Show A TRIP TO GEIIYEII AND WHAT CAME OP IT riprlrnf ot I lied ITIllow Coon School Therlln or the CH eras tVIo 01eehed With Flirmn In Ih h Tell How tin W DO ll nieJ from the Courier Indlanela Nb A few days sro a request enme roan parties lnterestv < l that a reprrMiitatlvr of the Coulter Mtlt the home ot J II IIckeing In Qerver precinct and In entlnate the ease erOr his daughter ails Laura V Plokerlnir n well known school teacher of Indlanola Neb Ac irillngly Site editor ilmlt tiller lined to Invtsllgiitp and steurtng s test took a drive Into CUrver pnclncl te arrived at the home ot Mr 1lek rrlnK about 1 clock and when we In trouurtd ours IrN and mad know our tuilness vre lecetved a cordial welcome wel-come After dinner ve Informed Miss rick ales a that wo came all the way from ndlnnoln to rind nut how she happened to need rink llll for Pale People etc etc oleo succnillng that she certain hind no Uoo for them now or her ape pearance was deceptive an she hooker the picture of health like laughed and sold > that she ttns reeling quite well ui here et and that we should have lrci ihrra nt dinner time In order to havi 11Iclo a nnlo of her aprxtltp 1 From childhood sold Minn Picker log I had been a rIft sufferer trop umatltm and could en uniting that would effect a tivrmanrnt cun Two yeses no while vlsltlnic In John pen county I was taken with n iwer > allaok of Hit discos A ndghlor hail who had been cured from paralysis b the use ft Pink Pills iwmualid me tnuili against my will to the them n trlnl t bad never taken any patent mnllclnei and was o1riaeed to nil thlnx ot the kind llowevr t eonnent 01 sad ommond improving al nose After taking them four month I w rutl adored to health and quit tot Ine them only one occasionally whe I felt the beet Indlipnud I have non < n-on trouhlid with rheumatism ulnn Vlrn 1 arrived hoer I vrmmil l fuller to try the Plhk tlll for lit tnuhle Yen old Mr Plekrrlnr she hnd such faith In the pill that ot Iliougl they world cure mr Voj wr my troubl In I rhronlr I was In tli army about three year llarclid wit Hhermnn to the pee and was In man a linrdfnuitM battle 1 have nufTcre wllh n < lli > tr ra In the slomnch fIn f-In r that limp and am now Retttnr r p tIPII on that neinunt I InChed nl Leas for thinking Pink Pills cool S help me l > ut tn pleas her I gave them n trial sal they belted mo wnndor fully I think It I bad taken thm hUm h-Um they would have cued me I would not Im without them In tin tease and after eating when I feel l loud I take one and am benentril at ne I Know a number nf old noldlcr vl In are Outlet like myeelf and thc eny thnt nutlilnt heir them no mutes a s the Pink Pills but said Mr lisle cell O tin should be sure to get tin renuliip article Not long ago 1 was 111 Indlanola and want Into n drug tore there and Inquired for nr Wit linm Pink Pills Thr druitglut In orniril me that ho did not lmn them but lied n muh liflli > r pill for Iff Inciter Ho persuaded me tn try a box nrr I did I ti and linM that ham yet will ell Its vllls except the neat dew I wit tet mice n nut stltute another time l > r William Pink Illl Is the only pnten ntPdlrlnp that we have ever had In the house Ue nro not than only people In his nclchtorhood who use thciwj pills Dr Williams Pink Pills contain Inn In-n condensed form nil the elements nerepMry tn give new life and rich IICM In the blond 1 < and restore shattorpi nerves Pink IMIli are sold by all deal rrs or will be sent post paid on receipt of price to cent a box or itx tenet for C M by nddreilnc Dr Williams Mod Co PchenecUdy N Y |