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Show PROSECUTIONS OF FOOD TRUSTS Washington. Jan 15. Prompt proserin pros-erin ions will follow the discovery of any evidences of illegal combinations combina-tions buck of th' recent marked in-creast in-creast B in the cost of wheat and flour Attorney General Gregory said tonight. to-night. He added that the Instructions Instruc-tions sent to all United States dis trict attorneys at the direclon of President Wilson lollowlng the in i r ase In food prices after the outbreak out-break of the European war still stood, and that the latest developments In the situation would be closely fol lowed. Mr. Gregory said that the federal investigation into the flour and wheal situation leing carried on in Chicago was hi accordance with the general Instructions from the department of justice. Up to the present, however, he had rocpivfft nn irifrirtnatinn thut illefnl practices had been resorted to. rl he BUggestion of Mrs Julian Heatb president of the National Housewives' league, to President Wilson thai .'in embargo on the ex portatlon of wheat from the United States be imposed if the prices cou tinned to go up was laid before the president tonight, but no action wa! taken. At the request of Chairman Leve? I of the agriculture committee, Secrr tarj Houston today promised to fir. -nish, as soon as possible, the infoi mation as to the production, consume tlon and exportation of food products called for in the pending resolution Introduced by Representative Farr of Pennsylvania It was understood toil, to-il, ht that there is no present Intention Inten-tion of taking up in the house committees com-mittees any of the various resolutions and bills relating to the food situation sit-uation as action on them would ac compllsh no good end. "The present situation." Representative Represen-tative Leever said tonight: "strongly "strong-ly emphasizes the necessity fol putting put-ting into operation all kinds of machinery ma-chinery to Increase foodstuff?, but I think there is no possibility ol a famine." fam-ine." Secretary Houston has written a 'otter to Representative Favr. predicting pre-dicting a great extension of aczreage planted in grain in the coming season. sea-son. "Our farmers," wrote the secretary, "are capable of producing very much more foodstuffs than they have here-fore here-fore produced. The Indications are that a considerable extension of acreage acre-age will be witnessed this season " |