Show I LIKES CHK1STIANS I NEW SHAH OP PERSIA IS A I DnOAUOAUOCD MAN I imrl In Purl titters lie Ieseed lntli Aboil lho 1011 oPose of thrill Ills lllcn rromli norm > Its tin of II n-orm sad ilt nrrnirnl t 111 present discontent discon-tent In 1ersla will 1 be greatly attenuated atten-uated by the horror which the murder fIlIR NaurcdDIn cannot fall to Incite In-cite In the minds of the Persians and It Is I alrcndy reported that tho accession to the throne of the new shah Iolllltr cd Din was nccoin pllshed wllhout any difficulty though ho was far from Iho capper at the moment mo-ment of his fathers assassination It seems alra certain that his elder brother broth-er Zeleh Sultan Governor of Ispahan will make no opposition as by too linsly cable dispatcher was Intimated ho would The late shall left three rons The eldest Prince 7tvh Bullan was born from n mother not of royal blood and consequently ho could nol nceordlng lo the Persian law Inherit the crown unless no other son should be born lo limo shnh by n royal prlncnjs Similar alarming rumors were prn all Ing at first In regard to the attitude of the third son of NnssredDIn Nalle e s Suttanrh who was minister of war at the time of the assassination of his father and who resided 1 at Teheran where ho might with the support of the army miller his command hate taken posfmslon of the crown On the contrary he hastened lo announce the awful event to hU brother who wan nt Taurus and lo prepare him a xplendld Inception on his arrival at the capital The now shah MouifferedDln has therefore everything highly auspicious and In quiet condition on his nsumlng Ibo government of Persia ami his own n unlike lie I elden brother 5511 Sullen bas wvayi shown hlmwlf n partisan of Rlllllia rather than of Hnslond It II ttjjeirt that he will keep the balaselt l even between these two pow trt each of blch has been always I enflwvorhig lo establish Us enclosure Infweee In the Persian empire now ruw by ihs shah Moaffer lIln I virile Fells Auenlgno In Harper Weakly The hM Bbih fell R tclm tn the feellSM of vengeance entertained 1 by the tollower of the Ilablim sect which started tome forty revolt years ago n tUmry movement of a social nnd re IlKloas ehuraoter Tho Ilnhlsts were crohed bYlhp troops of NnssredDln l and thousands of them suffereil 1 death vrllh aeeonpsnlment of frightful tor tent The wet wns considered ni thoroughly thor-oughly annihilated Hut Its surviving adherents could easily have recrulleil cmc fsostlisl adepts like the mollah Hut Mtxrlnlly after dlosallsfnctlon hsd been rrcatetl In Persia liy the granting of the tobacco monopoly to a IlrlUth firm so Injurious to the Persian producers ami rotisumers and also by othrr rnrsiures bibs the facilities of ffrcj elsndeitlncly to the exportation of grain This eximrtatlon In I prohibited prohib-ited In heeds as In Morocco by the MiiNutmsn tradition and b > law lately t late-ly frllhttnl bread riots occurred eel ernl dues of Iran ninth they were sup J rested only after bloody fights The I tobnio oienoHily was withdrawn re luctantljr by NansredDln who derived de-rived a large and regular Income from It but this wlthdiiwnl could not wipe out the inner of the Persians all of whom women and men are constantly smoking and who hail t been compelled to Insist from It during the six months becnttH their mollahs and Memos had prtftthtd that the toliacco was contnm taxied Ihrough being handled by Chrhllsn dogs h IAA y Ahty t t l f er y t J SAMUUL II UENKIIY last history ecms to bo n guarantee that his administration of tho Km plro of the Bun will bo prosperous > and beneficent to the country lie wai born In ISC I has been married for many peers and has rcieral children His manners are cry quiet and simple ho dresses like his officers lie U I a good Mussulman but nut n fanatic his td one arc large and hli mind Inquisitive In-quisitive In his youth ho hnd for tutor Mlrza Nizam one of the moil billllant pupils of Iho famous Kcole I Polytrch pique of Paris and ulto of tho mining school The pupil and tho tutor understood under-stood inch other so well that tho has sulmim clergy took umoraco nt It and tho professor was sacrificed lo their re ligious prejudices He nftVcled to bo very friendly and nubtnluUo toward mite Mussulman clergy and also to ho satisfied with the life of an exile which according to Persian usages the hclr prmumptltu hoe to lead nu governor of a province distant from thin capital Tchemn whero his usurpers mlsht bo Incllned to fouler some of thoio palace nnolutlorm so frequent In tho Orient TIII3 NUW SHAH OP PEHSIA Ho married his first cousin n daughter daugh-ter of rirouz Mlrza a woman of high Intellect Unfortunately tier children died and the three sons ho hat being from womon of low rank cannot bo his legitimate heirs The new shah |