Show PERTAINING TO HEALTH A simple and excellent plan to streofthen and preserve the eyes Is Ic folloWlhls rule Every morning pour omeloll water Into a bowl at the boitoo of the bowl place a silver coin or some other bright object end Ihet put lr face ln tho water with your eye lIdo l open and move your far gentl from sldo to aide 1 This will miV tto cos brighter and stronger A Vienna professor has Just made publttjluo fact that tho chances of a smoker suffering from diphtheria or throat diseases a 8 rompared to Iho chalK of n nonsmoker are as ono lo tweatJtlElit A callous and slightly known fact Is that It is I Impossible to movo the eye while JooklnV at its reflection lit the tnlrrHl The eyo la I the most movabli part oh the face yet If you try to look at It and move It a thousandth part of an IadOu l will bo ballod In your purpose pur-pose The moment you endeavor to peiiH I0 motion of the eye It become be-come died This Is I why a persons ixpreirion I RI lie sees himself In the gloss entirely different from Ibo ono bv v nUb his friends recognize him |