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Show i Woman's Page I tVhen the Baby Is Teething," by a Physician Large Number Num-ber of Babies Lost Every Year as a Result of Baby Ailments Ail-ments Which Are Preventable For Home Dressmaker Dress-maker Home Made Marshmallows and Marshmallow Roll. "The stars incline, hut do not compel"' Horoscope inday, January 17, 1915, (Copyright, 1015, by the McClures Newspaper Syndicate ) The stars are kindly In their sway today. Astrology finds that Mars. Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun arc all in benefic aspect I ndp'- this rule It is held that Rreat plans may be formed and that organization Is fasy The co-opera 'tion of powerful friends may be readily readi-ly procured. Vlsitinp is especially lucky while this configuration prevails The Influences In-fluences arc supposed to uplift the ralnd and to encnura?e the sort of hospitality thai leads to important results. re-sults. Mars is in a place held to be disadvantageous dis-advantageous for study, investigation, .pharmacy, and surgery. Hospitals will urnsiirr, and large endowments are! promised A sign is rpad as presaging a peace .movement that shall he slow in gain-'Ing gain-'Ing headway The nnffn of the country coun-try most interested will not encourage J if. but she is subject to an evil direc- : tion that may cause her serious trouble The death of an American diplomat 1a foreshadowed Mr wis sacrifice his, M(p for humanity, it is prophesied. Danger for helpless women who will come to the United States is indicated, indi-cated, and warning Is rtivpti that forces of evil will traffic in the young Special care for refugees is' necessai v , the seers declare and they I prophecy revelations concerning shocking prnctices ihat are protected ) by powerful nrganizal ons In .w York City. A reformer may lose his life. Saturn gives power to the old todav Buoyanjej and hopefulness should characterize them Saturn retrograde in the ruling sign of the- United St-ntes may cause de-Trpssion de-Trpssion in certain lines of business, despite a general revival, but the indications in-dications for the next few weeks are good Schools continue fG bo suhject to the mot stimulating influences. Students Stu-dents "ill make extraordinary records for serious study, it Is predicted Persons whose birthdate it is have the prognostication of success during the coming year Men should nrosner In business and women should attain their hearts' desires Children born on thl day have a i happy omen Thse subiects of Caori-corn Caori-corn partake also, of Aouarius and . may have an aptitude for the fine arts. ' long life and lofty position are proh-i able. Mcnday. January. 18, 1915. (Copyright 1915. by 'he McClure s I Newspaper Svndicate. ) According to aslrob'gy this is an unimportant day, far as the read-Ing read-Ing of the tjrs is concerned Mer- cury is faintlv benefic and Mars slight-1 ly ad vers f- It should be a favorable Lime for 1 correspondence and the settling of accounts., ac-counts., educational work is subject to a ' fairly lucky government o: the stars The seers prophecy radical changes in methods of instruction and an In- ' crease of men teachers in the public schools. A woman's college will gain dls- j tinctlon this year by a public-spirited movement. Mars today may increase liability to accident it Is said Broken bones, cuts and bruises are to be avoided While the aspect is in operation It is well to be temperate in all things, and the emotionc and sympathies should be guarded against the sway of impulse It is not a good influence for love affairs, as quarrels are easily engendered. engen-dered. Racial troubles again are Indicated Hawaii may be the center of strife. Neptune Is in a place read as indicative indi-cative of Socialistic measures In the House of Commons and an outburst of protest from the suffragettes ot England. Washington is cautioned concerning trouble on the high seas The signs are most threatening to shipping Interests, In-terests, the seers announce. There is an encouraging sign for the navy of Great Britain which, should be victorious during the next i few weeks, but great loss of life in water Is prognosticated A period of terrible cold and 'stormy weather will Increase the hor-I hor-I rors of war within a few days I One of the Iondon astrologers predicts pre-dicts that there will be a slaughter of the young such as history has never recorded, not even during the childien's crusades of the middle ages. This Is 1aken to mean that boys will be called to the front In the war. Persons whose birthdate it Is are warned not to quarrel or enter into litigation. Thev should pay strict at tention t business. Women mav have small worries, but the year should be a fairly prosperous one. Children loin on this day are likely I lo be exceedingh alert and clever They may partake of Aquarius traits. as well as of Capricorn characteristics. characteris-tics. Usually these persons on the cusp make the most of their opportunities. |