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Show MILITARY DEADLOCK IN EUROPEAN I WAR ZONE BROKEN UNEXPECTEDLY I WBB Russian Offensive Toward New Points on Frontiers of East HH Prussia and Posen, the Fighting at Soissons, Turkish Ad- mm vance on Egypt and Plans for Renewed Attack on H Servia by Combined Austro-German Forces iflH Putting New Life in Great Conflict. IB GERMAN VICTORY AT SOISSONS CONCEDED I Kaiser's Forces Have Not Abandoned Hope of Reaching Calais and Are Planning New Offensive in Belgium and North- ern France Turks Determined to Invade Egypt HB Porte's Troops Are Massing With All Possible BE Speed South of Syria. BB Amsterdam, Jan. 16, via London, 6:20 p. m. The cor- Kft respondent at Ostend of the TIJD says the Germans have Bjffi evacuated all the coast towns and villages as far north as gL Mariakerke, which is north of Nieuport, Westende and Mid- B& delkerke, and three miles southwest of Ostend. These towns, however have not as yet been occupied by wti. the allies. Bgjjb Paris, Jan. 16. 2 4" p m The French official statement given out in Paris this afternoon makes no specific reference to the recent heavy fighting north of Soissons .Most of the activity of yesterday seems to have been on the part of the artillery and in this the French eiaim success. suc-cess. There were infantry engagements engage-ments near Notre Dame de Lorette near Flirey, and at a point in the Vosges. The text of the official statement follows. "In Belgium yesterdav there was artillery ar-tillery fichtlns in the region of Nieuport Nieu-port and In the vicinity of Vpres. Kaiser s Troops Re occupy Trenches. "From the Lys to the Somme- At Notre Dame de Lorette. near Caren-cy, Caren-cy, the enemy reoccupled a portion of the trenches he lost to us January 3. At Blangy, near Arras, we have continued con-tinued to make (2p&res& The eu-emy eu-emy delivered an energetic attack, preceded by a violent artillery fire on our positions to the west of La-Boisselle La-Boisselle This attack was repuls?d "Along the entire front, from the Somme to the Meu6e. no Infantry en-gagementfl en-gagementfl were reported yesterday. In the sectors of Soissons and of Rhelma our artillery obtained noticeable notice-able advantage at several different points, such as the scattering of a regiment that was about to reassemble, reas-semble, causing an explosion In a German Ger-man battery and the destruction of field works. . In the Arconne there was yesterday yester-day a rather determined attack on our positions at Fontan Madame German Attack Checked. "From the Argonne to the Vosges: We checked completely a spirited at tack of the enemy directed against our trenches at Flirey. and the Germans Ger-mans evacuated the crest of the hill to the north of Clemery east of Pont a Mousson. This they were I oni-pelled oni-pelled to do by the fire of our ;irtil lery. "In the sector of the Vosges there were artillery exchanges on all the front. There was also some heavy rifle firing, particularly at Tete de Faux "In upper Alsace there was no change." Berlin Jan. 10. By wireless to London. 3 p. m After several days of violent encounters, the fighting near Soissons has virtually ceased Nowhere else along the western battle bat-tle line is there marked activity Small successes have been won by the Germans in the Arsonne and l north of Verdun This is set forth in the official German communication i issued here today. Berlin. Jan. D by wireless to Ixm don. 3 p. m The following official statement was given out today at the war office: "In the western theatre of war only artillery battles took place in the neighborhood of Nieuport. "The enemy's attacks, on our posl-I posl-I tions northeast of Arras were re 'pulsed. In a counter attack our troops captured two trenches :imi made prisoners of the occupants ' The hamlet of LaBoiselle. northeast north-east of Albert, which has been mentioned men-tioned Frequently of late, was completely com-pletely destroyed yesterday and cleared clear-ed of all Frenchmen. French Lose 35 Cannon. "Northeast of Soissons. quiet reigned. reign-ed. The number of cannon captured there from the French from the 12th to the 14th of January was increased to 35. In the Argonne and in the forest of ('onsen voye, north of Verdun, trivial, triv-ial, and for us successful engagements, engage-ments, took place An attack of the allies of St. Mihiel broke down at the start under our fire "Nothing of importance has occurred occur-red In the YoKges. 'In the eastern theatre of war the Hta situation is the same. Rainy, gloomy Hull weather has prevented all fighting'' Vf London, Jan. 16. 1:05 p. m Out jBsS of the state of virtual deadlock, which Wfi& for weeks has existed in the east and WBjfa vest, there have sprung during the last few days military events of more importance than followers of the war (tijf expected at this time. They are, mi briefly. The Russian offensive to- wards new points on the frontiers of Mfc East Prussia and Posen. the fighting 1 at Soissons. the expected Turkish ad- B vance on ESgypi and the plans lor a Hem renewed attack on Servia by com-' Mm bined ustro-German forces. To the west of Warsaw large Ger- man forces are still concentrated, but H!m' they are gaining little ground and It ElL It thought likely that the fighting f" which will develop as a result of the j, new Russia movement, may for The I time being, overshadow the fightli g tor the Polish capital. It Is even sflj iff gested that Field Marshal Von H II I denburg, held in check along 1 II I Bzura tnd Rawka rivers, is about jp initiate a fresh movement of Gern j troops either from Thorn or fr I. East Prussia and that the Russian II f vance toward the German frontier ll K intended to forestall this attempt. B British Concede German Victory.! The British press, with unusual P candor, concedes that the Germans were victors In the recent fighting & near Soissons. remarking that it is W a relief from the customary' contra- R, dictions to find the ofticial eommuni- W cations in agreement on so many im- portant points. .Military writers, w speculating as to the reason for Em- K peror William's presence at the front B during the fighting near Soissons. sug- R:. gest that General Von Kluck "either H requested the emperor to come and 'Mt inspire enthusiasm among the weary ftv troops, or else felt so sure of his R ability io force back the French over the river, that he desired to have the Ka . emperor witness the victory." B, A third theory is. that Emperor Wil- 11- liam is visiting various points along K." the western front, feeling out the sit- m uation with a view to selecting the n I most likely spot for an attempt to k I break through in the spring. Bft Dispatches reaching London today K h! assert that the Germans have not mf- abandoned hope of reaching Calais. Hf- and are planning a new offensive in Bp,-', Belgium and northern France. Ac- Hpv''' cording to these advices, train after Br train loaded with troops is moving K into Flanders. With the touch so Hfc often added heretofore on the occa- B; sion of any approaching holiday or anniversary, these dispatches say K-. that the German soldiers hope to Mitt present Calais to Emperor William for a birthday present. Blti Onlv a small fraction of the British Hfif; military writers profess to see in the K$ German advance at Soissons any new threat against Paris. They pay more Kfr; attention, however, to the cumulative HbI indications that the Turks are deter- Kjjg mined to attempt an invasion of !E Egypt. The general feeling is that MvB any such raid could be checked as the HKg Turks would have to reckon with not jagg onlv the British troops, but with war- Kffl ships, which, operating In the Suez Kg canal, off Akabah. Arabia and at other ragR points, will be able to share in the m work of opposing the invaders. B&l Turks Massing Troops. BPrJ Aware of the fact that it is less dif- HNffi fieult to cross the deseret In winter Oil than in summer, the Turks are said lo be massing troops with all possible wgj speed south of Syria. K i" Latest advices relative to the proo- pectlve Austro-German attack on ber- HRf via say that Bavarians and Prussians BRc are on the wav to Budapest to efrecc W$l a junction with the remnants of the- Kg four or five Austrian army corps mm which suffered so severely at the MB&jjl hands of the Servians. Kfi |