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Show MAN'S 81'HUnC IN 'lATUnG. I talullon Tlieorlala lleclara Ha Hal Altaian! Al-taian! It tf Hli.ir llrgrri-a. Slncu Husky pioneer work In 18C3 n host of Investigators havo carried forward tho study of structural resemblance resem-blance connecting tho genus man with lower genera nnd orders, say Professor Profes-sor W. J, McClco In his uddroja as retiring re-tiring president ot tho Anthropological Anthropologi-cal society of Washington. Today tho physical similarities nro nmong tho commonplaces ot knowledge, whatsoever what-soever tho background of philosophical opinion concerning cause aud to-quence. to-quence. During the last decado or two tho Investigator themselves, with scarco nn exception, havo tono ono step farther and now Includa scquenca of dovclopment from lower to higher forms ns among tho commonplaces of opinion, whatsoever tho background of metaphysical notion ns to tho causo. Thero tho strictly biologic aspect of tho question at to roan's placo In Datura may safely bo considered to rest. Tho chief advances In anthropology havo related to what men do nnd what men think, nnd tho progress has been such as to Indicate with fairly sattifactory clearness tho natural history of human thinking, as well as that of human doing do-ing A Is shown by tho latest researches, re-searches, tho mental workings of tho human nro analogous with thoso ot tho lower animals, while tho rango from tho Instinct nnd budding ronton ot higher nnlmols to tho thinking ot tho lowest man would aecm far less than that separating tho boast-fearing sav ago from tho scientist and statesman. In short, tho evident tendency of tho science of nnthropology Is, according tc Professor McQoa, toward tho establishment establish-ment ot a mental as well as n ph) steal evolution ot man from n prototypo ot lower rank In tho animal kingdom Chicago Chronicle. |