Show CUTTINO DOWN FARMS llomMfrkrr AuurUllun lrnH M ll ilurllon la ac tcm Chicago Sept 33AI tiMlaya wanlon Of the Vntlmml lloineMwknro HuuoU 1 lion convention Mra M I Denny of Chicago read a paper on line advantage advan-tage of colonisation In general and advocatd the formation of aettle rnenU In Kansas To overcome the Innllnraaof country life the aiwaker advocated the cutting down the aloe 1 of the farm to fire ton and twenty acres 1rof J W llcton president tho South pitknta agricultural college delivered 1 de-livered an addn > aa on the powlbllltlo of South Dakota The adjourned ad-journed tine die tonight 1rlorto adjournment a permanent organuitlan na effected and ofllren were elected as follow 1reldent slit Jame liinii nf Idaho vice president pres-ident Iter John Hunk Chicago Mr lleebe Koulli Dakota and K H Drf den of Maryland ecretarytrea urcr George li I Hurley Chlcniru |