third, another an-other mariago of note will occur when Miss Mary Jane Wattis will become the wife of Dr. Richard Mark Brown the wedding to take place at the Church of the Good Shepherd, followed by a reception at the Berthana. Society is already regretting tho loss of Miss Wright's society for she wuT make her home in Baker, Oregon. I While Miss Wattis will continue herl residence here having arranged for the' occupancy of his sister's home in Jef- ferson Ave. Mrs. Donald Rhivers and her thr.ee children expect to spend the winter in California during the absence of i her husband, Lieutenant Rhivers, who is "Somewhere in France." Complimentary to Miss Lillian Wright was the charming tea given Thursday by Mrs. William A. Corn ati the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs.. A. L. Brewer on Jefferson Avenue, where eighty guests assembled to do honor to this popular coming bride. Mrs. Corn was assisted by her mother Mrs. A. L. Brewer, Mrs. W. S. Chees-" man and Mrs. E. A. Littlefield while rooms were Mrs. A. L. Brewer, Mrs. Thompson Corn, Mrs. J. L. Weist, Mrs. Henry F. Volker, Mrs. W: R. Kimball and Miss Alberta Wright The , Misses Lucile Wright, Marjory Brewer' and Margaret Wright assisted in the dining room which was a veritable bower in pink and lavender asters. The tea table was centered with a large silver basket filled with lavender laven-der and pink asters and on the handle was a large bow of yellow and pink tulle. The season's flowers of variegated vari-egated colors were used effectively In the library and drawing room. Mrs. Emma Tribe entertained at a beautifully appointed dinner at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, when Miss Lillian Wright was the complimented guest. Mrs. Tribe included the intimate inti-mate friends of Miss Wright's musical contingent friends with whom she has enjoyed much popularity during her conservatory days. It was another of those delightful gatherings that have marked the pre-nuptial pre-nuptial days of Miss Wright, whose marriage occurs on Tuesday next The dinner board was unusually effective in fruit, the large silver basket that centered the table held a variety of luscious peaches, pears and grapes. Place cards with coursage bouquets and boutonnieres marked the places filled by the following: Mr. and Mrs. John Culley, Mrs. William Wil-liam A. Corn, Mr. Squire Coop. Miss Louise Pierce, Miss Carrie Browning, Miss Ellen Thomas, Miss Vera Frey, Mrs. W. Arthur Wright. Miss Lucile . Wallace, Miss Melba Brookshire and . Edward Peterson, Jack Holther and : Fred Massa, Mr Lester HInchcliff , was unable to leave the ranks of Uncle Un-cle Sam. One of the prettiest Kensingtons of l the week was presided over by Mrs. i Roscoe Gwllliam and Mrs. E. R. Dumke on Wednesday afternoon at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wattis on Eccles avenue. ! The affair was given to compliment . Miss Mary Wattis and Miss June Scow- croft, who are to be early fall brides, r A group of friends were assembled by these young matrons. Just prior to the leave taking of Miss Scowcroft who with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Scow- croii, ueii on weanesaay lor a. weeks' visit to New York. Those who assisted in this delightful affair were Mrs. Oscar Russell, Mrs. Donald Rhiv-I ers, Mrs. William H. Harris, Mrs. E. ! A. Littlefield, Miss Cleone Rich, Miss! Ellen Scowcroft, Miss Dorothy Wright, Lavender and pink asters were used in the dining room and library decora-' tions and the sun parlor was in ferns. LUNCHEON IN SALT LAKE. One of the luncheon parties of the week that called many of the smart set to Salt Lake on Tuesday vyas that at which Mrs. Fred C. Stauffer was hostess at the Alta club. The affair was charming in every detail and included in-cluded Mrs. Ezra C. Rich, Mrs. Adam Patterson, Mrs. E. F. Hundley, Mrs. M. S. Browning, Mrs. J. F. Ellis, Mrs. Edward I. Rich, Mrs. Oscar Russell, Mrs. Joseph Sddwcroft, Mrs. Louis H. Peery. Mrs. Patrick Healy, Mrs. J. C. Lynch, Mrs. Clarence Wright jand' the Misses Cleone Rrch, Clara Patterson, and June Scowcroft DINNER PARTY. Mayor and Mrs. Abbott R. Heywood entertained at dinner Tuesday evening even-ing at their home on Twenty-fifth street for Mr: and Mrs. George McCor-mack McCor-mack and their daughter, Eugenia, who left the following day by automobile for Rome. Georgia, where they will make a new home. MASTER LEONARD JENSEN SURPRISED. A surprise party was tendered Leonard Leon-ard Jensen on Thursday evening when fourteen of his Intimate chums gathered gath-ered at his home, 586 First street, to enjoy an afternoon of games and music and also the good things to eat. FOR MISS MARY NORDQUIST. School friends and neighborhood playmates play-mates of Miss Mary Nordquist, a September Sep-tember bride-to-be remembered their childhood chum last evening when Mrs. Sylvia Rcdfleld, Mrs. Bertha Aadneson and Mrs. Hulda Bingham, the latter of Salt Lake, entertained at a miscellaneous mis-cellaneous shower in compliment to this popular young lady who on September Sep-tember 26, will become tho bride of Clifford Barlow. Tho home of Mrs. Bertha Aadneson, 376 North Washington Wash-ington avenue, was the setting for the affair and was made doubly attractive attrac-tive with profusion of lavender and whlto asters arranged in a pretty manner man-ner throughout the parlor and dining room. Following an evening of pleasure at games, and music the hostesses served luncheon. They were assisted by Miss Blanche Stone and Miss Dorothy Shaw and the following were seated at a flower laden table where dainty refreshments re-freshments were served: Miss Mary Nordquist, Mrs. Sylvia Redfleld, Mrs. Nettie Drumiler, Mrs. Pearl Terry, Mrs, Stanley Shaw, Mrs. Eva Brown, Miss Pearl Smuin, Miss Lizzie Norseth, Miss Esther Lund, Mrs. Lizzie Butler, Miss Vinnle Price, Mrs. H. Nordquist, Mrs. Florence Jones, Mrs. Agda Branting and Mrs. Hulda Bingham of Salt Lake. The luncheon table had for Its central cen-tral decoration a vase of lavender and white asters while dainty favors and place cards were at each guest's plate. WEDDING CAKE OF FORTY YEARS AGO SERVED AT A DINNER. Entertaining at a dinner Monday evening in which two families joined, Mr. and Mrs. Angus T. Wright presided pre-sided over one of the most charming affairs of the week at the Country club. The dinner was In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wright, whose marriage occurred oc-curred the following day, and for Mr. and Mrs. Wright's younger son, Clarence Clar-ence P. Wright, who left on Thursday Thurs-day with Battery B for California. A Mario Antoinette basket of lavender laven-der and white asters decorated the center of the table while strewn over the full length and breadth of the cloth were rosebuds and sweet peas in pink, pink place cards marking the the plates. An unusual and unique feature of the dinner was a miniature wedding cake near the plates of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wright. The cake-had cake-had been preserved by Mr. and Mrs. Angus T. Wright since their marriage forty years ago and served for this delightful occasion in which the inter-1 jH ests and harmony of two of Ogden's early families have been blended. MRS. P. M. POULSON HONORED. Miss Ruth Poulsen entertained on, Friday afternoon in honor of hei mother's natal day. The home was. beautifully decorated In fall flowers oC many varieties and music and danc-ing danc-ing was indulged in until the evening hour when tho following guests wer& jH refreshed with a delicious lap lunch. Mesdames K. P. Grieard, J. M. Malan, G. Nielsen, Mrs. Poulsen, the Misses-Anna Misses-Anna Kissel, Hulda Nielsen, Maria Hampton, Ruth and Blanche Poulsen, Juanita Weller, Ethel Smith and Ellea Gullllcksen. IJ EXPECTED IN OGDEN Mr Frank Q. Cannon is expected to jH arrive tomorrow from Honolulu and IJ following a few days stay with Mr. and IH Mrs. James Douglas, with whom Mrs. Cannon and her two daughters have spent the summer, will go to Salt Lake? : together and from there return to Hon- |