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Show Proposed Amendment to the Constitution. House Joint Resolution Number Six. A Joint Resolution providing an amendment amend-ment to Section 17. Article 7, of the Constitution of tho Stftto of Utah, re-latlns re-latlns to the duties of tho Auditor and of tho Treasurer. Be it enacted by tho Legislature of tho State of Utah: Two-thirds of all the members elected to each of the two Houses concurring Section L That It Is proposed to amend Section 17. Article 7, of tne Constitution of tho State of Utah, so that tho same will icad as follows: 17. The Auditor shall bo Auditor of nubile accounts. Tho public moneys shall bo deposited by tho Troasuror. under the . Pnird of Examiners, b supervision of the oara and as vlded hy gl t h e Sraf 'it Kn?l Section In the man. t: n RrrPraVMCJdSptcdVbV the electors of the n Suae, this am&dment shall take effect tl APved MaVchJTth. 1915. STATE OF UTAH. ' SECRETARY OF STATE' ti OFFICE. ? 1 David Mattson, Secretary of State of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that th fr.rpirolnK Is a full, true and correct 0 copy of HO'JSE JOINT RESOLUTION J?rMBrP sil nrovldlng an amendment foJSSS 17. artfclS 7, oAhe Constitution of the State of Utah, relating to the l duties of tho Auditor and of tho Troas- urer as appears on record In my office. In Witness Whereof. I havo hereunto set my bund and affixed the Great Seal 1 of the Stato of Utah this 22nd day of AUC- 1316' DAVID MATTSON, Secretary of State. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. SENATE JOINT , RESOLUTION NUMBER E1GH1. , I Proposing an amendment to Article 13 o : the Constitution of the State -of Utan, , relating to revenue iMid taxation. I Bo It resolved by tno J-cgliilatuio of the , j State of Utah two-thirds of all members elected to each of the two houses con- , curring therein: Section 1. It Is proposed to amend Article Arti-cle 13 of tho Constitution of tho Stato of Utah, so that tho same will read as follows: fol-lows: , ,, . 1. Tho power of taxation shall nevor bo . surrendered, suspended, or contracted , away. All taxes shall bo uniform upon the same class of property within the territorial limits of tho authority levying tno tax, and snail be levied and collected , for public purposes only. i 2. Tho Legislature shall provide by law for an annual tax suificient, witn otnef sources or revenue, to dotray the estimated esti-mated ordinury eenaes of the State for each Iisca.1 year. i"or the purpose of paying tno Stato debt, If uny there be, the Legi&.it'jre shall provide for levying , a tax annually, dull'lcient to pay the annual an-nual Interest and principal or such debt, within twenty years irom tho iinul pus-Buge pus-Buge of tho law creating tho debt, i There shall be exempt irom taxation property of the United States, of tho Stato, counties, cities, towns, school district, dis-trict, municipal corporations and public libraries, lots with tne buildings thereon used exclusively lor elthor religious worship wor-ship or charitable purposes, and placos of nurlal not held or used lor prlvato or corporato Deneflt. Ditches, canals, reservoirs, pipes and flumes owned ana useu by ludiviuuals or corporations for lrriguling lands owned by ouch individuals ur corporations, or Uie individual moinuers thereof, shuli not be separately taxed so long as tney shall bo owned and used exclusively tor such purpose, provided, that mortgages upon real and personal property snail be exempt ex-empt from taxation, and that the taxes of tho Indigent poor may bo remitted or abated at such time and In such manner as may ue provided by law 4. The legislature shall not Impose taxes lor tile purpoi oi any county, city, lown or otner municipal corporation, but may, Dy law, est in the corporate uu-inoritlea uu-inoritlea mere of. respectively, tno power io assess and colleot taxes for all purposes pur-poses of such corporation. 5. The surtuco ground of all mines and mining eiaiina, uuiu piacc-r aim rock in piace, containing or bearing goid, euver, cooper, leuu, lion or oiner valuable uietais, alter purchase thereof from tne United Stales, snail Do taxeu at a vaiue not greater man the price paid oy tne United states tncreior, unicsa tnu surface sur-face grounu, or toiuo pari inereol, of c.ucn mine or claim, is useu tor oiher ihan uiiiiing purposes, ana nas a separate separ-ate and inaepeiiaeiic value for sucn other purposes; in wnicn case saiu surxace Kiounu, or any part thereof, ao used tor other than mining purpoaes. Snail be taxed at its value tor sucn omer purposes as proviued oy law; ana all machinery useu In mining, and all property and sur-lace sur-lace improvements upon or uppurtenant to mines and mining claims, wnlch have a value separate and independent of such mines or inimug claims, snail b taxed us provided by law All lands containing con-taining coal, granite, stone, marble, onyx, gas, oil, hydro-carbons, gypsum, or other oth-er valuable mineral deposits, other than ihoso enumerated abovo In this section, after purchase thereof from tho United States and all property and surfaco Improvements Im-provements upon or appurtenant to such lands which havo a valuo separate and independent of all such lands shall be taxed as provided by law. in addition to the assessment of tho surface grounds. Improvements and machinery of mines and mining claims, all mines and mining claims producing not proceeds shall be taxed at a value not to exceed three times nuch net proceeds. 6. An accurate statement of the receipts re-ceipts and expenditures of the public moneys shall bo published annually In such manner as the Legislature may provide. pro-vide. 7. The rate of taxation on property for State purposes shall never exceed eight mills on each dollar of valuation to be apportioned ap-portioned as follows: Not to exceed four and one-half mills on each dollar of valuation valu-ation lur general State purposes, not to exceed three mills on each dollar of valuation val-uation for district school purposes, not to exceed ono-half mill on each dollar of valuation for high school purposes; that part of tho State tax apportioned to high school purposes shall constitute a fund to bo culled the "high school fund' and shall bo apportioned to tho cities and school districts maintaining high schools In tho manner the Legislature may pro-vldo pro-vldo And whenever uio taxablo proper- . ty within the State shall amount to Four f Hundred Million Dollars, tho .rate Bhall not exceed five mills on each dollar of valuation; unless a proposition to Increase such rate, specifying tho rato proposed i and tho time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of sucn oi. iiiu iiuauiieu electors ot the stato as, In tho year next preceeding such election, elec-tion, shall havo paid a property tax assessed as-sessed to them within tho Stato, and tho majority of those voting thereon shall vote In favor thereof, In such manner as may bo provided by law.. . Tho making or profit out of public moneys, using tno some lor any purpose not autnorized oy law, by any puolla officer, of-ficer, shall bo deemed a tclony, and shall bo punished as provided by law, but part of such punishment sha bo dlsuuaiul-catlon dlsuuaiul-catlon to hold public office 9. No appropriation shall Do made, or any expenditure authorized by the Legislature, Legis-lature, whereby tho expenditures of "ho Stato, during any fiscal year, shall exceed ex-ceed tho total tax then provided for by law, and applicable for such appropriation appropria-tion or expenditure, unless the Legislature Legisla-ture making such appropriation, shall provide for levying a sufficient tax. not exceeding tho rates allowed in Section 6 of this article, to pay such appropriation or ; expendituro within such fiscal year. This provision shall not apply to appropriations appro-priations or expenditures to suppross insurrections, in-surrections, defend tho State, or assist in dofenso of tho United States In tima of war, 10. Nothing In this constitution shall be construed to prevent the Legislature from providing a stamp tax, or & tax based on Income, occupation, licenses or franchises. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is here sy ordered to give this proposition to b subllshcd In at least, ono newspaper in cv. ;ry county in the. Stato whero a nowa. paper 13 printed and published for two monthB preceding tho next general elec, , Lion. I Sec 3. This proposition shall be sub-nltted sub-nltted to the elector of this State at Lhe next general election lor their ap. Droval or disapproval. All official bai-otb bai-otb used at such election shall hkv ?rlutd or written thereon tho words "For the amendment of Artlclo 13 of iha '.. Constitution, relating to taxation," "Yej" "No." and shall otherwlso be prepared and 'subm.tted to the electors as may bi ; otherwlso provided by law, and Bald btl-ot btl-ot shall bo ."ccelved, counted, and can- ' vossed, and relurns thereon bo made la tho same manner and In all respects aj : in or may be provided by law In the cas 1 of election of State officers. ' Sec- 4. If adopted by the electors of . tho State, this amendment Bhall take ef. feet January 1, 1317. Approved March 20th, 1915. , STATE OF UTAH. SECRETARY OF STATr. a OFFICE. ; I 1, David Mattson. Secretary or State at the State of Ut'ah, do horeby certify that the foregoing la a full, truo and correct ' copy of SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION ' 1 NUMBER EIGHT proposing an amend-ment amend-ment to Artlclo 13 of tho Constitution o( the State of Utah, relating to revenue and taxation, as appears of record In my of. flee. In "Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the Stato of Utah, this 22nd day of August, 1916. DAVID MATTSON. Socrctary of State. - |