Show I ADOUT SLATIN PASHA Th hn VVIm Ilan lion In the kocnUn on n HlMlim ut llloojthril The AngloEgyptian expedition up Ibo Nile Is Accompanied by a man who knows moro of the country to be conquered con-quered and Its peoplo than nny other ono In the expedition This Is Ibo famous Hlatln Iasna who for eleven yours wan n prisoner of the khalifa tho successor to the mahdl In his capital the East Soudan Bin tins cam Is ono bat Is oa full of ealor as that of sny other traveler In Europe wtlh the ex ceptlon perhaps of Henry M Stanley t r 43 y 1 11tt M I J y j BLATIN IABIIA In 1670 at limo ago of 20 Itudolph filntln born nnd educated Vienna tired with i n dcslro to travel and wlehlng to lake part In trio exploration of Africa first went lo Ibo Sou Jan After Short stay be returned to complete his military service and It wa not until three year later that ho returned to Egypt whom ho was appointed to a high post under General Oordon He conducted n sue osful campaign against n pretender to tho Darter throne and urns made governor gov-ernor general of the province by the lhedlve Then Ibo wave of mahdltm swept the wholo of the Houilan Icrdon was murdered anti tho llrltlsh expedition expedi-tion was compelled to > treat Hlatln I was captured and placed In seclusion by the mahdl When tho mahdl diet 3lntln was released by his successor the khalifa but was kepi under close surveillance sur-veillance After much weary watching ho finally managed to escape and roo turned to Europe last year Sloan his return to civilization ho has resided In London nnd has written a book on tho Soudan question Whllo governor of tho Darter provlnco Slatln fought numerous num-erous battle ngalnst great odds lie has much private and valuable Infor motion concerning affairs of the Soudan and will bo an Immense acquisition to tbo expedition |