Show Sir dwanl Thornton was llrlllsh ambassador to Kuttln at the time of the coronation of Alexander III I L liar log formally represented hU govern mental Washington for yeara Ills daughter Iss I M try Greece Thornton contributes to Tho Century for May her journal describing Tho I row nine of a Czar The Illustrations of the article are from the official record which was Imiieil by file Ittelan sroleramereL Miss Thornton says that tile most Imposing moinctit of tho entire coronation was when the Crar alono stood In the not I cathedral Moscow and nil the rest within the edlllco and all without GO Jar at the eye could nee knelt and of fered tip prayer for him Theccrcmo Dies attending the coronation of Mcho las I II next month will be almost Identical with those described |