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Show A Tcrrllilo Ilxploilon 'Ofngiollne Hove burned n Udt here IrlBhllully," wrllet N. E. Taliner of Klikuitii, la. "The beat doclora coiildn'i heat the running tore that followed, fol-lowed, but ilucklen'e Arnica Salve en-tlrely en-tlrely cured her." Infallible for Cutf Corm, Borer, Itoili, Ilrul.et, Bkln Di! eaie, and Hlo. 2Bo at John lioydeu A bJD. hrncaTuo from Dentil. "Our little daughter had an ilmo.t fatal fa-tal attacx of whooping cough and bron-chltli," bron-chltli," writes Mm. W. K. Havlland, ol Annonk, N. Y., "but, when all other reinedlci failed, we taved her life with Dr. Klng'a New Dltcovery. Our ulece, win had Coniutnptlon In an edtanctd tta.'C, nl.o utod thli wonderful inedjclno and to-day .be li urfeclly well." Det-perato Det-perato throat and lung dlteaaei yield lo Dr. Klne't New Dlicoery at to no other inedlclneon earth Infallible forCought mdOtldi. 600 and (1.00 bottlei gmr-anlued gmr-anlued dy John Hoyden A Bon Trial battel free. DESERT LANO. FINAL PH.00r.-Na. tic far I'ubllCKllan. No. 4S48, United Btalr LandOrTUe,) Bait Lake Clly. Utah, May 28, 1801, ) Notice li hereby gUcn that Nathan II. Snapp of Oakley, Utah, hai (lie I notice ol Intention to make proof of hli de.ert-Ian de.ert-Ian 1 1 laliu No. 4W, fur the SHU 20, Tp I N It 8 I!, H. I.. M., Iiefore the County Clerk of Summit County, Utah, ut Coilvllle, Utah, on the IJlhdjyof July, 1001. Heiianietthe (olloalng wline.tei to proo the complete Irrlgall n and reclamation recla-mation of laid land I Jaiiien lit am, Chrlttlan Jenieu and Den Mluhellof Oakley, Utah, and II, II. Wlllianitol Deo, Utah, F a a hk D. Iloant, Ilrgl.ter. TIMBR. CVLTURE, FINAL PKOOr. Noilee far Pufclloallon. ' No. 4l53. UnlleI BUtei Lind Office,) Bait IJiko Clly, Utah, I , May3l,l01. ) Noiteji hereby glen that Henry Beanwi hn Bled notice of Intention to makillnal pruol before Register and Itecekf at Uielrolllceln Bait Lake City on luilOlli day of July, 1001, on timber culta application No. 007, for the BWi SWJof aectlon No. 4, In Town.hlp No. IB.IUngeNo.6E. S. L. M. Iltiamci at wllne.ien N. W. l'et-creooof l'et-creooof Bait Ij,i,9 City, Utah, Hobcrt BlJJotay, Eiihram llorlln and W. A. Bixllkof Ilxkport, Utah, Fhnk D. llonnt, Ileglitcr, (tu. 8. Wllkee, attorney. JN HIE DIBTUIOT COUHT, mobile mo-bile dlvl.lon, Inand (or Summit county tun of Ulab. In the matter of tho ciUtiandguardlamhlpo! Julia Francci llrencan, minor. Notice. Tn petition of Nelllo ilre nnan Camp-Ull, Camp-Ull, the guardian of the peno l and the eitile of Jullit Francet Hrennan, minor, for eondrinallon of tale ol thu follow Ing deicrlbed real eitale. to.w't! An nn. illtUed flfiy (to) lnrur f.et, moreor let., of the I'arnell lolo mining claim, U.B I-otNo. 220; alio an undivided tlnre hundred fifty (JiO) llntarfcetof the Utile Dell lodo mining claim, located lo-cated by I', k, Hrennan nn Angutt 17th, IBM, lotatlou nollceol which la of record '!! m 't'" Vite m orSTI.reconlaof the Unuh Mining Dlitrlct. wherein .'vt"1'0 ,1,l,li'ur Ibeaumof 375 00. And upon I lie following terun, to-wlti For oath, aa appenra from the retoriiof.ilB.fli,,,, , r Mp ,1M been iet for hearing on Tutaday, the el.liteentli day of lime A D. 1001, at 10 o ilock a. in, t nlfl County Court Houae, Int.. Court Itooin of tald Court, In Coal.llle City, Summit county, Utah. Wlliieu the Clerk of laid Court, Willi tho leal tbere-( tbere-( of aillied, thU leventb day of Juno, A. I). 1001. I. II. Nkilkt, Cleric, Mopa Hie Cough unci uorlis oil" llio Colt, Laxative Ilromo-Quliilno Tabled cure a colt! iuoueda). No Cure, no Day, lMie 25 cents. Nnllto for l'lililUallon. No. 4657. Department of the Interior, ) Land UlUce nl Bait Lake Citv, Utah, I June 4, IDOI, ) Notice ll hereby (jlvcn that the fol-lowlng-natnvd scltlcr hat filed notice of hit Intention to mike 'nat proof In tup-i tup-i port of hi. claim and that til I proof will be made before tlie County Clerk (f Bummlt County, Utah, at Coalville, Utah, on July 20ih, 1001, vli (leorga A. 1'eUrrnn, II. '.. No 12060, dated Februiry 21, 1800, for the NWJi Bee. 8, Tp. I N It 6 E, Fait Lake Mer., Utah. Henainei thefjllowing wlineiiet to proe his continuous reldence upon and cultivation of, said land, vlti Allicrt Olseu, Fred IVIer.onand Uiiitcl Young, all ol Wansblp, Bummlt loiinl), Utah, Utah, Utorgi W, Young, of CiMltlllD, Bummlt totinty, Utah, Fiiank I). Ilduiis, Iteglster. It, E, llo.s, ntternej. -- Soma Wnlir Donl't. Dm't fall todrlnk plenty ol water between be-tween meats. Don't hesitate to IkiII and ilraln drinking water H It It not pure. Other-wlie Other-wlie take it in a natural mte. Don't drink col I water when you aro ery hotorpenplrlnjr freelj Don't drink water with Ice In ll. Dol'i let the children fill their ilnm-aebs ilnm-aebs wilh loda water and sweetened drink.. Don't drlak w titer that bai itooi uncovered un-covered ilia room. To whkhawell known Conhllle gentle-man gentle-man aildi thli poilnrlil; Don't drlak water at all ben jou can getgood whiskey. WAhTrD -tattle rtlitbls nxiD Intrerj tounlr turei rtm Urst oi anjr el aolia On.iH clal repuullolli tt Mljrjr lr Jelr ('H wetklyitll. ) .Uoluieli ur iua.lUi-ueami iua.lUi-ueami InliM Uiuauae, uult lrrino comiui-luniiUry MUeacb Daiardar J in"iuuiitjsdvuilciub week. alANUAIlu UOVag, 1)1 ptarUirn sat , tUcxu THE HOME GOLD CURE. j An lninlnaTrealntnSliriklrlirrnn(v H5 t.l. re ll.lnlr.il Illj lu IIJBM l'll..r Ih.m,.l,e.. Jafl? XflBB7 NnNmliiBlllawa No 1T.aln.Mlnc r ! BtSlO Pltrvt. A I UaMnt anil rlll tat. BBi rr Ik. Llqu.irlUI.il. iHCl It Ii now generally known and under- KKgl Hood that Drunkcnneii ll a dlieaio anil bawatl not weakness. A bidy filled with poir- H98 on, nnd nervet completely ahattored by ffifilr periodical or constant me of intoxlnl- &&& Ing liquor., re-ulret an antldoto capable ms of nentrallilng and eradicating thin taawaul poison, and destroying tho craving for SBB intoxicants. Bufreren may now eurev Q9 themiclveiathnnie without pob!feFl ' .H or lost ol time from buslneas by thtra H wonderful "HOME OOL1) CUKE' (H which hat been rfected afler many tH yeara dote itudy and treatment of In- H ebrlatet. Tho faithful use according to gH illrectlont of thli wonderful discovery far H oltivrly guaranteed to euro the mott H ohitlnatecaio, no nutter how hard n H drinker. Our recordnhow tho marve- M lout transformation of thou. and. of M Drunkard. Into. oUr, Induitrleua audi gH nprlght men. H WIVK8 0UREYOUHIIUBnANDSII aH ClIILDUENCUItEYOUKFATIIEKSIt IgH Thli remedy la In no tenio a nottruna. H but Itatpeclfic tor thli dlieatu only, and. H It to tklllfully detlied and prepared! M that It It thoroughly eolubll and pleat- jH anttolhetnite, .othat ItcanU gfrei H lu a cup of lea or cofTeo without the. '(H Vnowledge of the perton taking It. 'IH Thousand! ol Drunkardt have cnreA ,H thimietvra with thli prlcele.t remedy, H aud at many more have been enred andi H made temperate men by having the H "OUUK"adminlatired by loving friend rH and relative! without their knowledge ,B In coffee or tea, and bellovo loday that H they dlicontlnued drinking of ttuite own. H friowill. L'0 NOT WAIT. Do not dci M deluded by apparent and misleading; H "Improvement." Drive out the disease? lB at once and for nil (lino. The "HOME: M GOLD CURE" It told at thn extremely- M low price of One Dollar, tho plactnr M within retch of everybody a treatment H more effectual than cllicrt coiling J25- Jg4M to 150, Full direction! accomnanv- raaH each package. Bpeelaladvlcoby akllleJ tiM pbytlclanl when requcited without ex tra charge. Bent prepaid to any part or liaH i i it ,,;, ,iVi,i niiaiiitiiii.i i .SemH Addreaa DaaWljfyiWl. hWU ' rlles..iia.aattf!M A COMt'AlvTrrali.tjxpjtMurketE' "'WlU Blreet, Philadelphia. """"tawi.MaM. -,, rWgH All correspondence strictly confldeoke F -:H '' u Seven 'ttir In flcif. S H "Will wondera ever cease?" lnqulnj P M thofrlendiofMrt.L.I'ea.e.of Lawrence, I ' H Kan. Thoy knew alio bad been unable. I lolvaveherbodlnievanyeirionaccount I g)S of kidney and liver Irougle, nervoitti '(H proitratlon and general debility; but. ' gH "Three bottlei of Eleitrtc Hitter, en- I H abledinolo walk," iho wrltoi, "ami M In three months I felt llkea new punou." M Women lufferlng f.om Headache, Hack- H ache, Fainting and Dluy Spells will find M It a prlclcei blea.lng. Try It Batlifact- M lon It guaranteed by John lloyiied A Boiu gfl Only 60c. H NOTICE. Notice ol special meeting of the itotk- holdert of the Wanihlp, Itockportam H Hoylitllle Live Slock A ItangoCoin- H pany. A epeil.l meeting oltlio itockholdera H of the Wnnahln. Itocknorl and Hoita- faal vllle Live Block A Itango Company will IH bi held In the Hlgb) Hall, at Wan.hlp, Humtnlt county, Utah, June tho fifteen- t H tli, lWl.nl 2 p. w, for the purio.uoI H voting upon the fallowing proosel M amendmeiiti to the Atliclct of Incor- H pontlon, to-wlt. M lit. To omond Article Two(2)ioa 'H to read ni follown "The Capital Block 'H ol (hit corporation .lull lie tweh e thoui- H andilollart divided intotwcUo lliouiaml H .btreioflhn face or par value of one, IH dollar each." 'k4B 2nd. To amend lubdMalonOno(l) or H Article FUo (5) io at lo road ai follow i: H "A Hoard of TUe (5) Dlreclcn." H 3rd, To amend par.graph One '.I) ol H Article 6lx (0) by ttriklng out the words H "and the biennial meelliig .hall be held K on tho llr.t Saturday In April, 1900, and ' ft biennially thereafter" and In.ertlng lit 3 Hen thereof the word, "and the bien- 13 nlal mcetlnR shall lie lield on Iho seconil ' K Baturday In February, 1003, and blen- J3 nlally thereafter." ( 4th, To amend urgiaph Three (3) S ol Article Six (0) by sirlklug out Iho t V word'Tlta (6)" nnd Inserting In Hen I thereof the word "Three (.1)." , ( 1 n w ll note whereuf. tho l're.ldent and Jj Becrolary have liercunto signed the j aliove aud furei(Oing nolke this 20th day m of May, 1001. W Un-LMU Caiitcii, U Becntary of tho Wanthlp, ItockHt and H Hnytstllle Live Block A Itango Corn- p pany, (jIcorok Moork, H President of the Wamlilp, Itockportaml ' I HoyttvllloLlie block A Range Coin- W pany. 20t3 m ll 1 |