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Show Sclm.r.l. ,,, n ttlllv.i Trsllrj. Ilcrlln, hept 0. 1 lia Cologne C-a-etto scml-ofllclnl, sa)s llcruiaii) will neither penult Colonel .Sehwnrzkoppen to go In Itennen nor will she allow him to be subjected to nny examination examina-tion Count Von lluclow a declaration respecting the lnuoci nee uf Dreyfus-was Dreyfus-was made after careful examination nnd consultation with the emperor. These declaration did not meet In A l'rnnro with tho" recognition tfiey de- T, served, nnd there Is no gunrnntcu thai , Coloucl N hwariltupcii, us n witness, would meet with nn) better reception The opinion In nfllclnl circles la that (lermaiiy cannot again expose herself ) to tho possibility that her ofllclal 1 declaration would remain disregarded or be treated as false " The other paper Ulce n similar ground, the Nntloual (laiette saying- ) Hint Herman) 'a decision will bo rightfully right-fully understood overywhero outside , ot Franco |