Show BV A TUnN OP TUB HEAD lltxre till Viro nnt the Theater 11 lieu Illi IMnnrr A tty official who uppers the rpl l sole I U s done family secret nrrnngfil with 111 wife to meet her M the office 15l1Idy night at 7 oclock pays the l1tr York Herald Thy were then to Clara dinner at a hotel and attend tho iMr He was prompt hut his wife alld tot jPt arrived so he pallentl IIIIIfd on the sidewalk with Ills Pore on the door thai she might not romr wlibnl his knowledge lie paced bark sad ftrth muling the bulletins uh l rVlag the direction of the wind and Iooldac st the dork M It marked the 1IIac minutes hut he mw all hot ho-t ii td < the building He heard n lead 1 WlIIIII of Rungs es a are engine dashed down 6th nvenue and aimed hI Mid for not more than five semniln is look after II Ills wife was only n fcw Mtnutfs late as she hurried from I IlrMttway tar and rushed Into the yfitc dnrlnr the five seconds his head tllt8 anted phi hsd not milt him and 1155 ViNsnl llu think that he would be the i Ole to ls I blsmtd for being late as M m down to wait his coming He nitentd to wait sod pace us tic oIDtk > ticked oft the minutes night ftlork ss near and he became airy mpaltwt es he realised that It meant is tllher miss dinner or the first art ol be play When 8 oclock wk 1 MISM > 1 be nw another net slip away In a few ninnies more IIP hail Riven tip inn UMr and fearnl for the dinner In soother ten mimics all of the plans ire thinged 1 and ho determined togO to-gO home She ass also dlscoiiriged and bnrrleil to the street to take a orlhtound cable car They met and well the theater was given up but hey kid a dinner and ntoh promised to my sothlng about It |