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Show r Sf V 4 X - .1 i t - wuypjyeM, t , , 'Wfnixorri e The, Coalville Times, THE PEOPLE'S ADVERTISES. Voi. n. COALVILLE, NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Aioirod the County in Seien Days. Tbe Eappennings of me Past Week Told DEVOTED TO li Detail b; Efficient Correspondents. . Editor Editor Times: Missea Lizzie and Pearl Park City hnt Wednesday Pack went to to pass ex- amination. A number of oar sheep men have sent their fat lambs to the Chicago market in charge of Tarl Neeley. District school commences Monday, the llih, under the direction of C. hi. Wirth. The primary department mill b taught bv Mies TJrrie Thomas WAMSH1F Editor Alma Page relnrned home Monday evening from his Southern States mission, he having been released on account t)f ill heath. Me, Page's daughter, Martha, who was run over by a heavily loaded wagon two weeks ago, is slowly recovering. And now comes Sheriff Lindsay, and at one fell swoop deprives us of our only Last Saturday barber and lawver. Mr. Lovearrested sheriff the morning barher a recenflv who opened less, shop here, and took him to meet the officers from Wyoming, where he is wanted to answer to a charge of grand larceny said to have been com mined at Evanston. Timrs- 14, 1K99. - James Welsh, the mill man of CoalMim Blanche Young left for Salt Lake ville, was In town on Tuesday of this on the 13th to attend school for the week. winter. Christian Jensen of Oakley was havMiss Katie Lee returned to Balt Lake ing some legal business done here on on Wednesday, where she will reside Wednesday. fur the present. Postoffice Inspector Small was here Fred A. Reynolds spent a few days on Tuesday and looked over the accounts with us last week, visiting relatives beof the Peoa office. fore starting east, lie will attend the Some of our farmers believe that the Harvard College at Boehm this a inter; severe frost did more damage than was The entertainment given by the Y. L, at first estimated. M. I. Assooialioa on the 12th was quite Lydia Marchant went to Henefer last a success. The differenfparta were well Wm. II. Smith bade hie family and friends adieu on Monday morning and week for the purpose of teaching school left for Salt Lake, train which point he in that thriving town. Will atart for 'the Klondike region. H. B. Wright went to Park City the of the week and may accept a posifirst his Sthool Sunday Supt. Jones took intermediate class to Coalville Saturday tion there for the winter. to take part in the exercises ot the con The general health of our citizens, ference. All report a most enjoyable with the exception of colds and a few time and kindlv entertainment. cases of whooping cough, is good. This September weather is simply beautiful, and would bring joy to the heart of the farmers were it not for the fact that the frost has claimed the grain Helds, many of which are rendered useless tor anything save fodder. UTAH, Timks Wamshif, Utah, 8ept. personated considering the short time they had to prepare. A nice, social time was had at the dance that was given after the entertainment. Y. AtMO. Echo, Sept. 14, 1899. Editor Times: Lant Yeeinan of Evanston is visiting The fruit venders keep prices above Mrs. Fjitcraft. the reach of common mortals ; the fruit Several cars of motions were loaded being of an inferior quality at that. here last Thursday. One of our citizens is of the opinion Heber Ben Dion of Taylorsville wae in that be has struck a ledge of mineral of town on business this week. ! ' which something of interest will be School began last Monday with Ray heard from before long. . Brim as teachei and an enrollment of 35 Colds have, become quite common. These warns days antB cold nights are Charlie Blake left for Ball LnkeTae- ejust the thing to, give one a cold even day, where he will attend the Salt Lake with the best of care for one's self. College the coming winter. The grade for the side-trac- k The range is drying up end the stock at the mill is completed and the contractsaw are coming down from the hills for feed, and will give the farmers more or less ors have moved their camp to Wahsatch where they are going to do tome gradtrouble until the fields are open, L. C. Woodbury, leveler for the U. 8. ing, James Russell returned home from an geological eurvey, was camped in Peoa for two or three days and ieft for Oakley extended visit throughout the east on Tuesday. The elevation of Peoa is Monday. He visited all the important cities between hr re and Chicago aud regiven as 6,200 feet. The Peua district school re lined its ports having had a delightful journey. With trains passing through bate h sessions on Monday with 8amoel The Y, L. M. I. Association celebrateJ of Ilooper, Weber county, as eveiy hour of the day, several gangs of Annual Day this afternoon. The house teacher. The grammar department will men busy on the railroad, the hotels and was filled with voting and old all bent business houses doing a rusiung busicommence early in October. on having a good time, which was fully The Yonng Ladies Mutual had a grand ness, it begins to seem like old Mates in realized. After a pleasing program was time on Tuesday afternoon and night. Eebe. rendered, cake and cream were served The Union Pacific is doing t great deal and cheerful conversation indulged in Annual Day has got tobequite an event of repairing on the water tank, the for ladies looked for. the and is young until the setting sun warned all that but round house, and the depot. The letlittle time was left to prepare for the ward to with much interest. ter's old piank platform baa been torn Among those who attended the Sungrand ball. were Bishop op and is beiag supplanted by a Herman The immit 8iake Belief Society con- day conference from here gravel walk. The waiting rooms are also ference convened at Kumas on Tuesday, Stephen Walker, Supt, Oscar Wilkins, of the Peoa Sunday school, and one of bis going to be fixed np and made more the 6th inst., Mrs. L. J. Stevenson of commodious far passengers who are . F. Palmer, Tr,. Salt Lake representing the general sup-- ; assistants, to wait here for connection of From present indications a certain compelled erintendenrr. Two sessions were held, trains. which were well attended, a fair rep- yonng man here will soon lose hie mind j resentation of the different wardB being as it is, he is very queer in bie actions made. An excellent spirit prevailed and has almost shown criminal tenden Hezrfrr, Utah, Sept. 14, 1899. and good instructions were given. Frest cies, if not quite, and Im led to believe Editor Timxs : , M. J. Atwood presided with her usual the latter from some of his pranks this lleber BenoioQ of gft)t ke rouilty week ' made a business trip here on Wednee-t grace and dignity Abr&bam Walker and his sister, Mary I day. On Wednesday, th' flh.theY.L, M. I. Association held Uiui lonference. In M., have gone to Salt Lake Citjr and . yhe tedond crop of lacein will not addition to the two regular sessions an will attend the L. D.g. College the a third of a crop mor0 ulg officers meeting was held, at which ing winter. These yonng people at- ; r aeven wards were represented Kansas, tended the same college last winter and Our primary school commenced on Oakley, Peoa, Rock port, Hoytsville, speak very highly of it. the lllli with Miss Marchant of Peoa as Work on the new ward house hat been Coalville aod llenefer. Mrs. Stevenson teacher. remained and addressed the youag ladies at a standstill for about two months, the Several carloads of sheep have been In a manner higlilv appreciated. Both contractor not having put in an appearshipped ezst by the Henefer people durconferences were adjourned to meet at ance fortbat length of time, and, from ing the week. Iloytaville the first week in next May. all indications, tho walla will not be Several important transfers of real as was contracted One week agoyesterday one of the sad- erected this season, have been made here during the estate dest deaths occurred in North Kama for. last lew day. Ernest Marchant, eon of G. II. Mar; that has visited this vicinity for many At last there is a prospect of work V oolstenhulme, a chant, met w.ith a severe accident while . years. Miss Lottie on the new road. All daughter of James Woolstenbulme, fell returning home from Salt Lake valley commencing should he laid aside and the la the duoryard of her mothers home, on Tuesday, It seems that the young prejudice a horse and while coming reliare of the public considered. Striking her head on a rock. She died man wat on in an boar and a quarter afterward in down Snyder's summit, near Gorgoza, The Young Ladies Annual day, on left foot end the 12tb, was celebrated by the people ttrang convulsions, up rindueed by the the horse fell, injuring the he had to here in an appropriate manner. The bursting of a blood vessel. Miss Woo- l- knee ol Ernest so badly that a in ft was Young Ladiea and their friends got np a home be wagon, estimable brought young teubulme was Ljdosi broken was dinner for the old folks and invited all hi that first knew at and who her, kg thought lady, loVed by all over 45 to the banquet, for such it wat j found was not it but upon investigation her lost will long be felt by her many Bid-dulp- OF STTIMlidT COTJ1STY. EJIS.SE-rX's relatives and friends. The funeral was j to be the case. The wounds, however, held on Thursday, the attendance being jars very painful and the young man is very large. The floral offerings wers forced to keep his bed and will not be I varied and beautiful, conspicuous among able to he around for some days. J A. Marchant has had a new granary them being a lovely floral harp presented lot aud in erected on the Relief by the Y. L. M. I. Association of which will store which hereafter the Society Miss Lottie had been a member. The body was interred in the new burial their grain, while Mr. Merchant wi'l ground at Marion, which was dedicated use the old granary that tne&icietv owned and which ia on his store lot. on that day. Cor. The change will be all the better fur FRIO A. each party interested. B. R. . Visa. 1899. Sent. 14, Proa, Utah, on Tuesday. 12, 1899. iTrT SUMMIT COUNTY, Miss Eliza Stevens of Oakley was here KAMA. Kamas, Utah, Sept. TUZEl FRIDAY, COIM ABE SEPTEMBER 15, 1899, the tables fairly groaned with the good things upon them. The spread was very tastefully artanged, and the tables wets ornamented with cut flowers, celery and abuftt ev.erthmg eUe that wa good. Soo after II o lock noon Bishop Pas-kreturned thanks and the feast all doing their best to unload the table, but it was in vain. The ladies had ns beat and we had to give in, noogti being left to give a free lunch to all those ho paid 85 cents for a ticket to the 111 in the evening. It was the beat affair of the kind that has ever transpired hire and too much cannot be said in praise of the Young Ladies and those w ho assisted them in getting up this worthy vniertAinment. Thefollow-in- g program was rendered at the close of the dinner, and others not on the program alo took part making a very interesting entertainment: Address of OF SILVER, IB TO V No. 36. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE Supt. John Jones, The congregation then recited Articles of Faith, HELD IN COALVILLE SATUR- "the Supt. Oscar Wilkins reported the Peoa liiool. DAY AND SUNDAY. The first intermediate class of the Park City school gave an sub-ject, eierciw; "Raising Lazarus fromthe Dead, A double quartette was rendered by Elders Karl G, Maeser and J. W. member of the Coalville ichool. Summerhays Present and DeSupt. Thmnsi Dearden reported the liver Addresses. Henerer school. The superintendent of thb Rockport school being absent. Elder John Iforton , The annual Sunday school conference was called upon and reported that of Summit Stake convened In the Taber- school. r"' ' nacle on Saturday and Sunday last. Remarks were made by Elder J, W. The attendance was large and the exerSummerhays, of the Deseret 8unday cises seemed to be enjoyed by all. School Union Board, He answered th Stake Supt. John Boyden presided and following question : "Ifow severe should! called conference to order at 10.30. be concerning discipline in, onr Opening hymn was sung from page 154, claeses In Sabbath choolt" Said that welcome, Agnes Jones, response, Bp. Prayer by Bishop John Clark. Continno severity should be used, but iustead Paskeft ; song, Je-i- e and Aunie Daw-s- a ued by singing from page 106, love and firmness. Desired as effort to recitation, Violet Brewer; duet. Supt. Boyden made the opening re- be made to get all the children into tho t and daughter; recitation, marks. 8aid that the condition of Bp. the Sunday schools,' Advised the superinMvjmm Birhine, music, Ida Harris; Sunday schools in Summit Stake wae tendent not to allow their teachers to toast, E, A. Junta, response, Micah not as good as would be liked ; that one waste valuable time in discussing mysrecitation, Mary Johnson; drawhat k whs is not commencing school Also ipuie'ln regaril to fasUng teries. song, Electa Fow'er. promptly at 10 oclock, and advised that and testimony-bearin- g. ( rule be strictly adhered to la the this Elder Karl G. Maeser next spoke, Tho Editor' Aural Flight. future. question, "Do you recoin med the ImF, M. Higgins, Editor Seneca till.) The Coalville East Ward Sunday New, was afflicted for year with Piles provement Era as a text book? wan that no doctor or remedy helped ontil he school was reported by Supt. Wm, E, answered by him. Said that that magtried Buckleaa Arnia Salve, the best in Chappell. azine was published IoF' the Improveihe world. Ue writes, two boxes wholly An exercise lesson on "Courage was ment association and not tor Sunday cured him. infallible for Piles. Cure rendered by the primary class of the schools, and cannot be used as a text Sold 25c. gnaranteetLufJnly by John Hoyteville school. book. Said that the plan of study should . Boyden A Sue, druggists. The Lord Prayer, was recited by be laid out for at least three months. Old Folks Reunion. the congregation, At th doss of tbe morning session a 4 The reception to be given the old folks Supt. J, J. Bowen reported the condl teachers' meeting wa held. Elder, tomorrow promises to bo a grand affair. lion of th Hoytavill school. hfesser occupied most of the time giving Mine Judd of Wanshlp, age 8, very instructions Some nf the wards have not taken to the officers In regard to rendered the tong, "Guide prayer, roll call, officers interest beautifully in the affair to report, enough A reports, sta? , but the most of them have sent in the Me to Thee , tistics, etc, . Elder Karl G. Maeser, of th general inforutattao desired. One ot Coalvilles Eider Summerhays made some reSaid on that spoke. auperlntendeney the marks for following upon the IwsLorality llM poetry uf.rc4 :Snd4f Sept,- - l?tb, apodal share anr'r-- l'.f f i Jt inui thst--h-- er meeting would be held in every school to give tbw cJata good advise oar. Welcome, welcome, dear beloved, in the Stake, go that eyery teacher and virtu and morality, t- Friend and brothers, eiaters too. officer may be posted as to the proceedGreet we gladly with thanksgiving, mwiuy AnxaxooN, ings of this Conference. Stated that the Afternoon session opened by singing, All onr friendl both old and new. officers and teacher should come to the "Gather Round the Standard Bearer' Greatly blcseel and highly favored, conference prepared to take down all Elder W. E. Chappell, Conby Prayer Are here to meet again. the principle points, , tinued by ringing, "The Lord ia My And to mingle with our fellows, Conference adjourned till 3 p. m. bv Light. ; , Who hive reached three Score and ten, Homeward and "Marching tinging Th sacrament was. administered by ' God of heavn protect and benedictioo by Elder J. H. William. gaud ns Elders Wm. E, Chappell and Jobss From all evil, ein and strife, At the afternoon session, Assistant Bowen. ' And assist us by his spirit Supt, Enoch Brown made a few remark Elder Master gave instructions regardTo ohtajs eternal life. in regard to his Visit throughout the ing the sacramen t during the adminisel com-mene- ed, Ja-iket- ptt 'ihe following program ment will be carried out : f of entertain- 8ake. - tration, Supt. G. W. Yiung reported the conTh congregation recited lu concert dition of the Wtnship school. from tbe leaflet supplement and sue- Banquet at Academy building at 12 tn. Th first intermediate class of the talced the officer mentioned therein. Invocation..." Thomas Ball Coalville school gave an exercise cn the The Stake Sunday school officers werer ENT CRT ilaaKKT AT STiSI HOUSE, 2 F. M. Life of Joseph Sm'th, also presented and sustained, Speech, five minutes Preat. Cluff The congregation recited the "Ten Tbe Park City achool wu reported by . .Mrs. Thomtis Beard bong ..... Commandments. Supt, Fred Rasbaad, Recitation Mr. Alice Long Assistant 8upi. John H. Williams reA quartette wae rendered by member Speech, Ive minutes, . Chas. RodeWk ported the Coalville school. of the Park City school. Qaartette, "When My Ship Cornea A class exercise was rendered by the .Elder Ward E. Pack, of the Stake? Over the Sea, ..Messrs. first intermediate department of the made a few remark enPresidency, Caliis, Lindsay, Jones aod Stevena of Kamas school; subject, "Testimony tbe e Sunday school work, couraging Mrs. Alice Robi neon John the Baptist. Prest W, W, Cluff made remarks reRecitation L. L. Randall The Upton school was reported by r garding Sunday school work. Duet . John Dexter and Wife Supt, Charles Judd. Elder John 8argent, who has recently Speech, five minutes. Mr. Sarah to Aide Remarks were then made by Eider returned from a mission to New ZeaComic Song John Bowen Karl G, Mseser, Said there had been land, spoke for a short time regarding .Mrs. John Clark two questions handed In, the first being, hi missionary experience. f Speech, five minutes . . . Rev. Warner "What can be done to cause a better atElder Karl G. Maeser gave instrucMessrs. Quartette; "Medley ' tendance at Sunday school T Said the tions to those who should report their Call, Lindsay, Jones and Stevena teachers should set an example by ' schools at the next conference. Also reRecitation.. Mr. Learning constant attendance at school. Confiqueried that each school practice conComic Song Isaac Shaw dence ie lost in the teacher if he is not cert recitation ia the future on tbe Benediction. . . ., Richard Birch ala ays present. The second question subjects; "The Lord's Prayer, The dty'a entertainment will conclude was, "What course would voa advise to Ten Commandments, "Article of -with a grand ball in CinfTs hall, which jbe followed in a ward where teacher are Faith," "Testimony of the Three W-U- ' will commence at 8 oclock sharp and needed and they cannot be secured from nesses, Offio"General in thy close t 2. Ticket, 50 cent. All ' members of the Sunday school V Let Church, etc. . over 70 years of age will be admitted the superintendent' consult with th Remarks were made by Elder Sum- free. The proceed wilf be used to debishopric and find on who ire best, bicrhays on the tikkla fond donation, ' fray expense. qualified for a teacher in the whole end advised the teacher to lnstracfc ward. Spoke for some time on punctu- their pupils to he A Powder Mill virtuous, honest, atev at Explosion nee of the hymn book, baptism After ality, and benediction singing Removes everything insight; so do of childreo, and. Hie wrd of wisdom, H. F. Bishop drastic mineral pill, but both are migh be ; our oed sine die. tv dangerous. No need to dynamite your Said the Juvenile Instructor should body when Dr, King' New Life Pillr used in the ectiool. In tbe evening e religion class meet" uorf and perfectly. was held, at which Eider Sunday Momma. ing Lures Headache,easiy Constipation. Only ' 25 cents t John Boyden & Sons drug Thomas Copiey, a Sunday school and Summerhays spoke. Elder store. , missionary, made a few remarks regardCREAM WHITES VERMIFUGE The most delicate constitution can school. Varn-uing his visits to the ill remove-ever- y eafek-use BALL A perfectly harmless, and RD8 HOREHO0ND An exercise was rendered by th theo worm. It is also tonic, and by itn SYBUP. in a sure and pleasant remclass ot the Coal vide hooIpub-ject, Strenthening properties will restore t- -. edy for eoshs.loee of voice and al th roat logical "The Gospel. pale cheeks the rosy hue olheJth. lYicfe . and long troubles. Price 25 and 50c, 25 ets. JOHN BOYDEN A SON. , was school reported John Boydea A Son. . by The Kamas 4 Step-danc- - fob-low- ing - s 1 A - I. 1 4 ' y |