Show HP PROVED THE OMEN I S I1or Rn rillllfiu < rrvillrtlm of lilt 01cc ltonrl I tj IIU lien llntli Speaking of Mllor superstitious remarked the veteran llghthou k < per p-er Josh Hwvec of Sea isle l City to n New I York Herald man reminds me I of aa Incident that happened half u century ago or the live Kuhom Dank llahlstilp In wbleh a Mllor1 prediction bend on an omen mulled fatally tn the prophet himself A bright winter morning bad caused the rew of the lightship to row n short distance away In a mall bunt In March of codfish which are very abundant oft the rupee In winter time A few hours I felting mulled In a goodly catch and a return was made to the lightship The nth were cleaned and the refine thrown overboard but n mini ten with not n breath of air In dlnturb It caused the refuse In drift In a ilrcl around limo hlp Toward noon n large llork nf geese came In light and Millet under un-der the lightships vtrI leave and commenced com-menced to feed The wilier fowl became I be-came very tame and swam chattering and bluing close tri the ulitps side John Crowcll n grlttlel old member mem-ber of Ibo crew shook his head and predicted death to soino Imo on bond within twentyfour hoitrj He raid that whenever geese become to tame na to feed around n vessels bow or stern It I was an unfailing umcn of Impending Im-pending death on board CiowcUii companions laughs at bin fear but he told < 1 them to bide their time I I Toward noon a strong gale conio out u of the norcnit and kicked up a heavy h era Crow ell was on the forward or bow watch Many of the crow were In the main cabin below enjoying a social game of euchre checker or domino when mid Unly they beard the sound of n chain running rapidly through Ihe larboard bow cupper Wo rushed on deck In llsmay thinking the windlass gearing had given way Tho sight l wllneitcd will never bo forgotten Crowell had been caught In the relief chain and ground around the rapidly revolving windlass Ills death was Instant Hit omen cane true |