Show I No man or woman can injoy life or 1 I Hicnmphih ninth In this wurUl while I imtfrrlflg trout n torpid titer DeUltii Jltllo llarly Itltert the pllUllialclanse that organ qukkl John hoyden A Son If you have ever teen a little child inn In-n paroxysm ol hooping cough or II you hove been annoyed by a constant I tickling the throat you can appreciate Chic value of One Minute Cough Cure which gives quick relief John lloidcii A Son XAXT1M > THUBTV OIITIIY AM > W V V active gentlemen or Indies to travel for responsible established house In t Utah Monthly ton 00 and expenses lioll 1 eIJXl i 1oililnn itcady Iteference Ilncloeo I elf addreeeed l stamped envelope Tim Dominion Company Dept Y Chicago Small precautions often prevent great inlichled 1I0lttl Little Early titter ere very imall pllli In tine but are moat effective In xet enting tho most eerl q lout ormiot liver and stomach trouble They cure constipation and headache A regulate the bowel John llo don A bon I Owing overcrowding and bid ten Illation the air ot the schoolroom Is 1 often close nnd Impure and toachen and pupil frequently sulfur from lung and throat troubles To nil inch wo would any try Chninberlalnii Cough I Hbinedy For coughs colds weak Inngtnnd bronchial trouble no other remedy con compare with It Say A I CFrcwJfcuperlntent ofbchooU Prairie I Depot Ohio Having come knowledge I know-ledge of the elllclency of Chamberlain Cough Itemcdy 1 hate no hesitation In wcominondlug It I to nil vho mHer from roughs lung trouble otc 1or tRio by John Iiol dot A Sons To Betel the broken and dlwaiwl III HUM to Hootho the Irrltnttd surface to instantly relieve unit to ivrmtuwulr r ure it the million of UtsWitt Ultch IluilhoJvo JohnHoden Hon W tTCltTttlt MWOUUn AM i title gtrntl men or iadte to trlol I i r rt eirnntbl iitnl blind liouw In 1 tai I M thly i i < n n J tpaniM I i ern t i ly i 1cYlerwtoe Enej8 lalUrined tamped envelope The Dominion Company Dept Y Chiiago q q j BumUtCll SSUIU Attorney at Law Notary Public Land business attended to gjf OlllCe two door north 01 1 Stake iiouceCoihllle Utah JAMES E HOSMKR M D rii lclau nud tnrxrun onICI AT It6SIUENUIi Coolvl1l Odlce hours from 11 a ui to 2 p I m and 7 111I til a Ito tan should l observe Erse hour as near at ioslble Qll E A IllHIMiN PHYSICIAN AND Suuouox OUltl at rliiirilntil I or leave calls at Johnllmduil honi Drug frlorv aug 6 WU itlttlIllt NOTARY PUIIUC HKNIUKK UTAH Collections promptly mode DR WVISIOK RESIDENT DENTIST Coalvllle Utah i Globe Barber SQup p titeule to till1 front I Shaving Tickets 110 for too IUHMC TELEPHONE IN CONNECTION Two door mutt of lUiort E loon JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor SUMMIT COUNTY MarbleWorks Ho tsvillc Utah Before you scud your money out of your county get our prices on Granite and Marble Monuments Headstones etc Work guaranteed C H WEST Propr Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block east of Stake House Coilvillc Utah THE OLDEST AND THE BEST Cough curc tho most prompt arid olTectho remedy for illscnscs of tho throat and lungs Is Airs Cherry Pectoral As an cmcrgincy nosh cine for thu euro of Croup toro Throat Lung fever nnd Whooping Cough AVERS Cherry Pectoral cannot bo equaled Ii > M BiiAWLrv D D lilt Sec of tho American Jlnllo tilt Publishing Society Ittcrslnirp An emlorseti it ID n cure for violent C4jtl I briinchitln etc Dr llmwley oleo luMs mall minister lulTirlng from throat troubles I recommend AVERS Cherry Pectoral Awarded IMtl at World Fair AUKS PIUS Curt Uw Md StowMi TrwM j 1 + l TIThe TI-The Gf alville tee 0 J h J > + tk 3 t II r j 1fiiIIrI tt > ul R a x t w 4 c rrIl ESt ES-t t 2 per Year A < r 1 f t y a I F r in q 1 4 r i J i as ts t j L 1 t u i li it Larger Circulation Jin Summit County outside Park City than all other papers combined J I I r THE TSM77s I r 1 > f I Job Printings Printing-s Department 111 I i IS COMPLETE c tyar r TAKE NOTICE Whllf Till Tutu ditlikee to mil the attention 011 tit delinquent lubtcrlUriv through the paper to this tAct ol their Indcbtcdneit rand especially su often It I J lice become a matter of necessity nec-essity ii It ll the quickest and comet method Ye do not wish our OGden OGd-en to construe this s adiin but limply at a notice to thoio who are In nrreari that we are unable tecarry them any longer and must Inslut on n settleuont at once Wo are prcpan to take pruduco fe nt lnstln part payment and thui place a settlement within tho rtaeh III all Within n Jsbort lime nil indebted to in will nitrite a notlre of the tame and unliit Imirtdlale step are lakeuto tralyhten up tin account will of necessity be put In the hands of an attorney for collection Vc do not wish to add anything any-thing In the way of coett to the who nreowlngui and Irustthntlt will not lw nec emery to retort to legnl prnreeilliiKil but money we must late at a matter of protection and there ntllVe no delay In carrying out the terms ol this notice not-ice TlKtu IlUIJllllNO Co RostofficeStone PEOA Summit Co Utah 0 Fa LYONS General Dealer In All Kind of STIITIO ERYAND AND SCHOOL L SUPPLIES If You Want School Hooks Note Hooks Paper Envelopes Tablets Blanks Pens Pencils InkRulers Rulers Erasers Slates Fishing Tackle or anything iu I that line give me a call before purchasing Postofftce Building PEOA UTAH OSCAR F LYONS Notary Public and Conveyancer Collection 1rouptlymado on Commission 0 oracliiih mTOIIWI IIVlllnXO Peon Summit Couily Utah wm 1 i Cvraty and Trodhrk obWattl sad all Fat cot buuota eonductod for MaonAte Flit Dun orncr It o poiiTtut Part Oiee n eo ft auattaYwttntotltiaatt i i unmet tram VV tmnatoa i bead model dnwicff or photo with d < urlr > sloe tt ivlu e If rauoobls or nolfritlol tab Ourft nol ura stOtl valentlnecured ArtxHirr llutfiaUbiilnlstcnuwIui I lT = = i on ol In uoa In ei r IA 3 sad tare lta couauiu II i JCASWOWCO s r yt o N o w a O C 4 fJ 1st |