Show ye rutr lo lorr a VVlrh I A pretty woman wore her watch well whcra do you suppose In her neck Who but n pretty woman would think of putting It In such a place As the youngsters say she was a stun tier One of her fcllowpatsengers In the lingo dared to reveal loylicr countenance coun-tenance that she thought a mte satin neckband wan a queer place for n watch Tho owner of the tiny gob 1 timepiece which was not larger that a modlumiltcd button was of the brll limit brunette typo and Ive seen a mettlesome black ponvs eyes Hash RI hers Old when site lifted her hand am jerked out of her soft alma aleck her watch Sho lucked back a quarter or an Inch beyond the turn of her exquli llo chin and the bluo enameled rob chain with III tiny ball tangled nn obstruloy just below the throat bam of the while satin vest that complete her modish attire New York llcrabl |