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Show NATIONALS MUST BE STRENGTHENED New York, Oct. 19. The National league must be strengthened In the opinion of John K, Tener, Its president. presi-dent. Mr. Tener says he believes tho twenty-one player limit has worked against the league in world's series games and that the limit will bo increased in-creased next year. There Is no use in the National league making any excuses or giving any alibis," said Mr. Tener. We have played poor ball, very poor ball, In the last few aeries. Our pitchers held up, but that was all. I appreciate that something must be done. In my annual an-nual messago to the club presidents I have called attention to the fact that the National league does not get Its prestige in the executive office, but on tho ball field. "No one can actually tell whether the twenty-one-player limit has injured in-jured us in competition with the American league. This limit in a delicate deli-cate matter, which the men with the money invested must settle for themselves. them-selves. Personally, I believe It has worked against the National league and I think by next season the player limit in our league will be increased." It was reported today that President Presi-dent Tener, Harry Hempstead, the president of the New York National league club, and John J. McGraw, the club's manager, will meet here today or tomorrow to talk over Mc-Graw's Mc-Graw's criticism of tho New York players in their ftjnal series with Brooklyn. |