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Show H United Statei Land Utllce,) 1 Bait UkeOity, Utah, J April ), 1001. ) Am Tv trAem (I mny conrmi ! The State of Utah having lelected ai IBJK part of Ita grant (or the eitabllihmcnt 39B of permanent water reiervoln for Irrlgat fin ing puroici, undor the 12tb eectlonof tmm i the Act of July 10, 1801, the following MSt Ueicrlbed tract! returned by the United HPnM Surveyor-Oeneral ai mineral laada, MEjfi notice li hireby given that the laid JjEB 8tate will mbmlt proof ai to the char MJw' ocler ol laid land, before the Kegliter KKH and llecelver.at thli oillce. on Saturday, K July 0,1001, at 10 o'clock a.m., vli bBJJ ThoBX BKJi Soc. ,Tp.I N., It. 8 lBMI r:,, S. L. It. A Uer embraced In I.lit WM Ko. IKS, (or Reiervolra. 3H Jill pereons claiming any portion ot HH -ald described tract) m mineral land, or Hj leilrlng to proteit or object to tho re- H lection thereof by tho Slate, are hereby H tnmmoned to appear on that dato, and HH eubmlt teitlmony In lupport ot their H lalmi or objection!. FiiMic D. Hoaaj.Regliter. Hj -Oxoaux A.Surru, Uecelver, nl8t9 A WORTHTJUCCESSOH. '.Hemethlnr.'1'"' Under the Mon." All Doctor! have trlni to cure CA-TAKKK CA-TAKKK by the me of powderr. acid gaee, Inhalere and drug! In pane form Their powden dry up tho mueuoui membrane! cauilog them tocrack open and bleed. Tlie powerful acldi ued In the Inbalen have entirely eaten away the lame membranM that their maker! have aimed to core, while paitei and ointment cannot reach the dlieaec. An oil and experienced practitioner who bai for many ye.ui m'le a cloe atudy and ijicclally of the Irvalment of OATAUItll, hae at lit perfected a Tieatment which when faithfully rued, not only relieve! at once, but permanently per-manently curei OATARUII, by removing remov-ing tho cauee, elopping tho dlichirgea, ami curing all Inllammatlon It li the only remedy known toiclence that actually act-ually reachce the alMlcted parte. Thli wonl-rlul remelyli known ai"8NUK-eLK ai"8NUK-eLK the UUAKAN rKKU OATAKKII CUUK" and It toll at the exlreiuly lew price ol One Dollar, h pickage containing con-taining Internal ai.d iirnal meillclne tnlTlclent Inralull manth't treatment and everything iiettiiury t-j In perftct uie. "SNIIKKf.KS"' li the only perfect (lATAUUIlClBBever made and li now recognlred ai tho only aife and potltlve cure for that annoying and dle-guttlngdlieate dle-guttlngdlieate Ilcurei alllnllamatlon qulrklyanl permanently and l alio wutiileifullv nulck to relieve II VYKKV KltorCOI.DInth-JIHAD. UATAItRIl when neglected often eadi to CONSOMITIOV-'SNUF-I-I.K8" will eive you ll you mo it at once It li no ordinary remedy, but a complete tieatment which li positively guaranteed to cure OAT Utltll In any form or tlage II uied according to the dirtito it WJlch accompany each package. pack-age. Don' ti'elay hut tend for It at once, and write lull particular at to your condition, an I you will receive ipeclal ajlce (roin the dlicoterer ol thli wonderful won-derful remedy regarding your caie without with-out eott to you beyond the regular price of "HSUH-I.KS" the OIMIUN TKKDOATAltllll CUIti:." Pont prepaid to any nddret! In the United Htatet or (Janata on receipt of One Dollar Addren Dept. KllM. nnwiNii (iii.es a company, ssm and U2 Market Hlrrot, 1'hlladelphla TO Ct UK A llll.ll IN IINK KAY Take Ijixitlve Itromo Qululno Tablet!. All drugxliti refund the monev If It fai't tocure. E. W, Grove'a ilgnature li on each box, Ific. WANTfl) -lj'11' HO'I Iollraii to tulro-rtucth tulro-rtucth "hMttil ' Hllcr on nh. ltWhllf',l Vlarina Coral., t-attnll "M Alanla a-a roin Inar-nnrr Ourva all 'urina ol acalp altmrtitl r .Urtir. tie frl cou Itie tana aianornl narrcomti. Htilwv In itauipalur aampl ll N Aom lltn Mir, Decatur, ill I'll Thli ileptlur U oa trtry hot of th ftaatot Laxative Uromo-Qulninc tiuu Utt rtmlr Ibkl er m rld In on Ur Aifoo " rh and dMerlttn mr wltklff fcwwuuii i f ofMiOoo ft mbmttmr mi ktiTtwitkm UMobkblr )UtilblaB, CotiminiM. ttotwinotlrfnOalM,iUL llMtdtMiokiMil umu mU mmtft Of namirtMlHlitmlav. I ftt.ni Ulra lliniufh Wttou h t, rcMTt tpMtol notitii withoal cbkn, in iam Scientific American. I A liwttUomtIr UlatfnlM mr ntt4r I MiUunn of fttir rli ilfl JHirol. Tmbi II I tri rr moMb-1, L tMd bfall nwdMlr I Ufath U1.M. t r lU WMbtnftuo, li. U BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT, TRACK. VIA Tlio Union Paoific FOK AM. Eastern Points. THREE TRAINS DAILY THROUGH CARS to Cblci.o, Kinsis Cltf, St. Piol, Mlone-ipolls Mlone-ipolls ; : : : WITH Direct Connections for the Eut and Southdst. : notnlled Inforti'atlon cheerfully furnished fur-nished on application. O, I.WIU.ADON.AKont, Coalville, Utah, BARBER'S iwing Extracts. I manufacture and .put up under my own name extract of i Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, Cloves. WintergreenJ Peppermint, Jamica Ginger, etc. Also Blue Black, Green, Violet and Red Inks. Agent foi Dr. ttifs Kino of Pain, The Great Household Remedy. 4 oz bottle, 35 cts. 8 oz bottle, 65 cts. JOSEPH BARBER, Coalville, Utah. pi! &S FORMOSA 0DL00NU. Tho f Inost Toa grown In China, tho mostdollclous Toa drank In America. We also have A Suit Cured Jnpatt Tea 50c. Ilaskct lUrcd " " 60c. I'att " " Q 60c. Pure Rio Coffee (? 30 cts. Pure Sauto? " a 35 cts. Pure Maracacbo Coffee 30 cts. I'or cup quality these coffees cannot be excelled at the price. eye Sell TotltccncToitf'nivor otim -9 I?D Jfllfl I'URIJ TKAS. (ljjlyjr Efefe-Qj W.JJ WRIGHT. WhenSou want Dry Goods! and Groceries Go to CASH BftlfaftlN STORe COALVILLE, UTAH S e carry a good durable Fountain Pen at 1.00. We carry the celebrated Parker Lucky Curve Joiutless Fountain Pea Irom $ 3 to 56. These arc the best Pens made. Write for Paper Catalogue! we buy it in 5000 ream lots. Write ns about Stenographers' Note Hooks; we buy 5000 at a time. We have tlie Iutermoutttain Trade ou Ribbons, Carbons Niagara Clips, Stenographers' Pencils, Erasers, Copy Holders, Instruction Books on Touch Typewriting; in fact everything used by a Stenographer. I We handle Graphophoncs and carry constantly in stock ,,, , secr.a,tll0"-Jnd desirable records. We always look out for the iuttrests of the man at the B other end of tlie bargain, , ,, . I BWe waut your cotisiderati0tj when in need oj anything tuH n our line. P I It i a pleasure to receive your inquiries whether you pur I chase or not. I WNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENOYA 3438 Washington Ave., Oedon, Utah. I Hlbffl1" Positively .AfeTF Fm, 8EST I BM 8'5 Bone pyRNiTORe eo.; Ogden, Utah. Furniture Catalogue Sent Free upon Application. Just Returned from Salt Lake where I Purchased a Nice Line of Shirt Waists, Skirts and Wrappers. Don't farset the Line of Trimmed Hats- M, R. Salmon. hjlj-A wewdepabture! k HVXlSri Radical Change In Marketing Methods ? Sf MA as Applied to Sewing Machines. 5 P jUfl J KM An orlclnat plan umier which Ttu can obtain a J ta.. BWUJjri eaaler tTrma and better value la tha purchase of K lftuPPiaEbL& the world tunone 'White" bewing Machine than i ' ? ever before offertl. i a Write for our elegant II-T catalogue and detailed partlcuUn. How S i we can aave yeu money la the purchase of a high grade tewing machine S and the eaay tenria of payment we caa oder, either direct from a and the eaay tenna 01 payment we caa oder, either direct from 5 r factory or through our regular authorized agenta. Thla la an oppor J tunlty you cannot afford to paae. Vou know tlie "White." you know i J Ita mannfacturerJ. Therefore, n tleuileU desenpuou ot liie uiactaine aji3 J ita conatruciion ia unnecesaary. If you hare an old machine to exchange J J we can offer moat liberal term. Write to-day, Addreu In full. ? WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. (Dep'l A.) acVCland. 0M0. 5 Por sale by L. K. Hall. For PRESENTS-For EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits 1 1) Th Ump tint iIOMn t fUro up or traok. or muh tou .tSV Um. UM " -aojtujic I tlw Ump that look roo1 bn f V yW5CTTK. Tou ret It anil tUricooili tlMUmp that you MverwlU- f 1 ffiVTiKA fag'y p- tu. w you iff . that I ..ttlllW. I PMffl Cbc JNfcw Rochester, mml &? vSe-T'w .Otbr tampa mar tie orfrml you aa ' Ju.t aa aoot M IfliH awr)7 tbj mar Im Iq eoina !. Cut tor all around good MSlH Wr WM, Ultra a Mir oua 7ia Ana l.oKri(rr. To make HI LJV aura Um Ump oaara you 14 eenujfia, look Cor the name r laalaHl UB on It I e.rr lamp baa It. (Jul arlatlaa.) V H JHh Old X.iuiiin IVIu lo Now. K SHIveHw wacan rut eTarrlarup want. NomattrrbUier you S-IbIbIbEs FnS&rSc 4ir w' a new lamp-or alow, aooltt ona rfnalrml or rrflo -IHbJ YAVjarlil HlifHUaTammountAlorottiermaka ot lamp transform TUSIIbBC? WJiJJSp lMe a Now Roohoster e can do Ik "'UraHQ JBMflEL w are SI'l t'lAUSTSlVrh.Tr.alm.nt ol dUcuaj olQ2Jl-AS) "HVaw Larao. Comullatlon I'KLU. -r.-aK,. J H()"HS-B Ump pQ 3 Tx Tltn A J n.rclay St , K.w Tort. j AGoqijlescriptlDn i- IOforScents Mfmfflm 1 AiDRUsSiaRES JlKg |