Show K OR WOMEN AND HOME ITEMS Or INTEREST FOR MAIDS AND MATRONS same Wears for Aatamn Thf lay Hi I Hnil of Oddi and Ends of Material ltI Tr to Alculaler Jaeke I Horsaaalle sterrlates rather 10 coming 1m elk Is I onlh stroke nl all The r athera work 1 done 1 111 Sweep dri p th e T nrarlh and trend the are And on put the ktttla The wid f nlnhlwlnd u blowing told Tl urrarr crasInK 1 otr the word rJ lie Is I crossing oer 1M weld space lie Is I stronger than the storm lie doe nol feel llh > cold not lie HID I hiri II I is M > warm For father heart Is stout and true As ur human bosom knew lip J mike all I loll I nil hardihlp llfhtj rh Would I all men wr the imintl > ready IoI lilyrd w kind to 1 r no vrrv slow to ulatnI Ih newt not Iw I unkind aulerml For love halh readier will than ftar Nay da not close the shutters child rvr far alonir I the lane The Illllii I window look and he can are u shining 7rII 11re herd him ar lie loves to mark Tin clurtul slight through the dark And well do all 1 that father likes Ills wishes ors so few YO s they hisar e that every hour Nome wish of 1 kneel 1 m sure II mb a happy day WIt I can please him any war I know he Coming by this ten That tokya almost WILL flee how he lauh and crow And arlt II n beef the merry chill lies flhfr Pell In far e And I HmN And lathers heart li strong In him llaikl hark I hear him footsteps nIX lies through the irardrn Sale Ilun tljtlo bloc anus Opp the door And do not It 1 1 him wall Sh ut laby shout and clnn thy hands h r 111 t roe father on the threshold nan Mary llowltt = t I yJ L t r r Jt t II v f r aas a 1 t t roil LATE SUMMER WEAR Wrests fur A u lull n Autumn wraps consist of mom or lees tlghtIUtlng jacket and alcove but mainly of sleeve Theyre ecu Comical too because the sleeves area are-a i different from tho body of the garment poll arc made of nil sorts of odd and eniftrcfJtonhanoui material la net If It were not Ba > Udfntly n now freak of fashion ono would ofmnei be tempted to believe that the made hid bean started by some ont anxious to get rid of wrap of material How em tllt liat the point The thing x eat + I li that If you with to be In the fashIon fash-Ion you mull get a wrap of this character char-acter Young gIrl wear them tight fitting the matron wean ono that is I i lone and straight In front rather ihort I alld tightfitting In the back A charming charm-ing model for it young girl li of car dinalfreed cloth embroidered with a large scroll desljn In black Mild The ilrevtl are formed of two rows of ae > eordlonplallcd chiffon with flounces of cardinal mallne beneath On top of the sleeves are rosettes of the chiffon and the neck hu a ruche of the tame Of course the girl who hare neck boll of black mousstllne de lolo will find them just the thing to wear with three jacket For a matron of about 30 II l one of tho prettiest lockets made this season It li I of black moire silk with the edge cut to resemble largo maple leaves two In tho front and one In the back This dcluilon II l further fur-ther accentuated by the use of dull sliver sli-ver spangle which outline tho edges and vein of the leaves The sleeves are of black lace over white mousse line do sole The Latest 1D Mare nrcnolln + torrlageo The death knell of morganatic marriages mar-riages has been sounded by the judgment judg-ment just rendered In Ibo LlppcDct mold iticcrislon controversy by a apes dally organized tribunal presided over by the venerable king of Saxony dean of all the sovereigns cimprlicd In the I federation known as the Herman empire em-pire According to the decision of this i i court tho decrees of which by previous pre-vious arrangement are binding upon i all the states of the empire morganatic i morga-natic unions on the part nf parents or of more remote ancestor are no longer lon-ger to constitute arty bar to the sue session to the throne This being tho rate It naturally follow that they cease to entail any disqualifying consequence sequence In all other particular and that they become Identical with ordinary ordi-nary marriages The tribunal could not Ingietlly romo to any other conclusion con-clusion For If morganatic marriages on the port nf ancestor had been pronounced pro-nounced sufficient to disqualify from the incctulon to the crown It would hare been equivalent to n judicial declaration dec-laration that at least seventenths of the throne of Germany were held wrongfully Indeed there II I a ques lion whether Kmperor William or gumcnt had been admitted ills own children could have been permitted to succeed to the throne of 1russln since a by no mean remote ancestor of the present German empress married a levant girl from whom her Imperial majesty and her numerous children are descended Tl awl on Her Irlljr Pool Thero II I a Btrrin I Kenwood ono of the aristocratic net 6t1FJrJ almlnd and tentlmental to n fine degree Zee ban only to speak of tattooing to that Sir to arouse her wrath and this la I tho reason why She Is engaged and the Initial of the man In the casa are a 1 Tho girl II I sentimental and tho lore affair brine her first she is I quite sure It II I the last an well According cording 01 a mark of eternal fidel lay iho determined to tattoo her flan eel Initial right on the Instep of ono foot She procured a piece of cork crplrd tho two Initials on It and out lined the letter with n row of need INput IN-put Into previously mado pinholes eyes first A coating of sealing wax held them firm Then aha rubbed tho Instep with India Ink put her Ingenious Ingen-ious Instrument on It gritted her teeth and struck tbo cork n blow that tent the needles half an Inch Into her flesh The India Ink was rubbed well Into the wound and the heroic girl awaited Impatiently the result of her work Tbo wound healed In a few days and there a little blurred but still distinct on the pretty foot wore the Initials but sad to tell printed In reverse so that they cannot be read by tho tlltOO lit without the aid of a mirror Of course they cant be removed Tn Marry or Not In Jlrrr Elizabeth li very much Inclined to try yes to a middle aged widower who Urea In her neighborhood and > who hat been very attentive to htr foi I some time past Th drawback In the 1 present Instance li 1 the violent opposition I opposi-tion of her family who Insist that ihu hall marry a second cousin who has for a lone time been fond of her She respects and admire him but her feeling feel-ing for him goes no further than this The widower she II I really attached to and although he II I twenty years her senior and hu four email children she e thinks she could bo very happy with him She ask the Ledger what aha should do Answer If you have been a reader of the ledger for a very longtime long-time Klltabcth you must have read In Its column sentiments all In favor of marrying for love There li no other oth-er marriage interests convenience policy the commands of parent or guardians should ono and all have no weight While pArents may forbid a marriage and bo able to give good reasons rea-sons for II there Is I nothing In law nor gospel that authorizes them to command com-mand a child to marry against its will The contracting partite must be held responsible for their lives and If they go wrong there II I no vleartou atonement atone-ment Arrenrlea nf tine A trlklns new fashion trims each stain of the skirt with rows of lace passrmentrrlo or Spangles Skirts arc ornamented In a variety of way Some have guipure laid ou round tho foot or round Ibo hip or Insertion forming point or scallops and outlined with ribbon ruches Fanatic on the question of Victorian revival In title season of the Jubilee are trying desperately to make the British matron and maid don tho glaring white stocking but the matter has been a sorry attempt an far Capes seem to be 1 on the decline but Inrls fine sent out a dainty conceit which may thrive because of III novelty novel-ty It II I called tho Kerchief cape from the fart that It Is I fichushaped Hi edge Is I adorned with either narrow flouncing or the new popular fringe In the way of hat the Tyrolean shape In I as much worn 01 tho tailor hat These hat are made of very line English Eng-lish or Manilla straw and aro loft and dainty Small white or pearl gray felt hat are beginning to bo seen and will bo In great favor during the autumn Tho cry for novel epaulette has led to all kind of shoulder trimming A pretty style just Introduced In I the sewing sew-ing Into tho top of the arm seam scrum scr-um hoop of velvet or satin ribbon about four Inches lone at tho extreme top and gradually shortening toward the front and back t Solltt plaiting Is seen not only In Skirts but In collar an well A new collar most captivating In Its dalntl new Is of fine net sunpleateO In the net have been let a tOll lo of row of fine Insertion and a dainty lace edge j glien finish I The whole thing Is I cut > n that the front and back appear to bo In Vandylio point with the sides 1 mako square epaulettes ocr tbd boulder f boul-der Sleeves of white chiffon mal to I coma lone over tha hands and ruthod their entire length are popular In both evening and day dremes Ono of the latter has a foundation of green and white foullard the hodlco I opening atone at-one aide under A frill of accordion platted chiffon One of tin queerest effect seen this summer li shown In a bodice the entire front of which II I made of alternate rna nf tiny tuck and Insertion The oddity of the thing lies In the fact that the whole front li sot In obliquely the stripes running sharply l from the right shoulder to the left lido of the waist line TlnITI ed Tuhth Jacket Tho announcement that the now tariff tar-iff will Increase the price of tlniels doc not prevent Its use whenever do sired SeverAl of the new garments especially among tho smaller one are trimmed with It and of those none Is prettier than tho Turkish jacket which depends for Its brilliancy upon gold and lIver embroidery The ma I terltl of this jacket Is a brilliant military mil-itary red cloth of medium weight It 1 II I tight fitting all around and quite hug the figure III cut II I plain except for a broad collar which turn over forming lapels to the waist late l I J Tho distinguishing feature of the Jacket cornea In upon these lapclsw hlch t I ore decorated with tho most brilliant I gold and silver tinsel I The trimming form epaulets as well an a border for + the jacket and almost covers the lapel To obtain this trimming you go to t any dry good or art embroidery store j nd purchase It by tho yard It Is not j t 1 tt tIIL i r j i j i i 1 expensive but because of its coming < In the now McKinley tariff law the jacket upon which It li placed is I called tho McKinley Jacket It Is to be i worn over light weight lummer gowns and li suitable for any occasion Many i person wear a Jacket of this descrip lion constantly In the summer when out of doors |