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Show Nhl Imll llns li.iro.lns In t nllsil Nlalrs. The department of transportation reports I o.'l steam and sail vessels of 3W 78 1 gross tons built In Ihe United Htatesand oniclally registered during tha eleven months prrcedlng lune 1 Of these, (110 were built along the At Isnlla and the (lulf, 139 on the l'sclfto coast, forlythreo on the great lakea nruflsarnu'vesiernMversTlia'nnm.s 'Uerof wooden vessels eoollnue lo lie fir greater than those of alee), f( iiotigh thelnlallnclndea fourteen steel rolling vessels an I nlnctj-o'nn steel steamers, 1 he gross tonnage Is about 30 er c nt mure than that of tho same period last ear |