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Show Ksllar Skating la Ptxpnlnr. At the recent cycle ehow In Peri, welt a at Stanley show, in London, a new kind of roller skates for street and road use were exhibited, which ia get. tipf.rcry popular in both countries. They have the ahape of ordinary abates, but in the place of steel runners there are two runners provided, a hieh are covered with rubber tirea For practical use on ordinary roads they are excellent, and their weight is about three pounds apiece. Agnd roller skater can more surprisingly fast upon these u oUrar he The London and instantaneously. Paris streets are already alive with Skaters using jhe new roller skates. which are becoming more popular every1 day. Sir Edward Thornton was British ambassador to Ilussia at the time of the coronation of Alexander IIL, having formally represented his government at Washington for years His daughter, Miss Mary Grace Thornton, contributes to The Century for May her journal describing The Crowning of a Czar. The illustrations of the article are from the ollieial record which was issued by the Russian government Miss Thornton says that the most imposing moment of the entire coronation was when the Czar alone stood in the vast cathedral at Moscow, and all the rest within the edifice and all without as far as the eye could see, knelt and fered np prayers for him. The ceremonies attending the coronation of Nicholas IL next month will be almost identical with those described. Xovfltln lu Silver. Spoons showing openwork silver bowls are preferred to dishes for serving bon bona. They have ample capacity and are made with long, heavy handles, elaborately carved. Bread forks make the last addition to the table equipment. They are of antique shape with pierced tines and heavy chased handles. IN reaths of tiny silver flowers from the handles of embroidery scissors especially designed for gif ts. The sheaths showing similar decoration, contribute to the effect as well as to the safety. , Openwork shades over silk linings ar Seen in conjunction with candle-sUcksoheavy carved silver. ' T Thn British Trace. The oldest tree in thik country ia the yew tree at Bradburn, in Kent, which ia said to be 3,o:0 years old; while at bortingal, in Perthshire, is one as old. At Ankerwyke House,nearly near s Stainea, is s yew tree, which was at the datj of the signing of Magna tharta, 1215, and later was the trystmg place of Henry VIII and Annie lioleyn. The three yews at Fountains .Abbey are at least l.'.'oo yearsold, and beneath them the founders of the abbey sat in J1J2. 'ihere are no famous oaks that Tw ia VJ the greatest age attained. Damorey's fsm-ou- W oak, m Devonshire, which was blown down ia, 1703, had this distinction. Cowthropc Oak. near Wetherbv, York-yeaold. shire, is said to be 1. LOO London Star. rs Better than Refitted Gold Is bodily comfort denied to nian Tina unspeakable boon yrhote Bitten la a unfortunates for 1 ailment Momarh promptly helpful remedy. The dyspeptic, the rheumati il.entrtous person- troubled with blliounesw or cMUa and fever, should lo&e no imie m a'ahnif themselves of thisa and cental medicine. It roxnpreht appetite and nightly slumber. A New I'm) for X Kay. It will not be very long until the X rays will be in common use by physicians and surgeons in locating fracrn , tures, dislocations, etc. Where there is much swelling it is almost impossible to tell the extent of the fracture and especially if it be a slight one When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to render It promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company. Practical Test. Mr. Hobbs Dear, this paper says sewing is to a woman what whistling is to a man. Is that so? Well, here, take little Dick's trousers and whistle a couple of patches on them while I go to the matinee. Chicago Record. CmV CMgh Baiun ft I ha nidus apd hwaUU,wUi. .brae mb aQUa SUUSfe tr u,a suyltilug elM. It la always reliable. Try tw An Appreciative Spirit. NVe w ill forfeit $1,0 0 if any of onr published testiuionia are proven to be not A senator's wife, who is an accomTna Piso Co., Warren, la. genuine. plished musician, gave a dinner party recently. Among the gneats waa a Side Combs and False Hair. certain member of the Kentucky deleI have just made a discovery which in congress. When awaiting anis calculated to fill with joy the heart gation nouncement of dinner, at the urgent who of every woman wishes to enjoy of some of the guests, the the advantages and undoubtedly they request hostess played and aang. She had just are many of hair which is softly waved finished a by Chopin, which at the sides without the attendant was greetedpolonaise by a burst of applause, and trouble of inducing nature to have its straightness transformed into the desired undulations. This good thing takes the fof m of a tortoisshell comb to which is attached a strand of softly waved hair, long enough to be drawn round the side of the head, and to give all the loose fullness which is so touch to be desired. she arose from the piano, in the silence which followed the sweet strains, her husband turned to the gentleman from the Bluegrass state with: Would you like a sonata before dinner, colonel? NV ell, I dont mind, promptly replied the Kentucky statesman, bracing up I had two on my way here, quickly. I reckon I can atand another." Nothing s peaks with a loader voice than but New York Tribnna a godly die. Some people spend enough time crying A Good Reason. ver spilt mlik to buy a whole cow. I don't see why you sent me to bedaobboA W IVlow a farms for sals on crop payments, 10 for being just imprudent, per cent cash, balance H crop yearly, until bur. It is very easily explained, said his paid for. J. MULHALL, W aukegan, lib You are imprudent because father. The reason It is called a stag party is out of bed on the wrong side got you because tbs men in it generally stagger this morning, I want you to go to bed home. fo an hour, and then see if you can't It the Baby U Catting leeta. Harper get out on the right aide. teswre and that old and lemady, Kaa Round Table. WnnboWs SoonnM Srasr for CUldiea Teathlac- If yon would be a happy man, learn to be Three striking contribution to the a contented one. May Atlantic are the opening number of a series of letters from Dante GabFITS All Fit stopped free bv ir, K line's Ureas . Kmttc Kniorr. Ku KiUtflpr ib OnutA) t riel Rossetti to NVillLtm AUfngham, t2umi notilrfre i1 larve)outur. bvoU to ably edited by George Birkbeclc Hill, CAM. Area feu, til float' isr.kiioc,ftU with a delightful autobiographical Tba wound made by a knlfa may heal, shetch of AUmgbanr, Kendric Charles but that made by an unkind word may not Babcocks discussion of The ScandinNo woman should lean back when she avian Contingent, being the third, palanghs. per in the aeries on race characteristics in American life; and an anonymons lone Half Far Eicon via the Wabash, on Mr. Olney'a fitness for the The short line to Bt Louis, and quick route paper . ... Presidency. or East South, to 21st Excursions 5th. and May April Half Fere to Ylrglnla and Cnrollnn. all points South at one fare for the round On May S homeseekers excursion added. with $2.00 trip tickets will be sold from all points in JUNE 16th, National Republican Convention at Bt the West and Northwest ewer the Big Louis. Four Route and Chesapeake fc Ohio JULY Sd, Ry. to Virginia andNorth Carolina at National Educational Association at Settlers one far for the round-triBuffalo. for a home in the South can do looking JULY 0th, no better than in Virginia. There Christian Endeavor Convention at they have cheap farm lands, no blizWashington. JULY 22nd, zards, no cyclones, mild winters, never National People and Silver Convention at failing crops, cheap transportation and Bt Louis. the best markets Send for free deFor rates, time tab ee and further inforpamphlet, excursion rates and ceptive call ticket office, mation. at the Wabash folders. U. L. Truitt, N. W. P. 1416 Farnam Bt, Paxton Hotel Mock, or time A., 234 Clark St, Chicago, IIL Gko. N. Clatto.v. write N. W. fuss. Agt., Omaha, Neb. for sale billiard table, second-hanaddress, H. CL Axrv, An evil intention perverts the beat cheap. Apply to or til 8. ltth Bt, Omaha, Nets a& wall-tria- d p. d, actions and makes them sins. ttttL IlMIHII Loss of opportunity is lifes greatest loss. Think of Buffering with 5 NEURALGIA Years IVhen the opportunity lies in a bottle of 10 Years ST JACOBS OIL 15 Years It cures. mniinniitinniniiM Piiiiiiiiitttitii IT WONT RUB OFF. T Dooo-- 0a tayw TS Wall Paper la Fneanltary. KALWOHITR TFV PlIRAH V, HOTS, HLittS OFF A.l SCALES. Is a pure, permanent and artiatio coa tin. ready for the brush ALABASTIHE bywallmixing la oe4 eater. Fee Sale by Faint Dealer Everywhere. tints, else Alabeattee rnrr Souvenir a Tint Card showing desirable t free to anV one mrarklnrtbi. paper. Rook ALABAHTItr CO Grand KapIdu.Mieh. rntt 1 HI View About Dress. comfortable to handle NN ith a slope The late Frebendary Roger humor much greater than this, it it, lMiur W At a dinner sltundou the section line Uircetion ol waa very unconventional. Tha Medal Hedicina Maul! ( ultuiv by Irrigation the fields snd lay the rows, off in such where he happened to l silting next The uncertainty of the straw berry a direction ns to give oulv thn right to the bishop of London, responding to Is tha Model Medicine. crop, even in the more favored portions u mount ftf fall, llur ground at the the toast of his health, Mr. Roger said of the west from Jhe laek of rain at Garden City stilt station is. in spits, s; that some of his friends still regretted that the lateral ditcheji that he had not attained higher prefertlie critical tunc when needed to nearly The only medal awarded to raised a little ulmie the ment in the church. 1 hey wanted him the fruit, makes it a wise pre- have to be at the World's Fair, Ihe sod in order to of be to he a made sarsaparilla level added, "But, bishop get the caution that the means should be at over the ground feel that j have got quite enough "I water 1893, at Chicago, was swarded to for haud Irrigating as needed. In the The drp'i Irmn which it will jmv to happiness Out of my life without haveastern counties of the state, here raise water f..r nrigiiti, in must And depend ing this flummery about my leg -t he annual i .unfitll is yuujdo for upon Uebwisf tfea cviphirh can hv i rfb A w- - Dv.-- ' 'iVmpieS apron. Sain this crop if properly distributed, wc lie produced .y it That it can lie l rauoii.co Argonaut find roiupuiMlivrlv few seasons, when Hindi profit.ibV 1. pump from shallow HALL'S CATARRH CURE is s liqud andli iiiltrukih- - anj. aim. dire.Uy upon tae the lierry pateh Would not lie benefited, wells for a s irts of g.trdi u crops, luXt-Mood sial iiuKiiui surtsves of llusieia Send at some period of its giowtli. bv the orchard trrrs .md small fruits has beep for Irsllumi sU free. Sold by DruffvntTS, 7 So, n to need furliior Wrif fop whol you v$a( F J tllEXLY A LO.i'roprs, Toledo O. proof, lilierul application of water, and now shown tooi1'!' to THB MfcCUM 111. NNith s fruit that has bii-- made to VE8TMKXT and then a sea-o- n occurs when the enOO., Mioinf Good huHtauds are seldom troubled with fro u two to four or the hunproduce tichttttgo, PvttTftr, CM vv tire crop til lie di peuileut ujxm Mieh dred dollar, worth of berries to the Lad mothers in laws. a timelv rescue Nsvve go west from ayre as often as the shun lurry lias It would sioil uine men out of tea to let the Missouri rue)-- , t he need of supple- there would se, m to tie little doubt that them Lavs their own wav for a mouth. a well 'of reasonably menting the rainfall with irrigation pumping frm any depth less than steadllj increases us will he show n li strong MippU at lie. nia-isould to pay. the precipitation tables of the past fifty feetmuch wells than that bother twenty years. The probability that can lie used mustdeejier dcjiend up-- cireum extensive systems of irrigation ditches sUinces. At a ranch in the i on Handle Kanin will ever be established eastern of Texas a thrifty garden is irrigated sas or Nebraska need not be discussed with water raised by a w iiulmill 2 1C here, hut that thoughtful gardeners feet, and to that family, no doubt, and fruit growers in the east, as well those vegetables are worth all they as in the west, are waking up to the cost. And vi there is no doubt that fact that it will iay them to invest iu strawberries, raised to supply the famtt some means of getting water onto ily. rathe canthanIk that they should-gwith very without irrigated their crops, is becoming apparent to d water and it will still pay. all. Having a well of sufficient capacity, 'i he means most readily at hand for rnd the mill or other pumping power getting a supply of water in a position ill position, the pond is usually p'aeed ready for use are pumping by windmill near enough to allow the water to be or other power from wells: pumping run into it from a spout. The height walls of the pond should he anfrom streams or ponds with engines or of the and the delivery spout of the ticipated, impounding storm pump carried up high enough to allow by waters in ponds, or tanks." as they a good fall over the top of the wail into are called in the southwest, above the the pond. There will be occasional level of the fields to te irrigated; and cases where the pump and mill must occasionally the utilizing of water from he over a well, pond or spring, in ae ravine or draw, while the poud must-ba hillside spring favorably situated. on the projier ground to run the It should be recognized as a fundaou to the land. Here a mental principle, by any one planning water from, on the pump and cylinder forcing to irrigate, that a volume of water supply pipe to the pond will proper equal to t wo pr three inches in depth have to be provided. over the surface of the land to be IrriThe mistuke is often made of buildgated must be available for immediate ing the pond too iurge. For a twelve-foo- t mill or less, a pond sixty feet use Applying less than this at once, unless it ia sprinkled on with a hose, is sqaarg li tisnatly large enough. An acre of ground contains 43,56J I of little benefit, and allowing a small feet; hence it would require stream from a spring or pump to ruu square cubic of water to cover it a feet 43.560 on to the land is generally worse than foot I deep. An inch in depth over an useless. of this, acre would require I An Instance is. recalled where a or 3,630 cubic feet. A pond sixty feet farmer attempted to irrigate a potato square on the bottom would contain for every foot I pateh directly from his well, and that, 3.600 cubiciffeet of water I too. with a windmill and pump of small of depth, the sides were square, and sides somewhat more, so capacity. Some wooden spouting was with sloping as nearly as we can approximate, provided, leading out to the ends of that, I size will hold, for every the rows; the mill was then turned a pond of this water enough to cover into the wind and the confiding irriga- foot In depth, acre inch. tor went about his other work. He an acre isan inch deep, or onethe Aa it desirable that doubtless pronounced irrigation a failshould know somewhat neariv ure when he found that the water of a how water he is using, and how day's pumping had not wet the ground much much he has on hand at a particular a hundred feet from the spout, having soaked into the earth with little benefit time, a pond of these proportions is recommended as a convenient one, or ounces more of I over to anything. get 60x110 is one if a required, larger Unless the water can be drawn from for 10 cents a ditch of ample capacity and sure sup- feet would hold two acre inches to foot in depth, when four feet deep. ply, a tank, reservoir or earth-walle- d in feet marked same grade. I of tobacco By having a gauge I pond should be built and the water and inches, set on the valve platform allowed to accumulate until enough isdm kui4 to Sow rapidly th. outlet upwards, the depth of water is sired land- - or down the furrowa, as the seen; and by taking readings the cent piece is nearly. readily be. may plan the If the ground to be watered is not on opening and closing this valve, can be pretty more than an acre or so, a wooden tank volume of water used you get of other high grades A record book of will be very satisfactory and economi- closely calculated. season would develop much for JO cents. cal of water. A main supply pipe of this for the valuable Information for future use. good capacity should be laid below the reach of frost and plows to a convenient CURIOSITIES n-ABOUT SUGAR. n-point for distribution. The lateral pipes may be carried along the ground A NwmU; of Hoilara Lit Which Woa and uncoupled when the season is over. Unknown to tho Aoclnts. They should be fitted with the modern commodity Sugar, hose bibs, and carried out we class among the imlispen-sibl- e which so that two or three fifty-folengths necessities, was wholly unof hose will reach to any part of the to the ancient nations, says known NY oven cotton hose has proved gTouml, The tha Atlanta Constitution. the most durable for such work. occurs but once Our station irrigation at the Kansas word saccharum Modal Not Model No. 1. in the Latin translation of the bible, college has been done from a two-inc- h main connected with the city water- and the equivalent of oar word works. and even with the pressure that sugar" is first used by Pliny, whose we have here, about sixty pounds, the 'writings sre almott contemporaneflow becomes so reduced by the time it ous with the ministry of Christ. He has passed through several lengths of calls it honey collected In (from) hose that the work of getting over land with water from the outlet is quite reeds. and says that the Romans first became acquainted with its use slow. NVe sometimes turn the hose into the in Arabia Felix. Statins, in hi (acfurrows running along the rows of count of the old Siaturnalia cere plants, but when they are in full leaf monies, mentions vegetable honey" and maturing the fruit we have found as being used, and winds up his acthat a given quantity of water is worth count by saying that this same much more when showered directly honey is boiled from Elosian roods.' onto the matted rows than when run lhoscoridos, the Greek physician down the spaces between the rows and who flourished lu the first or second allowed to .soak out laterally to reach of the Christian era, and century A is the plants. thorough showering De Materia worth more than the same water used whose great work. This Mcdica," treats of all the then known in several light applications work should always be done in .the medical substances and their propafternoon and evening, and in special erties, says that the name of sugar stress at ripening time lye have kept has been given to the honey which the hose going half the night. This is is produced by reeds witnout bees," much better for the plants than to put and Strabo, writing concerning it, the water on during the heat of the says: "I hey (the people of Arabia a clear with a and under dry sky day, helix) make honey without bees from wind blowing. and it sometimes Doubtless the cost of wooden tanks reeds Arrian, in his "Circuit of of sufficient- - size has kept many from salt. Bed Sea, alludes to tne sap attempting to Irrigate, and we owe a the debt of gratitude to the pioneers in which flows from reeds, thickens, pump irrigation in the western conn' like honey and is sweet to the taste." : caeca, whom Chambers ties, whose very lack- of means to bnv encycloexpensive wooden tanks compelled pedia says was Born at Corduba a them to solve the problem In another few years B. C." Writes concerning They- - built their reservoirs of tbe u se of bu rned among the material they had nearest at hand the peoplo of India, sugar" and concludes the fine prairie loam.-- . The successful methods of puddling the bottoms by adding: Iq my opinion the use and hides of these ponds' to prevent of eugar spoils the teeth." Nearchus that sugar cane first made seepage, of putting the "outlet box iu says to the western countries by securely, and of protecting the sides known from washing, though all based on old the conquests of Alexander the Great. n and engineering practices, The first of the sugar canes were have been discovered for themselves brought from the east of Sicily, in by these prairie irrigators and adapted tho year 114H, and two years latsr their conditions of work. were introduced Into Spain.. In Ififfi The problem of building a dam to the Spaniards brought some of its bold storm water Is a much more diff- seeds cr plants to the West Indies, icult one than that of providing a pond Model No. IL Model No, 10. J ' to hold a few days pumping, as a much and Irom these the present sugar inhas grown. to the dustry According volume water of be must Narrow greater Price EZT tous of stored . and the added danger of the London Economist, fi,107,l were dam flood of the tho the inhabistorm Tread consumed sugar by by breaking must be provided against. By consult- tant of the world lu' lS2i The only Machine made vithoat Leverage and Trictioa and with Sprocket and Chain rasa before begining a competent engineer between bearings, which are In the hubs of the cranks, inches apart. If yon intend king Th. Rant Call. ning such s work, much bilior and to a wheel, RIOS TEZ BEST. The discount makes THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST. ride That Maude man Grinner has no expense may be saved and sometimes or D on the forehead of rack absolute danger avoided. manners whatever. ' Last night at TA CAI L TUP P Mark I IIL. DH77I I U OULV candidate to Indicate the political party to i UZ.Z.LL.I In planning a reservoir for irrigating the literary soiree, when Miss High-ul- t' which out puzzle and return to us with your name, addreaa, model of wheel, and he Cut belong a certain field, it should fee locatd on had been height ot frame deeired. The more correct end prompt the return of yourooluUon tbitroiw talking beautifully diaeouet we will allow you. We waotafew Uecyolee la your locality at on aaaavertiao the highest point of the land, so that a about Dante' works an hour, meat. half for , , alight fall may be secured from it to all be Interrupted her to ask what were Name." parts of the ground. Our station land the names of Dantes work v at the eollege has a fall of six inches in Ellen-We- ll? . a hundred feet In the lower part, City. Maudo And before that ho had which gives very nice grade to work on. , A little higher up 'there is a fall hidden tho biographical dictionary State of B foot in a hundred, and this gives so that none of u could find out. about ns rapid a flow in furrows at U Chicago Record. Middletown, Ohio. Model...... Height of Frame. llilllOATIO.N MATTER . p Ayers w Sarsaparilla. mu n LINDSEY-0MAHA.RUBBE- o-n-o-n-- RS1 a-n-a-ci-o N high-price- liorse-powe- one-twelf- th I ? berr-grow- I n A or I 2 You Battle Ax other than any the Thcse"Woounscsreanyujst you'" n 5 nothing, and as large as n in an -- n V well-know- i lP ? ci e,0 ENJJAL . A AVOI plnv I vLE. - 1 three-fourths-in- 0 jJ Made by "Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., is a perfect y Dorchester, Mass., order of excel-$ type of the, highest lence in manufacture. It costs less than one cent a cup. ' a .. $100.00 s Af'fc |