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Show 1 " FARM 'AND GARDEN. t ing daily weight of 354 pounds. Ik that has a given weight, which apNOItTmVEST NOTES. MINING MATTERS. one week each woman has lifted 1,784 DAIRY AND POULTRY. proaches that of the Wyandotte, helatf , pounds, or dearly a ton and a quarter. one-ha- lf the-than only pound lighter F1NDINQ GOLD WITH An Inch of saovr felt at Cortez, Ifev. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO In a month it amounts to 10,(20 pounds but named. The origin of the Mlnb or over five tons and a half. This is AGRICULTURISTS. ca, like that of so many others ot our last Monday. Ffcay Alsa Eavaal tba rrMMM at Silva OUR . the milk alone, to,, say nothing of the Coppar aa Laa. A Reno, Xev., Justice married three profitable poultry, is much In doubt. of ore supposed t Some hre ot the opinion that they orassay Making Hlat A boat CtlDn churning, working of butter, washing of California Couples people Monday, contain precious metals by Tkl means of more island which an pails, liMtMtal came pans,' S rwawi etc., from Minorca, crocks, Boll iginally Um ( tk Bad Tlalda Thareof had all been through the divorce ths X ray Is the latest phase of the than doubles the work. To realise how in the Mediterranean Sea, ona of the They 1 part moat of Iha Form A ' VltLc altar Borttealtu Bad mill. , development Of the wonderful device much this really amounts to one need Balearie Isle, while , other contend Blau m to th Car of Live A. W. Phillips, formerly publisher ol discovered by Professor Roentgen. Not but take their milk to the creamery 4 they are a variety of tha Black Spanish. mad Pool try. has thla beeq demonstrated to be Be that at it may, they are one ot the the Central Wyoming News, has been only one week, and they are sure to think, .. . possible, but Ta ,' la - also practical, Stack or Thraah from Bhoek. as I heard one woman say not long most profitable breeds ot poultry tor appointed oil inspector for Converse which is of a great deal more Import Ti4 HIS is one of the since, and she hauls Iajartof Dairy Export the farm that is known. For table county, Wyo. snee. This discovery opens tt and one-ha- lf N conversation not to rich gold finds In places where flesh being the that miles, that she did eight way are not see how she purposes problems they good, White s Sulpher Springs, Mont., ha gold would .not, under ordinary cir-come8 UP regularly could ever do the work long since with white, or light colored.and fine grained. again. And Bl gentleman who has Their chief property ta their egg pro- Succeeded In disposingof $30,000 in cams tnnees be supposed to exist at this time en the occasional change they have Dr. E. Z. Hennessey of Napa. Callfop- l spent n consider- duction. They are year, says Wallaces in themselves hauling the milk when and bonds, the proceeds ot jshlch will be In Great who is well knows aa a scientific nla, time able used construct to Farmer. It may be the men folks are too waterworks. layer. Aa winter, layers busy, is a real Investigator, is the discoverer of the -Britain in Investi- they are stated thus- Where benefit to them. Going to town when Julius ran kept Cannon,' aged 17, exceptionally good away unique scheme just referred to. He baa gating the markets under fairly favorable circumstances. from his home at Stevenson farmers wish to sell a great deal more to one who lives in vllle, Mont., been at work on it for a long time, country of that While the Leghorn surpasses them in and started on horseback their wheat or oats the country where neighbors are tew for Georgia, and all who make scientific researchboth butter and the number of In the near future, and' far between, than' many can Imes but he la now ready to give the Minorca's but was laid, eggs Ay officers and taker the must were caught by cheese, we result of his discoveries to the " is It cheapest and agine. The new faces she sees, and 85 are larger, and equal the output In back. world.1 that all may profit by them ' very much Impress- bulk. Their eggs are while, and averbest to thrash from acquaintances she is sure to make Dr. Hennessey makes no attempt to r ed with his Idea; age Two two accidental murders, deaths, the stack or the shock? There is serve to brighten the dull monotony of from to the eight pound." They lay secret, but is willing a good deal to be said on both sides, her life. The time thus gained (for that la, that our people bad too much twelve to fifteen dozen n year. For one suicide and two attempts at suicide, keep his methods be utilized methwhere they do that they bustness in of their Yankee the farm purpose they are especially prois A pretty good record for Butte, the most and, after all, the question is one that the change makes a difference of sev- od good. in connection with England when fitable. must be determined by circumstances. eral hours in her favor) can be used r an restless of to make for itself in twenty-fouMont., active, Gold quarts was the rock with Being ElIf the grain can be cut in good time, in doing those thousand and one exporting butter and cheese, sayscame disposition, they keep in splendldon-ditto- n which he first bad any success. In hours. matter The well shocked, the weather settled, and things every women likes to do when gin Dairy Report his experiments he pivoted In and make good foragers. For of Jim Toddkill and wife of Antelope making his results. At one time be would be the machine and help available when she has time, it may be spent in tend- up incidentally as to the quality suburban are very they keeping poultry box n aro very ill, the latter successful, and at another be would wanted, we believe it is best to thrash ing a flower garden, doing some piece gooda from the reason that practical birds, and net good results valley, Nev., to the keeper. They are hardy, easily especially so and not expected to live, be very far off. Different exposure direct from the shock. This, however, of fancy work she has long wanted to maker had eentjto a factory where A physician from ITacervllle has gone seemed to have very little to do with occurs only once in a while. The do, or perhaps read some book that this gentleman was having butter raised, and mature quickly. It, for with the same piece of ore on wood that of boxes made some packed, to their place to attend them. weather east of the Missouri cannot be there never seemed time to read. These the en me kind of plate the ' result He refused had taste. both anT flavor depended upon, neither can thrashing things api'Nll beneficial, for (tolling Rnngn Cat tin. fourteen-tovaried to the widest degree. The docReturns a from the shipin machines nor help at this season of the there is" rest. South Dakota women, tu accept them, believing that Live Stock Report, of Chicago, saya ment of ore from the Elk Horn claim tor then began making record of the -two or three Despite the fact exact condition of his tube during the year. Even when help can be obtained as a rule, are hard worked, the inevit- end, although a saving of be that we are Into the in Whisky had, he middle of park, which was shipped different experiments. It so happened and have reached the it la higher priced than later. The able result of settling a new country. Tents on the box might August on two from or Rawlins, Wyo., several weeks that he hiade an exposure when bis lime when range cattle are ordinarily farmers by stacking their, grain and Many of them help with out door work would probably lose a cent , each of butter, which would hard and fat tube was very low" and was surprls- ago, netted 1100 per ton. for eastern the enough letting it go through the sweat can until they are almost ready to break not bepound ed to get a good Indication of ore In a good Investment The conver- shipper and a The well Bannock East New as work and the with Letter, pub- a change very down, and if the creamery will lighten sation drifted Into the get through A little longer exof good dres:d beef exporter piece of quality little outside labor. The probability is their burdens and give them a brightman, thla year's arrivals lished in 1863, was the first Montana posure and quart. our the result was better. And from to heretofore sent England thus fir hare been greatly disappointthat the wheat will be put in the mar- er life, then we say, give us the American so it went on until the proper time of market as a representative ing in the matter of flesh and condi- paper, and the press upon which it ket in better condition and bring as cregmery! Herald its advantages all haa been to exposure, was fotind. He had demonthe state and printed presented of the quality of both butter tion, nnd even the local slaughterers strated tnat a low tube, or one that good or better price. Forty years ago over our fair state until every comhistorical Of course are not In society. made thla cheese country. was docs not produce many the man who was near the mill had munity can boast of and glory in an trying to buy them with any discussion, In for filled came cheese C. P. Turner, superintendent of the the best for the purpose. It ha long alacrity. They are remarkably soft an early variety of grain, and thrashed institution that is as truly a "burden as It always does In that direction, and tube of tbts kind from the shock in nine cases out of lifter as it is a "mortgage lifter. consequently shrink heavily ea nickel mines, 45 miles from Lovelock, been known that showing that the quality of cheese eent route, some shippers saying In fact Nevada, fell 73 feet down the shaft and always give the strongest contrasts, ten got a better market than if he work - r but It Is undesirable for over there as full cream cheese, being that stacked and thrashed later. The price they hardly recognize their eattls received aeribu Injuries that may re on account of the timesurgical to Tomatae. required Trellltln filled or sophisticated with lard, had as the same Of suit bunch they loaded. Z of wheat now is not determined by the make the exposure. In making assay fatally. we grow tomatoes for market dor.e more to degrade the reputation course aa When the season advances this conlocal mill, but by the general market, this la of course, a matter of bo Imordinary price we must economize of American cheese than any one thing dition of affair will The Thomas Cruse wool, from Mon1 portance. ae but and this again is determined not by the at improve, in every way nnd that the dealers over there tsk in cost of production Is the complaint of poor flesh tana, consisting of three seasons clips Why the low tube should produe supply in the county or state, or even and trelllslng the plants advantage of that, and whenever they general -possible, and condition all over the range coun- and amounting to nearly 500,000 pounds better results than the high tube I e markets but United States, the or when but ot the out ot be would a bad lot either English find question, understood acquainteasily by anybody It now looks as though receipts at was sold to a San Francisco buyer. It try of the world. Before any Iowa farmer comes to the home garden I reguA dim light In ed with Canadian cheese, they label it Ameri- market would be can thrash his grain now, grain will it unprecedentedly small is said that the price paid was 13 cents. a room photography. few a least and at will make stronger shadow trellis season low at it nnd mark can prides, every until the 10th or 15th of be pouring in from Texas, Kentucky, larly September. a photograph than strong one In as they can be made a great fer their customers to the fact that Where in George Iaymsl, foreman of the la Kansas and Missouri; in fact it is be- plants, A given length of time. ordinary years killers would In the case f suture of the grounds, they cannot get good cheese from ornamental the high tube creates ginning to come into market already. writes T, Grenier in exchange. A to- - America, and these are a fair sample take a whole trainload of one brand, Eureka cyanide plant, was badly of the this year they hardly want to buy burned at the works in Nevada, by radiance that bae a tendency to pass Our conclusion, therefore, is that mato plant ladened with ita glossy, 0f the goods. It Is so in the butter more than three or four cars, so fear- - an explosion which occurred In a era through everything, and eo It happens cept in exceptional circumstances it is fruit is a pretty object nne. We have been sending over to ful are best to staek and begin thrashing as they of the way the stock ta cible aa a melt of slag was being made, that by tlie time a eertain part of the other anyway, and a row of them, well held K large extent nothing but low grad tQ kill ouL soon as the grain Is in the right Such cattle as have paymal was badly burned and injured plate Is exposed enough the consegoing Is a sell there posalbly been really are and butter that would up, trimmed end tied. parts 3.85 to aay good bring enough ln the face aud upper part of the body quently show no contrast. The result , One of the easiest ways of for a cent a pound profit more In proeight. or better have sold fairly readily, bui a tomato plant for such ef- - portion than the better grade, and those which by flyln fr, mentrof molteo meUL I very much the same as if the plat supporting ' will be noted as selling Much of the metal Asparagus. bed been fogged. this is my favorite way) la to the English dealer had come to feet (and penetrated the skin under that figure have sold slowly, ths After Dr. Hennessey had reached perBulletin 10, Idaho Experiment St' stake it, and keep it trimmed to Revs that they could get no good but-- a and bad to be picked out by the physl fection In making southern excellent of very condition picture of tlon: a now that constat but stake may ter In thla country; single stalk. The ore be tried different kinds of account- cian. gold cattle this valu et grass and This year largely popular rest Descriptive seven or eight change has been -- made it of a plain bean-polore, and the results were most for thla Killers can get these able vegetable needs but very little deHenry Altenbrsnd of New York, ai other of a sawed stick, say two tirely with the dealer and shippers on ing or between The difference high, surprising. at latter (3.40 to 13.65, and being rived on Thursday at Manhattan, scription. It is a native of Europe, Inches square and eight feet long. Be this side to build up and sustain a rep-,ugold and silver Is of the widest smaller boned the than j westerns, they where it may be found growing wild In look af to the after the Interest Mont., and copper and lead are very to set these stakes in a straight uUtion tor high class goods along the borders of sea marshes. Cer- line, and all uniformly perpendicular, English markets that will stand ua in kill out more satisfactorily, and thus be Manhattan Brewing company, of different from either. Gold looke like , can be handled more profitably than wWch te u tain species are grown as ornamental frost markings on a window pane in or, perhaps, slightly leaning. Then good stead not only at present but while - silver looke like tiny specks. rangers costing the same figure. The brand baa been president. plants. The undeveloped stem is the trim the plant to one or two stalks, the future. Take for example the erection the advocating Different ores In the same piece of rock killers are acting toward range eattls fostered la by it part used aa food. branches all nipped ish dairy industry; of a sugar beet factory in Gallatin are all plainly distinguishable. And Keep water much the same as the lover of Culture. Propagated by meahs a that way In such y off. Tie the stalks and especially the the government and does the show that that fruit when It county for some time past, and if be not only seed. The seed may be bought of seed with soft string, aa for the maker or manufacturer who does melon does toward Is gold In a certain rock, b there . red dealers or taken from the small aha repprex (mates how much of the requirement, o( see the inside of it before - be pur- - j else .to build berries found in autumn upon the butter iioth to metal there Is. Dr. Hennessey has the thla in ornament an what see regard and grade, chases. Since in the meantime the sufficient assurance from the farmer tested this, and found that It U quite mature stems of old plants. If the like, of that method to will be and the your packing,, Itself tomato patch them enough to tell Certainly latter method is adopted proceed In the he lone caste at once, and not only condition of range cattle unfits there of Gallatin o unty that they will raise reliable. the la ore worth whether and for making eastern or the Select largest buyer enter export manner; into the tame beets, following enterprise upon series of tests of. that, hut he loses money at the is thus practically no competition for hit own of and nicest branches; pick off the bera effectual la most way This time. responsibility, BraaaaU Sprouts. The most surprising discovery made ries and gently mash; wash out the or manufactur- them on this market we advise shipDr. Ifennessev, though. Is the fact A member of the cabbage tribe curing either shipper A ghastly sight met the eyesof trainby South seed. who are the to the and water So with pers tributary dry pulp wIlLshow gold In a rock are a long central stem ers of careless or sloverily way the that Characteristics men Church there on near to Buttes rows in Omaha or go market Denver Sow the seed in early spring from Sunday that haa no outward sign of Its existbead of leaves, with exporting dairy product an surmounted open by both with tbelr cattle. At those points wide enough to permit cultivation. morning, last and for a few minutes all ence. Several piece found In the Napa numerous small heads (Vi Inch, or this country. Now that we Nave gotPlants should stand about 3 to 5 Riches and filled cheese question, fat and feeder stock is in demand. Oma- hands were at work gathering the rem- hills, of such character that no miner the ten around rld'Of in diameter) arranged, look at them for more than a is well situated at pres- nants of a human labeled so apart Select a rather rich soil for the larger being that had been would the stem in the axils ot the leaves. and it must go forward will know ha particularly before throwing them aside moment, northwestern seed bed. The young plant may be It for who these ent handling buy the that people termed run over by a freight trala. The head as are heads These small under the worthless, proved bed the in a la aa the quesshe distributing permanent butter the great are .v. rangers, transplanted buying, d , The vegetable originated what they th sprouts. to contain a layer of thin gold: small "ere following spring, or the transplanting in Belgium and has been cultivated ex- tion comes to the front more exten- point for feeder, and U increasing her , aemblance, audit in quantity, but nevertheless gold. Th ever before, and the quality beef slaughtering as welL Another may be Referred until the second accompanlng drawing show the outtensively around Brussels since the sively than onl7 hu be not care can by much Too is ths In favor determine her will and spring. Important point side view of bits of quarts. Many of thirteenth century. Requires the same that we send forward given to the preparation of the per- treatment as cabbage. Soil must be the extent of the market which Amer- recently established Joint rate covering j that bis identity was learned." ,111s the pieces of quarts examined did not manent bed. Select an open situation rich. stock cattle over the N. P. and C., M. came was found to be John Jones, show any sign of gold on the outside, Requires considerable moisture. ican butter will obtain in England. where plenty of sunshine falls. Natur- The small A SL P. roads. We, of course, have sheep foreman for Carl Spinner of even when put under A strong magnimust grow rapidly sprouts no desire to say anything against one Green River, Wyo., and for many year fying glas. ally, the plant prefer a damp situa or they will be tough. Sow seed in hot Standard Tarlctlea of Chickens, vo Of course, the great advantage of the befowls tlon, but can be made to of This Minorca In market to benefit another, but we previous In the employ of H. C. Shurt. variety And trasplant, or scatter seed in assaying Is its cheapness. Exadwell on dry soil, if proper cultivation Jed to and think It only Just to the shipper 0f Eangton. the aminations of thirty small piece can , that hills and thin. Plant must have long to the Mediterranean Class, appears Subbe should rich. soil Is given. The of room. Rowe should ,be thir- they are placed next to the Leghorns In v1b him of our opinion aa regards the unfortunate man fell from the top of be made on one plate at a east of about soil or trench the .bed, adding large plenty inches apart and the plants not laying qualities. They are In appear- most advantageous point for the dis- the moving train and landed squrely II at the most The same work done ty quantities of manure (well rotted cow closer than two feet Ordinary culture ance very similar to the Leghorn. Their posal of hia stock cattle. In the usual manner would cost at on the rails, the entire string of care dung la preferred). If the plantation will suffice. Some authorities advise general outline is. In fact, that ot the least (30. It will flow be an easy mat2 la large the rows should be at least farmer should have' wax, passing over his body and completely ter for miner to take a number, of be frosted be- latter, but of more length of body aud should Every the that sprouts hi head. feet apart Put the plants 12 Inches specimens, have them put through the fore using. Our experience is that It heavier In mold. Indeed, they are the thread sad needles handy. It i time levering -ray process and determine whether apart The roots of the plant must be causes a bitter taste. Sprouts balf-lnc- h only variety of the Mediterranean class well employed. characSteve" a notorious Fighting they contain gold or not. Oftentimes spread out equally in all directions. to be much said are diameter in made ter a murderous assault at Butte, miner will throw away good speciThis is best attained by constructing a more palatable than the 'large ones. bis misiress, Mrs. Burns, tLe mens because ftere are no outward Insmall mound of earth In the center aa used sometimes are leaves get these piece H 10 th. a tin g heron the dication of gold.-T- o of the hole, place the plant upon the The top The tested at II apiece Is more than most aphis gives considerable greens. roots officer a the an let when head shot mound and with of the slug top miner can afford. The time has now The best treatment-- 1 a thorextenddowa the sides. Cover with trouble.. appeared and placed him under arrest. come when the work can most easily , with aoap suds. washing ough earth and firm with the foot. The done by operators for about It Is understood tost the Montana be crown of tjfe plant should be two 10 cents apiece In large lots. This Coke Coal Products. and of ' Horr, MonL, company Argentina Dairy Inches under ground. During the growreally means a revolution In prospect-lnhas done but little As contemplate the erection of SO'more and the ground of the state Is ing season cultivate and keep down In theyet Argentina dairy line, yet the last year concoke ovens in order to utilize all the sure to be more thoroughly worked all weeds. At end of season cut off It was butter exported, and. eoke that can be taken out by con- than ever before. the tops and cover the bed with coarse siderable with success. The advent ol manure. Remove the litter in early is said, tinued work, the miners now being makes it possible for spring. Cut the young shoots at the dairy machinery employed but four day a week. the surface of the ground using a strong Argentina to take a sudden leap to Mining IfntM, T. C. Bach, attorney for the Helena front In dairy production. The cows, bladed knife. Immense An Mon deposit of emery ha in If Electric and are Water there. climate company the grasses, the been discovered near Great Falls, Monwe mar be sure of clerk to warrants it demand McRae, tana, Finlay paid Lifter. a Hordes Th Creamery tano. It la worth $100 per ton, will not pass unthe District coart, 119,235.89, being the I am aware that the' creamery Is be- that the opportunity are and cheese butter During the six month ended June 30 full sm.onnt of damages adjudged to ing discussed on every hand, but per-ha- improved. Fine one lost. 619,214 ounces of gold were reBut contest will no that come of produced, owners not be due from the company to my little mite may ceived at the mint at Melbourne, market to European amiss, for it la with this as with every transportation, property above the canyon Ferry dam. other new enterprise. Nothing can be la a long one and through scorching Word was received Saturday last from Mine operators are backward all over will bear transportaaccomplished except by precept upon weather. How it what Chief the and to keeping market Surgeon Galbraith of the Union the West In using electric signal la precept, line upon line, here a little tion I Pacific that the condition of D. E. Jor- their mines. When any man lias ever nd there a little, Writes Elcnora E. qualities will be after it gets there, used a good electric system, with suff'should it well, but keep not; know Communidan, yard .master at Laramie, la not icient battery power, he would no more cr in Dakota Farmer. to must look countries ties titJ are so fortunate as to possess present dairy improved, and that there is little hope go back to the old rope system than be ready to a creamebycare indeed to be congratu- their inarkets. Argentina isMr. of his recovery. lie la now in the com- would discard high explosives for black JohnImmense supplies. powder. lated, but iCt seems to me that it Is furnish pany hospital at Omaha. farmers wives and daughters fb whom The machinery for the Midnight min The new cable for the Fissure at SilBelle district reached Vasqne the most benefit comes. For, verily, Cow. Where a genhas arrived and work was at In thei Lanow ver Purpose Epecial City and the creamery ip a great burden Jitter eral being transferred to the cow now yields a profit it men are at two purpose resumed. one Only mine. It consist of A power .to them. Our 'creamery is hut one year may be safely eald that a apeclal purwork on the property and drifting has boiler, A power engine to furold and at present has over 90 patrons, pose one would do still better. If the been discontinued and sinking com- nish power for tturtnill hoisting engine who furnish from 16,000 to 18JHK) breed beet adapted to the existing cirCoO feet and pumps for menced. The shaft is now about 250 for sinking j daily. This milk ot represents cumstances was selected. 11 la not al pounds same depth, crusher, concentrator and an Immense amount of work it cared way a wise maxim to let well enough feet deep. all necessary cars, skips, tools, etc. for at home, and without the aid of alone." There la no such thing aa Work has been resumed at the Ajaa This year's output for Gilpin county steam and machinery. And It U upon Ex. well enough. at Silver City, after nearly two month will !e the biggest In Its past history the wlmtn folks" that this labor deyears steady producIdleness. Three men Were put to work of thirty-eigh- t volves. Taking 16,000 ponnds of milk Watering Cows In the winter water will tion, and It will furnish a surprise to force the and ore out can and then cows on an taking yon to ninety patrons gives separately, average the everyone. This year more new ma177 pounds to each,, which In the mere know that each one drinks liberally. If shortly be increased. It is also pro- chinery has been put up on properties bable tbst tne main shaft will be sunk than for a large number of years prelifting alone represents a heavy load. It does not, then look after It, and ascious and still there seems to t bo Each 177 pounds must be handled twice, certain the reason, tor If It does not leeper. cessation. net la setting It In place for the cream drink well the supply of milk will soon BLACK MINORCA COCKEREL T--C to rise, and again la skimming, mak begin to fill. Ex. interesting chapters for rural readers. rp-to-- Dt ot-j-t- h non-sitter- s, year-arou- - !f J , n X-ra- by-th- , X-ra- high-color- ed over-expose- X-ra- y en-fe- e, re -- Mr.-Ytlte- j ' X-ra- SLt , a. - X-rt- y -- X-r- ar X-ra- y vjt -X- as.e y g, ps e " 1 |