Show I A IIIIM tails Thai Cate j Something novel In tho way of voting machinery has recently been patented In England by Arthur E I Collins city engineer of Norwich Tho ballot nro printed on stiff paper or card bound up In book each leaf being 10 tG1Qt iv ate that It can bo torn off like a check from Its stub The voter goes Into a screened room where he sec a row ot boxes supported on a frame Each box boars the name and other Insignia of a party or a candidate A conspicuous Indicator point the voter to n slot In the box Into this the ballot bal-lot li I thunt without any marking or folding and after a few seconds It fAil through to a glass box Into which all the other boxes discharge An election elec-tion ofnctnl on ono side and the voter on the other ran both see the ballot and bo lure tint It Is all right but the oldclal cannot tell by which route It entered tho glaw ailed receptacle and therefore cannot tall how the man bal voted Jut within the lot In raih ballot box there lion Inked roller and some type which print n number on the back of tho ballot These number run In I succession Consequently they count each party vote 01 It II I cast Iluth the typo and the highest number on the ballots finally taken out record this and therefore must agree when the polls close Each I ballot after remaining re-maining an Instant In tho glass box for Inspection drop Mill further and goes Into n much bigger reservoir that li scaled |