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Show WOMAN'S WAYS. As SlMvnUlon Are fail rlnitlnr ! hy an ordinary linker. Chicago Journal. "Deliver me from any more wheat deals with women," said the commission man, wearily, "Just read this letter. I)o you see w hat sho s) s? Calls ino n robber and sa)s she will prosecute me. She won't do that, of course, because It she did her folks would find out about her little lit-tle speculation, and I know her well enough lu understand the she wouldn't let It out If she could help It, and she couldn't prosecute me anyway. Then look at the lest of It. Ono would think from that letter I was running the biggest skin game on earth, llut I suppose I ought not to be surprised. I never saw a woman yet who didn't want odds of a million to one In her fator It she took It Into her head to put up a little money on something. I'll tell )ou what brought out all ol that abuse This woman decided soma time ago to trade a Utile In wheat. She wrote, sending me 120. with Instructions In-structions to buy her 1.000 bushels. I did so, but the price of wheat went down almost as soon as I had telephoned tele-phoned the order oter to the firm at the board. I made up ray mind that the shouldn't loae It I could help It, even If I had to help her out myself. So I began margining for her on my own account. I put up 120 without being worried much, for I thought tbo prlco would go up soon, but It didn't, and 1 bad to spend another 20 to savo my own margin. There was MO gone Just to protect her little old K. lie-foro lie-foro the market bgan to come up again I had to put In ISO. Then ono day the price came up very gradually. As toon us It got to the point where I could save in) self I told out, as any wise man would bate done In my fix. Aa It happened, too, the price went back Just after I bad sold out, proving the wisdom of my course. Well, I Informed my client of what I had done, supposing she would be delighted de-lighted at the Interest I bad taken and at ray attempt to save her Invest j ment for her. You can Judge for your--self from that letU'r how well pleased she Is. Says I am a robber, afjer I took nil that pains to put up that money to save her old 1 10 No, I guess I won't do any mora trading with women. They expect too much." |