Show Aconslderablo number of researches have bn going on In the psychological laboratory of the University of Wlicon iln during the current year Mr Quanti fellow In psychology haa been Investigating the psychology of the reading process hits main attempts have been to ascertain what processes help to make one a rapid reader and bow far the ease of comprehension Is I related the qulckneis ot reading The research baa not gone far enough to yield very definite result aa jet and will ba continued another year but n number ot very significant suggestions have been reached Mr llolton n graduate gradu-ate student hal been Investigating the relation between sensation and auggea lion or In other words how far what we see Is determined by what they li there to see or by what we suppose la present A number of Ingenious methods ot studying this influence hove been devlltd and a piper la In preparation prepara-tion on the subject Another Investigation Investiga-tion relate to the question ot how fur we mean the same thing by the same words The Investigation begins with the colornames and attempts to sneer lain how far what we associate with the name red or blue la I the aunt for different Individuals Similar In eatlgatlon regarding site ana shape and other commas uutloua arc alto Included In-cluded In the study |