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Show MODERN HOUSES STANDJHOCKS Pans. Jan. 16, 4:25 a m The cor respondent oi the Excelsior in Rome wires that he leanie officially that L35.0C0 persons were killed and 45,000 injured in the earthquake Newspaper specials from Rome agree that the great mortality is at-trjbutable at-trjbutable to the method of dry construction con-struction employed in the affected region, re-gion, the stones being piled upon each other without mortar The only buildings which escaped total deatruc-: deatruc-: tion were the modern houses built of reinforced concrete The serious landslide which has occurred at Monte ('oi vino Rovella. which sent masses iof earth from the mountainside into the Fueino canal, damming that stream, threatens to add a flood to the other calamities in the region. Gangs of men are working strenuously strenuous-ly to remove the obstruction. |