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Show Annual Day, The Y. L. M. I Aaeoclatlnn ol Coat vllle very approprle'ly obabrved Annual Day on Tue day evening latt. The Academy building wat the place where tho member fathered and theliouie wai comfortably filled with people who went to wllneia the exercnea. The following fol-lowing program wa carried out: Aililic., "Woman and Her Work" Vlnnle Copley luatrumentAl muilc . Kllxa Ilranch Bkctib, "Lite ol Minnie J, Bnow" . Klitelthead Double (Juarlctle.... Little Walker, Hannah Itheod, Kllta Uarber, Annla Weal, John 1'cndloton, l.aac Phaw and David Ilarber. Ilccitatlon . Umlly L.Nelton Uomarka Illihoprlc lloinaiki .l'reat. Kllta Ilarber The ladir had prepared what the; callvil a "fithlug ponJ," and all who wauled to fiah had to pay ten cenlt. A flih line wa thrown over a curtain and a girl 1 hind put the "flih" on the hook. The "fiah" contlatril ol tmall prltei. Rolrtihnirnta in the ahapo ol Ice err a in and cake wert, terved, alter which varlou game were played till midnight when all went home, feeling thalthr; had fpent a uio.t enjoyable evenlna. ' |